Politics Of Witchcraft
to "Tennessee Waltz" by Tupper Saussy
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.” - St.
Paul, Ephesians 6:12
a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked." -
Proverbs 29:12
that you have read James's book, you should be convinced that (a)
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered by someone other than James
Earl Ray, and (b) James has been unlawfully locked in prison and in
history by American dignitaries as the symbol
of that murderer.
you believe James is innocent, you have brought yourself to the
threshold of one of the most important decisions of your life.
Because, you see, if James and his extensive documentation are
telling the truth, it must follow that his accusers with their
stifled evidence in obstruction of justice are not telling the truth.
His accusers are, to put it in the simplest term available, liars.
use "liar" deliberately and advisedly. The word is derived
from the Indo-European root Leugh - and the Old English leogan, "to
tell a lie." With the prefix waer, "faith or pledge,"
we get the Old English waerlogan, "oath-breaker."
Waerlogan in modern English is warlock, "a male witch, a demon."
fossils of the word tell us that false representation, oath-breaking
and witchcraft are part of that complex process known as lying. A
liar, then, is a witch or demon who distorts reality to your injury
and his gain. To establish credibility with you, he may give the
appearance of helping you, but in the long term, he claims your life,
just as another liar will claim his.
is deadly and highly contagious. The man who receives his
information from a liar will spew out lies when he passes the
information on. When you have liars trained in the demonic arts
controlling the highest seats of governmental authority, you will
have liars controlling the information channels. When their lies
fill the printed pages, loudspeakers, and TV screens, you will have
liars administering the work places, marketplaces, schools, churches,
and homes. Without realizing it, your nation becomes possessed by
demons. Your nation practices the politics of witchcraft.
liar's fortunes are very cleverly established on his pretenses of
virtue, otherwise well-meaning people would have nothing to do with
him. He will not think twice about murdering to protect his good
reputation, just as a woman cursed with a fetus from a lie - marriage
will murder the baby to keep demands on her finances and her time at
a minimum. In a lying society, murder is an acceptable alternative
to radically changing one's views. In lying societies, the virtues
are brutishness, deceit, sodomy, theft, debt, suicide, art. He who
is most menacing and monstrous is most popular. The most powerful
liar rules. The Oscars and Emmys and political elections go to the
best impersonators, while the Grammys and centerfolds go to the best
powerful in appearance, liars are in reality extremely fragile.
There is no protection for a liar except (1) darkness or (2) the
mercy of a more powerful liar. This is why lying societies crave
dimness of room and of mind. It is why they seek bondage to human
authority. Now, the bondage won't necessarily manifest itself
through the familiar symbols of slavery. Not all American
lie-families keep on hand whips and chains like those found in CIA
agent and eminently respectable Clay Shaw's New Orleans home by
investigators searching out Shaw's supervisory involvement in
President Kennedy's assassination.
demonic political systems, the bondage is assumed through adhesion
contracts extended by liars to lie-believers. Nearly every American
is bound by such contracts. The most prevalent one is the process by which citizens periodically give power of attorney to liars through
voter registration. A registered voter is subject to every regulation
passed by his representative, regardless of how tyrannical or insane.
When founding father Elbridge Gerry condemned "the fury of
excess democracy," not one framer of our Constitution took issue
with him. They all knew that "democracy" was government
by mob, by demons, by wicked servants, and this is why they put the
U.S. Senate beyond the reach of the people. National senators were
elected only by state legislators until May 31, 1913, when the 17th
amendment opened the Senate to the fury of democracy. 1913 was also
the year the Federal Reserve was created by Congress to burden the
people with usury and debt; it was the year, too, of the creation of
what has become the Internal Revenue Service.
institution of democracy in 1913 quickly produced demonic results:
within two decades, the flower of the American manhood was destroyed
in World War I and the spirit of free enterprise was dimmed by a
federal reserve catastrophe which sent millions of Americans praying
to Washington DC for salvation. They got the best a democracy could
come up with, the ancient "devil's pact:" We will protect
you socially in exchange for a lifetime of tribute. What was not
revealed was that the security depended upon a uniform social
bondage, and he who attempted to revolt, reform, or break free would
by condemned. (All claims to constitutional rights were waived upon
signing the contract. As the signpost at the gate of hell ays,
"Abandon all hope ye who enter here.")
power to a liar by contact is suicidal. When you later come to your
senses and point out his fraud, he exercises the power you gave him
and declares your complaint "frivolous." After all, you
authorized him to change the rules according to his changing needs.
