Your E Book Management

This site is a resource providing links to texts for serious truth-seekers or researchers utilizing e-reader technology.

Your E Book Management
Not all the links provided here will have a "download" option available in the format needed for your e-reader. Some links go to text or PDF that may need to be copied and pasted to create a new document on your computer. After your new document is created, it can be converted and transfered to your device with an e-reader management software. I use a free downloaded software called "Calibre". You can view a demo of "Calibre" here. 10 Text to speech apps here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

17 Ways to Use the Kindle for Bible Study

Why not lighten your load and use a Kindle for Bible studies? You can take notes, highlight passages, search for words and phrases and interact with scriptural text on a Kindle just as you would with a book or with your Bible. If you think the Kindle is a bit pricey, this list of 25 ways to use the Kindle for Bible study may change your mind about Kindle’s sticker price.
The following list is categorized by reasons to own a Kindle (convenience), Bibles and Bible study search links and a sampling of religious writers who are available on Kindle. All links lead to search options, tools and authors and their achievements.


Replace your books with Kindle editions
  1. Library in your pocket: This is a main selling point for Logos, and the logic works just as well for Kindle. The Kindle DX is slightly over 1/3 inch thick (about 8.5 mm), and has a 4 GB (3.3 GB user-accessible) storage capacity, which can hold approximately 3500 non-illustrated e-books. If you have that many books in your library at home, you may have already thought about all the room you’d save by using a Kindle.
  2. Expanded file formats: The newer versions of Kindle support more than Kindle’s DRM-protected AZW format. Amazon offers and email-based service that converts JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP graphics to AZW, as well as HTML and Microsoft Word (DOC) support. The upgrade for Kindle 2 added native PDF support. Use the table on this Wikipedia page to learn more about the formats available for your Kindle.
  3. Free wireless coverage: Coverage for downloading books or to check your email is not available everywhere in the U.S., but this map can provide you with information about Kindle’s coverage. Think about how handy this coverage can be for many classes or for Bible study groups.
  4. Many books are free: The Kindle Store at Amazon as well as many other online sites offer free books. While many are not conducive to Bible study (see resources for Bible study below), the cost of other Kindle books often are well below the cost of a paperback version of that same book.
  5. Sell your books to buy a Kindle: In sum, the convenience of a Kindle is at your fingertips. If you are still balking at the price, take a look at your library like Tim Challies did, and determine what you can sell to pay for the Kindle…many of the books you now own now are available to use on Kindle, so you can make room in your library for other things (like a home-based Bible study group, perhaps?).
  6. Use Kindle on your iPhone: If you don’t want to purchase a Kindle just yet, you can gain access to Kindle books through your iPhone (if you have an iPhone!) with a free iPhone app.
  7. More options for Kindle books: If you don’t own a Kindle or an iPhone, you can gain access to Kindle books through apps for PC computers and for Blackberry devices. If you own a Mac computer, sign up now for notification about an upcoming Mac app that can gain access to Kindle books.

Bibles and Bible Study

If you use the search for “from low to high” prices at any Amazon search page, you may find some free options for Kindle readers. Use these Bibles and study materials as well as other resources (such as Open Courseware Classes) to absorb the Bible to its fullest.
  1. Bible and Other Sacred Texts: This particular search reveals many Bibles available to download to your Kindle, as well as the Quran and Talmud.
  2. Bible Commentary: Use this search option at Amazon to find commentaries for various Bibles such as KJV or ASV.
  3. Bible Commentary Sets: These sets vary in their options, as they either are generic or Bible-specific. Most contain expanded commentary, including maps, charts, or book-specific commentaries.
  4. Bible Options: This search leads to various options to the traditional Bible, including a Bible in contemporary language, the Apologetics Study Bible, a complete Jewish Bible, the Jefferson Bible and much more.
  5. Bible Study: This link leads to the Bible Study option at the Amazon Kindle Store. You can search for Bible study books by title, customer review or by price.
  6. Bible Study Guides: Amazon makes a wide variety of Bible study guides available to many markets, from an equally wide variety of writers.
  7. Bible Translations: Use the menu to the left of this search page to discover Biblical translations for a wide variety of Bibles.
  8. Christian Books: From fiction to theology and from how-to books to music, this search reveals thousands of books available to Kindle readers.
  9. Religious Studies: One way to learn how to understand the Bible is to learn what others are saying about religion. The topics within this search range from church and state to psychology and from controversial knowledge to sociology.
  10. This is a very short list of Christian writers who have books available in Kindle versions. You might want to browse through some evangelical Christian blogs to learn more about other writers who offer their books through Kindle as well.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Turn Commuting Time into Productive Time


Commuting need not be a waste of time. Text2Go turns any online text to speech & transfers it to your iPod or MP3 player. Now you can listen to information while commuting, out for a run or in the gym.

