The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (1964) (Veritas Foundation / Dobbs / Roosevelt)
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socialism and communism in their many branches and off-shoots and their methods of infiltration.
Fabian coat-of-arms brazenly depicts socialism as a political wolf in sheep's clothing. Commissioned by George Bernard Shaw in 1910; for over 30 years it was privately displayed to the socialist inner-circle, who gloated over successful masquerades as "mild reformers" and "righteous liberals". Arrogantly, the socialist leaders picture themselves as shaping the whole world with hammer blows while relegating their followers to the role of blind worshippers praying before the image of socialist propaganda. The Fabian Window is now displayed in Beatrice Webb House, a memorial financed by the world socialist movement. The two figures wielding hammers are G. B. Shaw and Sidney Webb. Operating the bellows is E. R. Pease, for many years secretary of the Fabian Society. Thumbing his nose is H. G. Wells, who after quitting the Fabians, denounced them as "the new machiavellians".
the greatest danger to the Free World today is creeping socialism, and not only its Communist counterpart. For the blatant brutality of Communism is better understood by the American people, and hence regarded with well-informed hatred.
Fabian socialists have managed to maintain an aura of respectability with the wealthy and the "book-educated." These revolutionary wolves masquerade in sheep's clothing as gentle reformers. Although the socialists claim that they are innovators, Veritas proves that they are really reactionaries, who wish to turn society backward to despots like Napoleon, Louis XIV (l'etat c'est moi—a typical socialist attitude), feudalist Charlemagne, or primitive tribal chiefs. Many leading socialists foresee with complacency the necessity of killing their opponents, once they have seized power. Bernard Shaw and Stuart Chase have baldly stated so. This explains socialist tolerance of the multi-million Communist murders.
The communist menace in this country would be a relatively minor one if it did not operate under the protection of the massive socialistic movement that had grown within our society largely under the cover of other labels than "socialism". Whittaker Chambers shrewdly observed that "Were it not for a socialist cyst within it, mere political expediency would scarcely stop any party from cleaning house of its Communists, a project that, pushed with vigor and sincerity, could only redound to its credit." 10 Common leftist goal In order to understand this hidden menace a thorough reappraisal is needed of the true balance of the socialistic and communist movements here and of the actual influence they exert together and separately.
It was only after squandering his wealth upon extravagant parties and affairs and being subjected to poverty that Saint Simon had begun to develop his philosophy on how to organize all of mankind on a socialistic basis. s Encyclopedia Britannica, 13th Ed., Vol. 24, p. 45. 55
Throughout his life Saint-Simon was afflicted with recurrent mental disorders. The concept of "social science" was thus apparently conceived in the disturbed brain of an aristocrat who was motivated by ghostly hallucinations. After his "vision", Saint-Simon, "though now 38 years of age, commenced to study 'science', of which he was as yet quite ignorant." 5 It is an irony of history that "social science" was born in a mind completely lacking in scientific training. It is interesting that Charlemagne (742-814 A.D.) who initiated the period of feudalism should be used as a sponsor by his descendant, Saint-Simon. As our study will demonstrate later, the roots of socialism lay deep in the Middle Ages and the concept of a closed socialistic society is akin to the stagnant ossified economy of the feudal era. Charlemagne had given impetus to the development of feudalism by establishing wide-spread state control over commerce, agriculture, and public works. He had initiated "forced labor on public works among the lower ranks." He reduced the small farmers to serfdom and made the community responsible for providing the court and public officials with food and supplies. This was accompanied by systemization of the army and forced military service. The process then was what today we would call socialization. The system of control and enforcement was based on a theocracy with Charlemagne and his successors in dominant positions. This system soon embraced the greater part of Europe. 8 Socialists as 'social scientists' The disciples of St. Simon declared in 1829 ". . . that the only elements that have appeared repeatedly in the past and would interest the future were the Fine Arts, Sciences, and Industry, and that the study of this triple manifestation of human activity was to
"Society, as at present constituted, is based upon principles which in their operation misemploy, misdirect and pervert the faculties and passions of man, and defeat all the ends and hopes of life. It is based upon the principle of isolation, of separation of man from his fellow-man upon individual effort, and envious, strife and anarchical competition, upon selfishness, distrust, antagonism overreaching, fraud and injustice, upon the conflict of all interests, and upon universal duplicity of action. There is no combination or capital unity, no harmony of action, of interests or of feeling; no connection or association. Every family has, for example, a separate house, a separate interest, separate hopes and a separate welfare to maintain; it is in conflict with most of the families around it eager to detract from their prosperity to add its own, instead of seeking to unite with them to advance by their combined efforts their mutual welfare and happiness.