"Substantial penalty for early withdrawal," when uttered by
a liar, means "slight forfeiture" in one generation, "shot
on sight" in the next.
familiar contract holding millions of Americans in further bondage is
the standard bank loan. The lender gives "value received"
in exchange for units of the borrower's labor. The contract seems
perfectly fair until it's discovered that the "value"
received determines the worth of the units of the borrower's labor.
That "value" is regulatible and changeable up and down by
the party issuing it - the Federal Reserve system. This is why the
bottom falls out of the grain market just as it looks like the
farmers will pay off their loans. This is why the FDIC (owned also
by the Federal Reserve) closes a bank because of "risky loan
portfolio," then calls the outstanding loans, taking possession
of the collateralized property when the borrower can't pay. Every
victim of usury knows that the financial rope thrown by a liar to
pull you up an escarpment becomes elastic as you near the top. But
it only stands to reason: What lender in his right mind wats a
borrower liberated from debt bondage?
is so much a part of the fabric of American life that whole
generations are now addicted to lies. The same schools that stimulate
children to sexual awareness before puberty, the same schools that
offer suicide as a viable alternative to a miserable life - these same
schools train pupils to believe the Warren Commission's conclusion
that Lee Oswald murdered President John F. Kennedy with three shots
from behind. This, despite the fact that in March 1979, the House
Select Committee on Assassinations quietly and reluctantly found that
acoustical evidence proved a fourth shot had been fired from in front
of the President. The Select Committee forwarded its finding to the
U.S. Justice Department with a recommendation that a more complete
investigation be made. So far, after 8 years, the Justice Department
has done nothing. As Jim Garrison states in his forthcoming book,
Coup d'Etat,
last word on the Untied States government's adjusted posture seems to
be that Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy by firing three shots at
him from the back and one shot at him from the front."
the configuration of a man that could perform such a feat and you
have a lie. Imagine the person who sits back and accepts such a
conclusion and you have a lie-believing citizen of a nation that
practices classical witchcraft.
The hypocrisy in denying the source of decisive bullets fired into the
latter-day leaders of a people whose fundamental law was framed upon
Biblical precepts gives a quality of absolute prophecy to St. Paul's
warning to Timothy:
the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines
of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience
seared with a hot iron;" -
1 Timothy 4:1-2
consciences seared with the hot irons that killed the Kennedy
brothers and Dr. King, the liars and lie-believers who make and
enforce law in the United States today are giving succor, privilege,
amnesty, haven, and nobility to the real killers.
liars rule, murderers go free. Have you heard about the Indianapolis
sacrifice tape? A friend of mine, minister of a small church in
Minneapolis, was given a 2-hour videocassette of an actual
ritualistic witch's orgy, produced by the Indianapolis Police in 1984
at the invitation of the warlock who led the coven. The warlock
insisted, and the police agreed, that none of those involved by
investigated or prosecuted. Why did the warlock invite the police to
make the tapes? He felt the times were now so amenable to witchcraft
that satanists should step out of the closet under governmental
protection. The tape ends with the bloody sacrifice of a human being
- a young member who had been drugged out of his senses - followed by
the goriest scenes of fornication and cannibalism.
a moment and let the horror of the politics of witchcraft sink in: it
is possible to step into a crowded elevator in Indianapolis and rub
shoulders with someone who has knowingly, gleefully eaten raw human
flesh and blood.
see very little difference between cannibalism and wrongful
incarceration. In both events, reality is distorted so that the life
of one human being is controlled and manipulated against his will at
the pleasure of another. Both are the theft of the most precious
right, freedom, by the practitioners of the anarchic sexual violence.
It is rule by Marquis de Sade, the 18th century French libertine
whose achievements of sexual satisfaction by inflicting pain on
others are memorialized by psychologists in the term sadism. The
pain is made acceptable by entwining the victim in a rapturous spell
that confuses any will to resist. Thus, to submit to de Sade's
assumption of control over one's movement down streets and highways,
the use of on's earnings and children and time and body, the
expression of one's beliefs - is to do worse than "comply with
the law;" it's falling prey to demonic spell.
there was a well-defined governmental presence in most American
private lives before the murder of Dr. King, the level of sadistic
control gained since his death was so unthinkable in times before
that merely to warn of its coming was to invite scorn and ridicule.