  • Keep up to date with the latest developments in your profession

  • Listen to your favourite blogs and online magazines

  • Enjoy a huge selection of novels in eBook format

  • Listen to long emails and clear out your Inbox

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2011


    With "Drivecast", you can listen to your favourite programmes when you want and wherever you are. All you wanted to know about Drivecast you should be able to find at the Drivecast blog  here.

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    Pediaphone: Let your computer or phone read Wikipedia to you

    Let your computer read out the Wikipedia for you!

    Learning during jogging and driving! E-learning and m-learning with MP3 players and mobile phones! A podcast and a winamp play list will be generated too.

    To generate a Wikipedia audio article, click here.

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    Open Library

    Open Library will send books to your Kindle!

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    How to spot a counterfeit bible.

    Many people write and ask about a certain version of the Bible. With over 200 different English versions available and a new one coming out every 6 months, it’s difficult to individually separate Satan’s counterfeits from the Word of God.
    We created 25 simple checks to spot one of Satan’s counterfeits.
    If any Bible version fails any one of the following tests – it is one of Satan’s counterfeits. You can click on any of the check verses to display the authentic Word of God for comparison.
    Note: This is by no means ALL the fraud and corruption found in the counterfeits. There are thousands of such distortions. This is a simple and quick checklist. Check your Bible and see if it is a counterfeit.
    1. Genesis 22:8 The counterfeits change “. . . My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:. . .” to distort the prophesy that God would become the Lamb. The counterfeits read as, “God will provide for Himself the lamb. . .” or “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering”. The fulfillment of Genesis 22:8 is found in John 1:29.
    2. Isaiah 14:12 Most counterfeits confuse the Lord Jesus Christ with Lucifer. They replace the word “Lucifer” with “morning star, day star, star of the morning”. Morning star is a title reserved for the Lord Jesus in Revelation 22:16. This is also the only time the word “Lucifer” is found in the Word of God. In Isaiah 14:15 the counterfeits do not send Lucifer to “hell” but only to the confusing “Sheol”, or the “grave”.
    3. Matthew 20:20 Many counterfeits remove the words “worshipping him” and rob worship from the Lord Jesus Christ. Some will replace “worshipping him” with “kneeling down” or “kneeling before”, but just simply “kneeling” is not worship.
    4. Matthew 26:28 Many counterfeits replace the phrase “new testament” with the generic phrase “new agreement” or “new covenant”. This is an obvious attack on the written Word of God. It’s interesting, even though the counterfeits remove the phrase “new testament”, they do not title their New Testaments as “New Agreement” or “New Covenant”. Why? The counterfeiters know they could not sell their counterfeit bearing the title “New Agreement” or “New Covenant” on the cover, so like any good counterfeiter, they disguise it.
    5. Mark 3:29 The counterfeits change the serious consequences of blaspheme against the Holy Ghost from “eternal damnation” to “eternal sin” or “eternal condemnation”.
    6. Luke 4:4 Many counterfeits remove the last half of Luke 4:4, “. . . but by every word of God” This is another assault on the Word of God. In Luke 4:4, the Lord Jesus Christ is quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. Do the counterfeiters believe the Lord Jesus does not know what Deuteronomy 8:3 says?
    7. Luke 4:8 Many counterfeits remove the words “get thee behind me, Satan”. Here the Lord Jesus Christ openly rebukes Satan – but the counterfeits do not rebuke Satan.
    8. Luke 16:23 Many counterfeits refuse to translate the Greek word “haides”. Rather than translate “haides” to the word “hell”, the counterfeit will transliterate the Greek word “haides” into the English “hades”. By this trick the counterfeit attempts to extinguish the flames of hell. Hades is not “hell”. Hell is flames, torments, weeping and wailing, complete darkness – forever. Hades is a new-age place of purification, or a fantasy place in Greek mythology. The Assyrian Hades is an abode of blessedness with silver skies called Happy Fields.
    9. John 4:24 Many counterfeits change “God is a spirit” to “God is spirit”. By removing the critical article “a”, the counterfeits teach an impersonal, formless, esoteric, new-age “spirit god”.
    10. John 14:16 Many counterfeits change the Holy Spirit from a loving, concerned “Comforter” to simply another “Helper, Counselor”.
    11. Acts 2:47 Many counterfeits change the completed act of “saved” to the working, in progress “being saved”. With this change, the counterfeits deny the complete and finished salvation in the blood of Jesus Christ to a progressive, salvation by works. You are no longer “saved” but in the process of “being saved”. See also in 1 Corinthian 1:18 and 2 Corinthians 2:15.
    12. Acts 4:27 Many counterfeits abort the Lord Jesus Christ as the Father’s “holy child” to His “holy servant”. A subtle (see Genesis 3:1) and clever denial of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. The counterfeits do this again in Acts 4:30.