A Social Order, governed by such principles, must, it is evident, be opposed to capital reason, to capital justice, and to capital truth, and should be reformed. We advocate a Social Order based upon the principle of Association—
Professor Huxley expressed his emphatic opinion that 'the reorganization of society upon a new and purely scientific basis is not only practicable, but is the only political object much worth fighting for'. All scientific men in Europe and America are agreed that there is such a thing somewhere as a social science, (italics ours) We surely do not deserve the name of fanatics then, because we presently proceed to direct public attention to this study, as the only one that will guide us out of our social miseries."
In 1828, Saint Simonians had declared that "social science" was composed of "the Fine Arts, the Sciences, and Industry." ' 3 Fourteen years later, the socialists in America projected "social science" as "based upon Association and combined Action and Unity of Interest, Attractive Industry, and Moral Harmony and Its Passions." By 1873, an American Congress of Social Science proposed a program of "moral, social, financial, religious and political thesis which would be attended by hosts of unseen helpers who are on the spiritual side of existence".
In probing through extensive documentation involving the "social sciences" one feature stands out with striking vividness. Almost every key leftist in the "social sciences" has been a confirmed socialist first and then developed a "social science" later. In other words a faith called "socialism" came first and the "science" was then fashioned as a weapon to promote the socialistic aim. This means that the search for the truth by the leftists in the scholastic field is not of paramount importance. The bending and twisting of the academic subjects to fit socialist purposes is the prime 2» For our treatment of economics, see Keynes at Harvard. 22 Garet Garrett, The People's Pottage, p. 19. purpose of all convinced socialists. This has been the case particularly in Social Anthropology, History, Economics, Social Jurisprudence and Sociology. The socialist dogma requires that all scholastic categories be made to serve socialism and not the cause of scientific truth.
Left-wing movements at all times look upon every single object in society as a potential tool to be used to further the march towards socialism. This single-mindedness of the socialists is the reason for their massive opportunism in all endeavors. It also creates within itself the basis of continuous deception.
the socialist manipulation of the various categories listed under "social science" is not one of mere academic searching for the truth. The socialist movement would not waste a moment on pure scholasticism for its own sake. Before participating in anything the basic rule of left-wing manipulations is Can it be used to our advantage and how can it be so used?
socialistic pundits in the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences after making a most abstract and confusing definition of what is "social science" then proceeded to classify this confusion in eleven main categories. They are listed as Anthropology, Economics, Education, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Statistics.
we will deal with four broad categories of "social science". 21 They are: History, Sociology, Social Anthropology, and Social Jurisprudence. We do not intend to deal with Political Science as a separate factor since the socialist manipulation of the social sciences is in itself a form of "political science".
Leftist propaganda, particularly when aimed at the educated, pretends that socialism has been proved to be scientific and that the "social sciences" confirm this proof with scientific precision. Exhaustive studies have proved exactly the reverse. The socialistic theory was developed first and then after long years of politically and emotionally inspired pressures accompanied by many subtle and deceitful twists and turns the socialistic schemers managed at last to cover their naked propaganda so completely with scholastic fig-leaves that they were able to convert entire categories of supposedly academic courses of instruction into purely political forums of socialistic indoctrination.
Starting at the university level the entire socialistic twist has filtered down to the high schools and grammar schools. Social-istically oriented college graduates have gradually by almost imperceptible degrees spread out into all phases of social life and guided the drift towards collectivism.
to justify this process in the minds of their minions the top socialistic schemers long ago decided that they must provide a grand theory of historical justification. History is suborned to bear false witness for socialism. In the socialist bag of tricks History becomes a counterfeit "social science".
appointments of academic figures to top places in government, indicated that perhaps, at long last, Plato's old dream (circa 400 B.C.) had come true and that now "philosophers are kings and kings philosophers." A presidential assistant today possesses tremendous power and his influence is felt directly not only in the United States, but throughout the world.