Intelligent people thought that the only way such control could be
imposed was through nuclear holocaust or an invasion of hostile enemy
forces, against hich their tax contributions had built, they
believed, a quite adequate defense. What they didn't kno was that
the consumers of these tax contributions, the administrators, were
spending part of these funds to study scientific mans of controlling
taxpayers electronically and psychologically. The subject they were
studying is called "political development."
of the standard texts on the subject is Richard R., Fagen's Politics
and Communication, published by Little Brown & Company (owned by
Time, Inc.) in 1966, two years before Dr. King's assassination.
Professor Fagen defines political development as: a process of
national integration, as movement from less to more national unity. 1
is "less national unity?" Prof. Fagen cites the description
given by Karl Marx, in "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis
Bonaparte" (1832):
small-holding peasants from a vast mass, the members of which live in
similar conditions but without entering into manifold relations with
one another. Their mode of production isolates them from one another
instead of bringing them into mutual intercourse. Th isolation is
increased by France's bad means of communication and by the poverty
of the peasants. Their field of production, the small holding,
admits of no division of labor in its cultivation, no application of
science, and therefore, no diversity of development, no variety of
talent, no wealth of social relationships. Each individual peasant
family is almost self-sufficient; it itself directly produces the
major part of its consumption and thus acquires its means of life
more through exchange with nature than in intercourse with society.
A small holding, a peasant and his family; alongside them another
small holding, and anothr peasant and another family. A few score of
these make up a village, and a few score of villages make up a
Department. In this way, the great mass of the French nation is
formed by simple addition of homologous magnitudes, much as potatoes
in a sack form a sack of potatoes.
development," writes Fagen, commenting on Marx's sack of
potatoes, "would involve linking together the individuals,
families, and local decisional units which coexist but do not
interact in the peasant society."2 In other words, such rights
as privacy, property, religious faith, "exchange with nature,"
and individualistic behavior, which the citizens of the Unitied
States in 1789 believed their national Constitution was protecting,
must be compromised in order for individuals, families, and "local
decisional units" to be "linked together" so as to
"interact." The key word is "interact."
is this "interaction" which the national administrators are
paid to supervise, regulated, adjudicate, enforce, and punish.
Needless to say, as more complex inerations invite greater government
control, a legitimate goal of political development is to complicate
interactions. But first, political developers must cast a spell over
the people to get them to surrender self-responsibility in exchange for
scientific services; self-sufficiency for the division of labor; God
for man. The measure of success might be this 10-point description
of "The American Way of Life in 1987" by an average, fairly
well-informed American citizen;
If the government wants you off your property, they can either raise
the taxes so you can't pay, or the IRS can seize it without a court
order. They may not get your property directly, but you'll spend so
much defending against them, they'll get it eventually.
Of course, most working Americans are burdened by a progressive or
graduated income tax.
Death taxes take so much that very little can be passed down to the
next generation. (the $12,000,000 estate of Alwin Chales Ernst was
taxed &7,000,000, and he was a prominent accountant.)
People who disagree with government officials are often harassed,
penalized, fined. It's safer just to keep your mouth shut.
We have a centralized national banking system known as the Federal
Reserve which creates purchasing power for credit-worthy recipients.
It was funded with state capital and enjoys an exclusive monopoly.
government licenses and controls communication and transportation.
The government controls corporations because they are created under
its seal; government reclaims waste lands and cultivates them, and
operates soil improvement programs (which are spoiling more than
improving the soil).
Many mothers have to leave their homes and join the external labor
force in order to make ends meet. Of course, most girls aspire to
carers rater than motherhood. Labor unions and social security form
a vast national army of workers.
this century, most foods went directly from the earth to the
table. But now, most foods pass through processing plants, where
they re denatured and divided into as many as 100 different products,
all packaged and distributed for sale in supermarkets. This
development has abolished the distinction between town and country,
evening out the population nationally. (Paralleling the increase in
processed foods is an increase in doctors, medicines, and hospitals,
all rigidly controlled by government.)