    13. Acts 8:37 Some counterfeits completely remove this wonderful verse (and several others). Acts 8:37 is the Ethiopian eunuch getting saved. The counterfeits stop him from getting saved. Some counterfeits are a little more subtle. They do not remove the verse from the text, but will add a footnote questioning the verse and plant a seed of doubt. Sound familiar? “Yea, hath God said. . .?” Many counterfeits also remove: Matthew 17:21, 18:11, 23:14, Mark 7:16, 9:44, 9:46, Mark 11:26, 15:28, Luke 17:36, 23:17, John 5:4, Acts 8:37, 15:34, 24:7, 28:28, Romans 16:24 and 1 John 5:7!
    14. Acts 17:29 The counterfeits change “Godhead” to the new age doctrine of “Divine Nature” or “Divine Being”.
    15. Romans 6:22 Many counterfeits demote Christians from the voluntary, loving “servants of God” to cruel “enslaved” or “slaves of God”. The counterfeits describe my Father as a “slave owner” and His precious children as “slaves”. Oh how contrary and wicked to the character of my loving and wonderful Heavenly Father! This is done many times in the counterfeits. It’s amazing because the first part of Romans 6:22 reads “. . . being made free from sin,. . .” and according to the counterfeits we now are slaves!
    16. 1 Corinthians 1:21 Many counterfeits change “. . .the foolishness of preaching. . .” to the “foolishness of what was preached” or “foolishness of the message preached”. The deceitful counterfeits change the object of “foolishness” from the act of “preaching” to the “message” of preaching – the gospel of the Lord Jesus. There’s nothing “foolish” about the “message” of Jesus Christ – it’s the greatest and most reasonable message in the history of the universe! 1 Corinthians 1:18, shines some eye-opening light on the counterfeiters. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says “. . . the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” It makes you wonder. . . are the publishers of these counterfeits saved?
    17. 1 Corinthians 6:9 The counterfeits change the word “effeminate” to “homosexual” or “male prostitutes”. This dilutes the serious warning of just the appearance or mannerism (effeminate) to the sexual act of homosexuals.
    18. 2 Corinthians 2:17 The counterfeits change the word “corrupt the word of God” to “peddling (or selling) the word of God”. An apparent attempt by the counterfeiters to hide the fact they are “corrupting the word of God”. It won’t work. . . God knows what they are doing.
    19. 2 Corinthians 10:5 The counterfeits change “imaginations” to “arguments” or “obstacles” or “speculations”. This change lines the counterfeit up with the new age religion, as the new age is built upon “imaging” and “imaginations”. It also removes the spiritual identification to where sin begins – in our imaginations.
    20. Colossians 1:14 Many counterfeits remove the phrase “through his blood”. Salvation is only “through his blood”. Without shedding of blood is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22)
    21. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 The counterfeits change “all appearance of evil” to “every form (or kind) of evil”.
    22. 1 Timothy 3:16 Many counterfeits change the crucial word “God” to the unmodified, vague pronoun “he”. This is the clearest verse in the Bible stating that Jesus Christ was “God manifest in the flesh” and the counterfeits destroy it.
    23. 1 Timothy 6:10 The counterfeits add the words “kinds of”. This addition dilutes the conclusive statement, “. . .the love of money is the root of all evil” to the subjective “. . .the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”.
    24. 2 Timothy 2:15 The counterfeits remove the word “study”. The counterfeits do not want you to study your Bible. You might just find out they are mutilating it.
    25. Revelation 1:5 Many counterfeits change the wonderful words “washed us from our sins in his own blood,” to “loosed” or “freed” us from our sins. Revelation 1:5 is the only verse in the Bible that says you are washed in the blood – and the counterfeits destroy it. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
    Which Bible is the true Word of God?
    “I want to know one thing — the way to heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God Himself has condescended to teach the way; for this very end He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a Book.
    O give me that Book! At any price, give me the Book of God!”
    — John Wesley
    This tract and others are available in “printed” form.To order printed tracts.
    Ronald Reagan and The King James Bible
    Table documenting over 300 verses changed in the new versions.
    Table documenting complete verses removed in the new versions.
    Table documenting 15 major Bible words removed in the new versions.
    The New International PERVersion
    The New King James Bible: Counterfeit.
    "How We Got The Bible" Lightfoot

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Kindle Integration for SermonAudio Transcription Service

    Amazon Kindle eBook Reader support and integration is here on SermonAudio! You can now send any sermon transcript with a single click to your Kindle device wirelessly, instantly, and for free (with a WIFI connection).

    Give it a try on this sample sermon or browse all newest transcripts or search through all existing transcripts! We hope you'll enjoy the latest way we integrate with your favorite portable devices. Help spread the word to your friends!