The question arises whether Mr. Schlesinger's socialism was derived from the lessons of history or whether his version of history was derived from socialism. The answer is quite obvious. Professor Schlesinger's father, also a professor of history at Harvard, was a hard core left-winger of many years standing.' Schlesinger, Jr. practically cut his eye ' Appendix IX of the House Un-American Activities Committee has 10 listings of communist front activities of Arthur M. Schlesinger, St., the California Committee on Un-American Activities has 2 listings. Actually these were socialist-communist fronts as a result of an international agreement between the communists and socialist forces. Among Fabian socialists who were active with Schlesinger Sr. in these fronts were Reinhold Neibuhr, Max Lerner, George Soule and Franz Boas. teeth on the socialist theme. The Schlesingers, both father and son, actively collaborated in the writing of the now famous trilogy on the New Deal. 2 Incidentally, all three volumes of this work were dedicated to persons who were leading left-wing figures. 3 Any possible doubts as to Schlesinger's socialist bias were dispelled by an article he wrote for the left-wing Partisan Review entitled "The Future of Socialism: The Perspective Now." Here Schlesinger, Jr. explains his advocacy of Fabian socialism quite clearly:
"Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within this frame of reference, as a long-term proposition. Its gradual advance might well preserve order and law, keep enough internal checks and discontinuities to guarantee a measure of freedom, and evolve new and real forms for the expression of democracy. The active agents in effecting the transition will probably be, not the working class, but some combination of lawyers, business and labor managers, politicians and intellectuals, in the manner of the first New Deal, or of the Labor government in Britain." 4 Political murder called a "habit"
Although he favors a peaceful "creeping socialism", he looks upon the mass murder of millions in the Soviet Union as mainly a psychological problem of the murderers: "The habit of violence is hard to abandon; especially when it has worked in the past. A revolutionary elite always has the wistful conviction, based on experience, that it is easier to dispose of opposition by firing squads than by arguments." 8
Socialist and communist academicians have over-run the field of history largely by default History is commonly misconceived as a rather abstract subject little related to everyday life. But leftists realize that those who control the teaching of history set the tone for the philosophy of history. The philosophy of history in turn determines the thinking about the direction in which society is travelling. Socialist infiltrators into our colleges and universities are interested solely in proving that society is predestined towards socialism. Alternatives are either ignored or derided as unworkable. Professor F. A. Hayek in his Capitalism and the Historians says: "The influence which the writers of history thus exercise on public opinion is probably more immediate and extensive than that of the political theorists who launch new ideas. It seems as though even such new ideas reach wider circles usually not in their abstract form but as the interpretations of particular events. The historian is in this respect at least one step nearer to direct power over public opinion than is the theorist," Professor Hayek answers those who think that history does not have its direct impact upon the general public, as follows: "Most people, when being told that their political convictions have been affected by particular views on economic history, will answer that they never have been interested in it and never have read a book on the subject. This, however, does not mean that they do not, with the rest, regard as established facts many of the legends which at one time or another, have been given currency by writers on economic history. Although in the indirect and circuitous process by which new political ideas reach the general public the historian holds a key position, even he operates chiefly through many further relays. It is only at several removes that the picture which he provides becomes general property; it is via the novel and the newspaper, the cinema and political speeches, and ultimately the school and common talk that the ordinary person acquires his conceptions of history. But in the end even those who never read a book and probably have never heard the names of the historians whose views have influenced them come to see the past through their spectacles." 8 Leftists take over history teaching
The teachers in history indoctrinated at Johns Hopkins then fanned out impregnating most of the major colleges and universities in America with collectivist thinking. In the latter part of the 19th century this thinking soon gained the ascendancy.
Herbert Baxter Adams was best known "not in writing history, but in training others to write it and he was a powerful influence in creating the New School of Historical Research."' 3
textbooks and reference works in college courses in history throughout the nation are based upon the thinking of such persons as Charles A. Beard, James Harvey Robinson, E. R. A. Seligman, Carl Becker, Max Lerner, Henry Steele Commager, Allan Nevins, and the Schlesingers (father and son). All these have been leaders of leftist thinking in the United States. They have had overlapping connections with one another not only in their own particular chosen profession but also in general leftist associations. This Fabian socialist slant has prevailed in American schools for over 50 years. Thousands of teachers of history have been compelled to teach the socialistic slant to each succeeding generation because their textbooks and manuals were socialist-oriented.
«F, A, Hayek, editor, Capitalism and the Historians, University of Chicago Press, I960, pp. 4, 8. Many of these were not themselves socialistically inclined, but through the forced use of these leftist texts they became captives of the socialistic philosophies.
Socialistic propaganda in the teaching of history first appeared in 1876 with the founding of Johns Hopkins University.
In 1913, Small authored a book entitled Between Eras, From Capitalism to Democracy, wherein he enunciated a thinly disguised Marxian socialist doctrine of the class struggle. He used the term "democracy" as a transparent veil for socialistic ideas. 17 However, his main function was to promote the socialistic works of others and to encourage the planting of teachers with a socialistic bent, trained in Germany, into various American colleges and universities.' 8 He was a past master in the art of insinuating socialist ideas into the minds of students and professors through cleverly camouflaged terminology. He was also particularly adept at indoctrinating religious groups and pushing them by degrees towards a socialistic agnosticism.' 9
Another proficient promoter of the socialistic writings on history and sociology which entered the classrooms of American colleges at the turn of the century, was Albion W. Small (1854-1926).