The public schools are free, but the children are mainly
indoctrinated with what the government wants them to know.
familiar with the intent of the framers of the United States
Constitution knows that the above 10 points were not included in the
fundamental vision of the United States. They are, instead, the
workings of "political development," that process by which
communications media hypnotize masses into complying with the will of
an elite class of ensconced, unelected rulers.
fact, if you'll get out the family Communist Manifesto, or turn to
page 28 of the most popular paperback edition, you'll find those 10
points represent an approach to life identical to that advanced by an
enemy the American people spend as much as 20% of their productive
labor to keep away from this land. For American Way in 1987 happens
to be the 10 planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, the
cornerstone of the Soviet Union.3
are the American people able to denounce communism and practice it
simultaneously? The answer is that they are under the demonic spell
of democracy and mass communication. They are the willing subjects of
the politics of witchcraft. Addressing the elite and their students,
Prof. Fagen makes it very clear the kind of system America has
political format most congenial to directed media growth is the
Leninist, where government ownership, control, and exploitation of
mass communication are integral parts of the ideology of social and
political change.4
may be true in Leninist/communist regimes. But in America aren't
radio and TV, newspapers, magazines, and books supposed to report
governmental processes to the people in such a way that government is
kept honest by threat of exposure? If you believe that, you're under
the spell. Pof. Fagen tells it like it is:
groups, organizations, and the mass media are all linked together and
all interact in the political process; and to equate idealized mass
media patterns (a neutral press as watchdog of government) with the
operative system is sadly to underestimate the complexity of the real
world. In Washington, the mass media are in a real sense the fourth
branch of government, not because they keep the other three branches
"honest," but because they are the key structures in the
public communication network on which functionaries in the other
three branches depend.
first job of "political development" is to make those
potatoes interact. How is this done? A great deal of communication.
Prof. Fagen tells us what generates a great deal of communication:
and the death of kings, two events which from the earliest recorded
history of man have loomed large in political life and have thus
occasioned a great deal of communication."5
communications media begin changing political systems, the changes
must be controlled and supervised by personnel with particular
abilities. Fagen writes:
increasingly are recruited for political roles on the basis of
demonstrated capacity to handle the job...A prime corollary is that
they are advanced, controlled, and punished on the basis of the same
in violence an obedience seem to be among the first to b e selected
by achievement criteria as a system modernizes.6
you have it. People can be controlled b y getting them to pay you to
supervise their "interactions." You get them to "interact"
by implanting politically chaired events and symbols in their minds
through a great deal of mass communication impressions. War and
assassination cause a great deal of communication. Specialists in
violence as indefensible to a system modernizing from individual
potatoes into national unity.
one will dispute that in the sake of the Kennedy and King
assassinations, the American political system ent through a radical
"modernizing." What few realize is that the process as
according to textbook criteria.
example of how specialists in violence operate as a system is shown
in this 1960 Central Intelligence Agency cablegram from CIA
headquarters in Virginia to the Station Officer in the
High Quarters here it is the clear cut conclusion that if Lumumba
continues to hold high office, the inevitable result will be a best
chaos and at worst pave the way to communist takeover of the Congo
with disastrous consequences for the prestige of the UN and for the
interests of the free world generally. Consequently we conclude that
his removal must be an urgent and prime objective and that under
existing conditions this should be a high priority of our covert
cable ordering the elimination of Pactice Lumumba was signed by Allen
Dulles, the CIA's Director who 3 years late would be named by President
Johnson to investigate from his high place on the Warren Commission
the assassination of President Kennedy.
righteous men plan covert murders in "high quarters?" Or
are they "principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of the
world" constituting "spiritual wickedness in high places"
against whom the righteous must wrestle?
the October 1977 Rolling Stone, Carl Bernstein cited official CIA
documents reflecting that over the past 25 years more than 400 of
America's leading communications resources, including NBC> CBS.
ABC. Associated Press, United Press International, Copley News
Service, Hearst Newspapers, Time, Inc., The New York Times, and
Newsweek, had received payments mainly in from CIC officials in
exchange for publishing material designed to keep certain operations
covert - hidden - from the people. Operations like the King
many decisions in your life have been based on the disinformation
broadcast from these sources?
that you know that violent obedient personnel are needed to assist
the communications media in achieving political development along the Leninist model, recall how Time and Life prosecuted James Earl Ray
without probably cause to believe he had committed any crime for which
he had not already been punished. (Don't forget: his appeal from the
conviction that put him in the Missouri prison from which he escaped
in 1967 is still pending, and he must still be presumed innocent
until appeal is denied or decided against him. Recall ho virtually
none of the weeklies, dailies, or electronic media ever questioned
the propriety of the FBI's involvement in the state murder case .
Recall the absence of debate; worse; the discouragement of debate and
the destruction and suppression of evidence liberating to James and
incriminating of other parties.
you wonder how Dr. King murder might have dictatorial political
development recall how the unpopular dictatorial Civil Rights Bill of
1968 had lost most of its steam in the House of Representatives during
March 1968. Representatives are closer to the people that senators,
and the people black and white clearly didn't want this legislation.
Suddenly, King is shot Six days later the bill Sweeps through the House
249 to 171 "King's death immediately realigned force on both
sides," noted Time in its April 19 issued. Remember Fegen
"Individual, groups, organizations, and the mass media are all
linked together and all interact in the political process...the death
of Kinks occasion a great deal of communications,,.,
1968 Civil Rights Act had little do so with racial dignity.
Knowledgeable black leaders saw through it. "This is a hoax on
the black people." snarled Roy Innis, associate director of the
Council On Racial Equality.7 What did the act do? It transformed a
sack of potatoes into a federal puree. Federal credit would increase
exponentially sucking millions into usurious witchcraft contracts.
The most insidious result, of course, would be the literal
handcuffing of local destinies to federal police, which is seen today
in the American flag arm patches worn by local law enforcement
officers, signalling the formation o a federal police force more
respectful of appointed professionals in Washington had elected
representatives from the neighborhood.
on American life since the murder of Dr. King: the increased controls
and loss of individual freedom, the proportionate increase in
depression and suicide (Marx's wife and daughter took their own
lives), the increase in missing and violated children in the
elevation of blasphemy and perversion to respectability, in
high-handed bureaucratic harassment, in drug dependency, in domestic
bloodshed, in economic miseries, in political imprisonments and
religious persecutions. How many millions of babies have been
sacrificed by their mothers to the gods of time and money since the
warlocks took King?
are things getting better in the pictures and fictions projected in
magazines and TV, in the lives of celebrities and rulers? Have the
political developers paid all the communications media to be Weavers
of the Spell who, like Donahue, recruit you into witchcraft by
offering you the choice of agreeing with a transvestite or a
child molester?
Rev. King gave his life for this, his memory should be cursed. Yes,
and if his memory is enshrined in a federal holiday and celebrated by
the lying rulers and wicked servants who killed him it is cursed.
Because it is not King's life that they celebrate, but his death.
King's death is their handiwork, and they display it proudly. And
all who honor it are lie-believers drinking the blood of the black
have personal knowledge that a very famous and beloved country music
star was asked to donate money for flowers to be sent to Mrs. King in
time for the funeral. "I wouldn't give her ten cents,"
said the star. "But I'll contribute $100 to the defense fund of
whoever shot him." What a victory for Satan! A decision based
upon lies, made by a man hose musical information is followed by
millions. If he was willing to reward a killer with money, how was
he any different from the Indiana politicians who eat human flesh? If he
and other members of the worshipful royalty of country music practice
the politics of witchcraft by living and espousing lies, how can
their believing fans be untainted?
graves are filled with bodies that died for Satan, but King's is not
one of them. I can't view or read the speech he made on the eve of
his assassination without feeling that unmistakable elation that
comes only from the Holy Spirit:
then I got into Memphis. And some began to ... talk about the
threats... Or what would happen to me from some of our sick white
brothers. But I don't know what will happen how. We've got some
difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now,
because I've been to the mountaintop, and I don't mind. Like
anybody, I would like to live a long life, longevity has its grace.
But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will.
And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over,
and I've sen the promised land."
passage convinces me that between April 3 and April 4, Martin Luther
King Jr. became a fully repented man, a true brother of Christ. Why
do I believe that? Because the tone, strength, confidence, and faith
expressed in that last speech were those of a man who had recently
said "No" to Satan, and was resigned to the consequences.