With this socialist background Beard was in a position not only to write but also to find a market for his books. In 1913, he wrote An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. 32 This was heavy artillery designed to demolish the lofty reputations of the Founding Fathers. It was one of the most audacious pieces of historical deception of all time. James Madison, one of the framers of the United States Constitution, and the fourth President of the United States, was caricatured as an exponent of a Marxist type of economic interpretation of history 21 years before Marx was even born.
Beard selected for his text a twisted extract from one out of 85 essays issued under the joint title of The Federalist in order to get support for adoption of the Constitution. The essay he chose was James Madison's Federalist 10, printed in the New York Packet, November 23, 1787. Beard used the unpardonable trick of quoting part of one paragraph and then skipping about 150 words before tacking on part of a later paragraph. Historian Douglass Adair states: "Apparently Beard's use of Madison's Tenth Federalist was, in part, at least, a matter of political strategy—a device, quite self-consciously adopted, of wrapping himself in the American Flag as he muckraked the motives of the Founding Fathers, and, by implication, pointed to the Constitution as an instrument of class exploitation." 33
Beard, deliberately created the illusion that our Founding Fathers were "a conspiracy of predatory minority groups concealing their operations behind the rhetorical false face of 'We, the People' "»*
In the portion that Beard extracted out of context from Madison's writings he tries to show that Madison attributed a purely economic and selfish motivation to the building of the American Republic. This accords with Marx's economic interpretation of history propounded about 70 years after Madison wrote the Tenth Federalist. But part of the section omitted by Beard, reads: "A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts." 35 The above statements of Madison directly contradicts Beard's false picture of Madison. Madison's view of social relations as above expressed was certainly far broader and much more realistic and intelligent than either Marx's or Beard's.
Douglass Adair sums up this chicanery succinctly when he says: "In fact, when Beard paraphrases from Federalist 10 what he calls Madison's 'masterly statement of the theory' his method is to quote one passage of that essay incompletely; to change subtly, but decisively, a key element in Madison's theory into Marxian terms; and then to buttress this misstatement of Madison's 'economic determinism' with a footnote which is almost a verbatim transcription of a paragraph by Engels." 36 The introduction to one of Beard's essays states: "Beard's main thesis that economic motives and interests dominated the 'Founding Fathers' in their drawing up of the new federal constitution in 1787 led scholars, in the main, during the twenties and thirties to subscribe to an economic interpretation of history." 37 Socialists twisted American history Beard's slant was calculated to undermine not only the heroic picture of the founders of our nation, but also to denigrate those features of independence, individualism and self-reliance that characterized the pioneer era. Beard's historical muckraking, and Frederick Jackson Turner's prophesy of a future bare of opportunity for individual development represent two great strategic blows against the basic structure of American history and traditions. The socialistic theme outlined by Beard in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States was carried through all his subsequent works. Some eleven million copies of his 47 books have been sold. 38 As Beard's interpretations have dominated the teaching of history in American schools, there is hardly an American alive who has not been exposed to this leftist virus. Since Beard's death (1948) the socialistic slant on history has been continued by such persons as Carl Becker, Max Lerner, and the two Schlesingers.
The historical perversions of Beard and his successors are not their own personal idiosyncracies, but are linked with the massive Fabian socialist movement in this country. The eleven million copies of Beard's works are a small part of the flood of socialistic material which has discolored American history. His followers and imitators have issued many millions more that are slowly corroding our people's veneration for the wise statesmen who conceived and made viable our constitutional form of government, the envy of all mankind. This degrading process is not only reflected in college textbooks, but lurks in the pages of historical novels, in motion pictures and in television programs. It has set the tone of historical thinking for the whole country. The socialist game of "debunking history" has become a popular literary pastime. It festers in the Halls of Congress, the White House, and even in the Judiciary system.
MARXISTS TWIST HISTORY When Charles Beard and his cohorts sold the idea to the American educational system that history is economically determined they pretended that this was a new American concept. Several generations of Americans have been taught this false historical principle without knowing that they were being inoculated with Karl Man's old formula of historical materialism, or what is sometimes called the economic interpretation of history. The only thing unique about Charles Beard and his corps of undercover socialists was the smooth technique with which this whole process was put over on the American public. Millions of Americans, including teachers and academicians, did not suspect that this was a device to brainwash an entire nation and change the whole concept of national destiny.