"No" to what, I can't say. We know that King had turned
against the war in Vietnam, a war extremely profitable to interests
that employ off-duty CIA men, and 30% of the U.S. soldiers there
were black. He was just beginning to speak out about inflation and
monetary manipulation, a measure which could have damaged the
money-demon's spell on the people. Whether Satan in the form of a
high official offered King protections in exchange for silence in
these matters, or whether an outright threat was made, we may never
know. But the April 3 speech is a report that Satan had been
the film clip, you perceive that King is feeling a unique combination
of stress and joy.l His face glows with perspiration, the kind that
was shed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the enormity of one's
commitment to God was ultimately realized. After a Gethsemane crisis,
death is inconsequential. You've been to the mountain and looked
over. You've confessed and been forgiven. You've been invited to
enter the Kingdom, and not that you understand eternity you know you
can't tell the people everything. They'll learn what you know in
time, in time.
Satan nailed King, expecting to accomplish great evil with the death
and aftermath: turning all non-whites against the descendant of an
ancient white family, winning silent cheers from resentful whites long
convicted by God's judgment for vexing the negro strangers, and
stimulating more complex "interaction" among the people to
necessitate the imposition of more services, more controls, more
chains, more whips.
what Satan meant for evil, God meant for good. We have seen all the
evil. The good is only now beginning to manifest itself, eloquently,
through the instrumentality of James Earl Ray.
only antidote to lies is the power of truth. Truth is
self sustaining; it exists independently of human activity. A lie, on
the other hand, is not self-sustaining; it exists only by virtue of
human activity - feverish human activity, the furtive cover ups of
desperate parties. Consider the palpable qualities of each: a lie
caries fraud, perversity, deceit, disease, a snare, bullets,
violence, inequality, bondage, murder, arrogance, infidelity,
darkness, brutality. Truth carries light, peace, equality, love,
freedom, fairness, and faith.
is no greater contemporary example of the power of truth over the lie
than the experience of James Earl Ray. The pages of Tennessee Waltz
stipulate that James 's life, though not thoroughly evil, was not
exactly blindingly truthful, either. James was an ordinary sinner
until his imprisonment for the King assassination. That event moved
James toward the climax of his life. It marked the beginning of a
simple but cosmic process that transformed him with the slow
inevitability of sunlight crawling across the surface of a rotating
planet. (I can't help but recall here the symbolic importance of
James's "midnight sun" experience in Shelby County Jail.)
That process, which is available to all who will accept it, is called
re-thinking. Christians call it "repentance," from the
Greek word meaning "to look at things differently," as in a
new light.
repentance - his life's climax - occurred when he decided between
March 190 and March 13, 1968 that the guilty plea tortured out of him
by those eminently respectable liars running federal and state
politics was a lie. He had been forced to lie, signing his name to
a statement that he was legally guilty of the murder of Dr. King.
James knew damn well that he was fooling around a pale yellow Mustang
several blocks away at the instant Dr. King was murdered. Anyone who
said he wasn't was a liar. Including James Earl Ray if he said so in
a plea of guilt.
was as simple as that. No preacher, no pamphlet, no song, no sermon -
nothing but the overwhelming, irresistible power of Truth literally
drove James Earl Ray to repentance memorialized in his famous "Percy
Four flusher" letter to Judge Battle. His repentance made those
eminently respectable Tennessee and federal governments bleat louder
that James killed Dr. King, and the louder they bleated the more they
proved that eminently respectable governments lie. When James told
them to show evidence or shut up, they dimmed the lights and doled
out more cash to needy journalists who continued accusing him. And
when that wouldn't close down James's truth, they tortured him more,
lay in ambush for him. tried to sacrifice him with butcher knives to
the Father of Lies. But it was not James's time. He had much work
to do . He had not been shown the promised land yet.
bigger the lying headlines, the thicker the lying books about him,
the more James craved the truth. From the unconstitutionally
inhumane confines of his lonely cell, that man has conducted an
investigation into the assassination of Martin King productive of
more truth than the efforts of the Justice Department, the FBI, the
CIA, the FBI, the United States Congress, the wire services, the
networks, newspapers, newsweeklies and monthlies combined. It's
almost comical, when you consider that James's funds come from
the meager donations of a few raggedy broke yet faithful friends,
while Congress has power to create the money in unlimited amounts to
hire the finest detectives in the world.
death and Ray's imprisonment have taught us that covert action
governments, ruling in darkness, are not interested in truth. How
many of the politicians and journalists you trust informed you that
shortly after the death of President Kennedy, the CIA established a
domestic operations office at 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, exactly one
block from Lyndon Johnson's White House? The cover name for these
headquarters was "The U.S. Army Element, Joint Planning
Activity, Joint Operations Group (507253)."8 Was this group
involved in planning the violence and riots that ended in the death
of Dr. King and the final imposition of the Communist Manifesto upon
our Constitution? Was the plot to tail James Ray in 1967 from St.
Louis to Montreal and take control of him with promises of wealth and
freedom, eventually to leave him an unwitting patsy for a murder he
had no idea would be committed - was this plot nurtured and hatched
by the St. Louis field office of the FBI under the direction of agent
William Webster, ho later as Judge Webster desperately tyrannized
John Ray in order to keep the plot from dematerializing in the light
of truth? If so, what wonders can we except now that Judge Webster
has been nominated as Director of the CIA?
questions are not likely to be answered too publicly. They won't
even be asked in Time and LIFE, or on a major TV network, or
wherever the truth in men can be compromised by the CIA's generosity
with cash or special favors. The task of the fourth branch of
government - unelected, unresponsive, non-constitutional, noble and
arrogant - is not truth but political development, which today means
dangling bright objects before the eyes of the people, maintaining
the spell.
Here is the remedy to James's wrongful incarceration. It is the most
ancient, most oft-proved remedy for wrongful incarceration in the
world. It is the Word and the Promise of God, through his Son Jesus
Christ, who is Truth.
assassination occurs throughout the Holy Bible. The victims are the
prophets and the culprits are the high powers and principalities they
offend. The killings are always condoned by a people who have turned
away from God. In fact, you could say that the Holy Bible is the
history of a people's turning to and away from the Creator of the
Universe. When they turn away from the Father, they live under a
curse of darkness and witchcraft. When they confess their lies and
turn back to Him, they're blessed beyond measure with light, life,
constitutional history began with the people's turning back to God,
renouncing and declaring themselves independent of the politics of
witchcraft administered by demon liars. It's all there in the
Declaration of Independence. Moreover, they knew that human effort
alone wasn't sufficient to escape the "protections" of such
brutal masters as parliament and the crown. So they humbly appealed,
right there in their declaration, to heaven's providence for support
in this dangerous revolutionary undertaking. History proves the
appeal worked.
it from one who appeals to heaven all the time: it still works, and
it's the only way to liberate yourself from the liars of this world.
(Truly, neither James nor I not this book would be here today without
the intervention of heavenly powers amidst the most menacing of
daily prayer is for divine protection as I carry out the heavenly
mandate to resist the devil and his lies. If resisting the devil
does not cause him to flee from me, then the Bible is a lie and
nothing makes sense, and we'd might as well move to a lie and nothing
makes sense, and we'd might as well move to Indianapolis and join the
coven. But my finding is that the Bible and its promises are
truthful, and that truth dynamically asserted does send liars away
and clear the air. I can say to you from experience: appeal to
heaven for protection and your resistance will be perfect.
the imagined consequences of exposing and rebuking demon liars makes
you tremble with fright, you won't be of much help to James or to
truth. You're still under the spell of your political witches.
They've waltzed you into the jail of your mind. James Ray radiates
truth from Death Row while you cringe under a demon spell in you
carpeted living room. I ask you: Who's the real prisoner? Before
you'll feel any need to liberate James, you must first repent,
rehabilitate, and liberate yourself. Why not start now?
are some initial steps:
View every statement from a government official or his accomplices in
the corporate press as a lie, until you can determine the reporter is
committed to truth. The quickest test is "Do you believe James
Earl Ray killed Dr. King?" If "No," he is likely to
be truthful. From there, proceed: "What are you doing about
it?" If "Nothing," ask "Why?" Anyone who
professes confidence in a government that tortures and imprisons the
innocent is a cannibal, a demon, and therefore extremely dangerous.
Resist human authority. There's nothing wrong with this: the Holy
Bible is a handbook on resistance against human authority. Stop
applying for favors, licenses, handouts, and privileges from a
government that hearkens to lies. Forget social security: it's a
contract between liars and lie-believers. Don't pay in, don't take
out. Don't give information that exposes yourself to liars.
Remember: a contract with a liar always hurts you.
Don't try to use force, reason, intelligence, influence, money,
logic, beauty, talent, cleverness, deceit, intimidation, or guile to
rid your life of the liars. They are much better at these games than
you, and to play them is to practice witchcraft. There is only one
solution: Truth.
Read the Holy Bible regularly, not as a scholar, but as a child. And
pray, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and clarify difficult
passages for you. Whether you call yourself a Jew, Scientologist,
Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, Mormon, Shinto, agnostic, or atheist -
you'll demand truth from those you depend on for your information and
guidance. And if they don't give it to you, just resist them out of
your life.
Let your commitment to truth be so great that any punishment you
might receive for adhering to it will give you pleasure.
the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand,
and will keep thee to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners
form the prison,m and they that sit in darkness out of the prison
house. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do
I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." -
Isaiah 42:6
would point to James as a model for you to follow. If there ever was
a rehabilitated prisoner, it is he. The utter villainy of his
accusers has purified his life. This is the great beauty of truth.
It strengthens, especially in adversity. Despite the appalling
standard of living Tennessee provides him (the State wants him dead),
James is in better physical condition than most men his age who swim,
golf, travel, eat complex gourmet foods, live the "good life."
James closes his book with the 'Apostle Paul's jail house request to
the faithful - "Remember my bonds," he shrinks from
religious declarations. Why? As he tells it, so many prisoners use
religion as a cop-out that it marks them for special trips to the
bug-doctor, which he doesn't need right now. But Anna told me that
James haltingly confessed salvation through Jesus Christ to a
minister during his Brushy Mountain tenure. The following week,
James lived through a stabbing that would have extinguished anyone
not divinely protected.
are instructed by James, the Apostle, to "Submit yourselves
therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James, the political prisoner, will tell you that this promise can be
relied upon.
that the book is done, talks have begun with a small courageous film
producer. We've discussed a few crucial scenes. My favorite is the
final one, Scene 153. It goes like this:
153: Wide shot of Tennessee State Penitentiary at night, bathed in
floodlight. Parking area mobbed. TV cameras taking it all in.
Suddenly, the prison door swings wide and an official steps out,
followed by Anna Ray and the Governor. The crowd hushes. Brief
pause, then James appears. A high school band begins playing "Th
Tennessee Waltz." People send up a great cheer. James raises
his arms high, displaying the absence of handcuffs. He places his
arm around Anna and they ascend the staircase together, moving among
the people toward the waiting limousine.
and Anna deserve Scene 153. But before it can happen in real life,
thousands upon thousands of individual lives must be changed through
repentance. James's freedom will be brought about by no payoffs
under any tables. No high-ranking politician will have pulled any
strings. It can only be that the impulsion toward truth has reached
the critical mass at which demons rush out of the bodies of ruling
authorities and into the pit. At that point, the spell is lifted,
minds clear, smiles return, James is released, and all the political
prisoners are released, and the atmosphere is fresh with forgiveness
and comfort and love and liberty. This is the America I was born to.
intend to do whatever it takes to make Scene 153 a reality. If you'd
like to help, learn more about the enemy, do investigative work in
your spare time, or just want updates, you can reach me here at
Saint Andrew's Press. I'm not counting on much help from CBS etc. and
the "political developers." We'll have to rely on the
vision of Albert Schweitzer:
new public opinion must be created privately and unobtrusively. The
existing one is maintained by the press, by propaganda, by
organization, and by financial influences which are at its disposal.
The unnatural way of spreading ideas must be opposed by the natural
one, which goes from man to man and relies solely on the truth of the
thoughts and the hearer's receptiveness for new truth. "
old saying goes "Truth is the daughter of Time." Time has
at last brought to our awareness a magnificent relationship between
two men who never knew one another, Martin and James; a relationship
that will lie forever in the annals of freedom. Listen. The truth is
that King died so Ray's repentance could unmask the Beast! You and I
make James walk. When James walks, a candle is lit in the darkness,
the True and Faithful overcome the Lie.
now have a choice. You can put the book down, forget James Earl Ray,
and fall back into the rapturous spell of the demons who still frolic
in the blood of Martin Luther King Jr. Or you can act on James's
story, get others to read it, and repent, cling to Truth, set James
free, cast the devil into the burning lake, and enjoy life
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