E. R. A. Seligman who also pretended to present items impartially while all the time being actuated by the socialist aim. The fact that Seligman's quotation makes no reference at all to Frederick Engels, who was internationally known as a revolutionary leftist, indicates that the policy of sly deception in the name of scholarship was an attribute not only of Charles Beard but also the entire corps of camouflaged socialists in the academic world commencing in the 19th century.
penetration of the publishing industry enabled socialist forces to flood the colleges and high schools of America with slanted material
Marx's original historical theory was actually an anti-Jewish interpretation of history. He later refined it into the formula called "an economic interpretation of history."
Marx did not arrive at his so-called "scientific socialism" by "scientific" investigation and testing. Marx embraced socialism as a teen age youth, as an emotional belief and then spent the rest of his life in constructing theoretical justifications for his creed,
Walter Lippmann, who had been an old Fabian socialist, gave a succinct sketch of how the concept "progressive" has been appropriated by the collectivists, during a temporary lapse from leftism, while personally feuding with F. D. Roosevelt: 3 "Throughout the world, in the name of progress, men who call themselves communists, socialists, fascists, nationalists, progressives, and even liberals, are unanimous in holding that government with its instruments of coercion must, by commanding the people how they shall live, direct the course of civilization and fix the shape of things to come. They believe in what Mr. Stuart Chase accurately describes as 'the overhead planning and control of economic activity.' This is the dogma which all the prevailing dogmas presuppose. This is the mold in which are cast the thought and action of the epoch. No other approach to the regulation of human affairs is seriously considered, or is even conceived as possible. The recently enfranchised masses and the leaders of thought who supply their ideas are almost completely under the spell of this dogma. Only a handful here and there, groups without influence, isolated and disregarded thinkers, continue to challenge it. For the premises of authoritarian collectivism have become the working beliefs, the self-evident assumptions, the unquestioned axioms, not only of all the revolutionary regimes, but of nearly every effort which lays claim to being enlightened, humane, and progressive." * * * "For virtually all that now passes for progressivism in countries like England and the United States calls for the increasing ascendancy of the state: always the cry is for more officials 3 See the bock Keynes at Harvard for a description of Lippmann's Fabian] socialist background, pp. 4647, 54-55, 83,
Marx idealized savagery Marx's reactionary perspective, however, harked back beyond the Middle Ages to the period when mankind lived an animal like existence in direct contact with raw nature. He adopted the position that mankind had "estranged itself" from nature and that the purpose of future society is to re-establish this contact between nature and man.' 4 His first concept of the determinism of history was based upon this return to man's original "golden age in nature", the progress of civilization being merely a march back to his original rapport with nature. He wrote: "All history is the preparation for 'man' to become the object of sensuous consciousness, and for the needs of 'man as man' to become (natural, sensuous) needs. History itself is a real part of natural history —of nature's coming to be man."" 5 Marx complained that "the last vestige of common interest, the community of possessions constituted by the family, is being undermined by the factory system."' 6 It is no wonder that in the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels often refer to the fallen estate of the average factory laborer compared to his counterpart under feudalism.' 7 Curiously, it was the emergence of a new order based on individualism and personal freedom that Karl Marx had already condemned in 1844. Marx then declared: "In Germany emancipation from the Middle Ages can only be effected by means of emancipation from the results of a partial freedom from the Middle Ages." 18
Here, Karl Marx frankly admitted that Germany had not yet completed its emancipation from medievalism. His main objection was to the limited freedom that the German people had wrested from the aristocracy. In effect Marx's demand "of emancipation from the results of a partial freedom from the Middle Ages" was reactionary to the core and meant in effect a reversion to a "closed system" of collective tyranny.
Actually the early founders of socialism had practical knowledge of only two phases of social order. They were living in the period of gestation of the private enterprise system. Society was just rising out of centuries of social ossification and a stationary economy. The medieval period was characterized by social stability. Those who were poor endured their poverty without hope of any change from the cradle to the grave. Laboring 14 to 18 hours a day was the rule rather than the exception. Brutality, torture, executions were a regular feature of medieval society. The various gradations of the population were rigidly stratified and the future of every child was predetermined at birth. During the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries there were various stirrings by men dedicated to the idea of individual freedom, and personal worth. These manifestations occurred long before there was any important economic development of private enterprise in industry. Return to Middle Ages demanded Actually, the active socialist movement in Germany during the youth of Karl Marx formed his basic socialist points of view. Early German socialism openly and actively supported a return to the principles of the Middle Ages.
the gild granted to its different individual members the right to practise the trade, conditioned, however, upon restrictions and within very definite limits. The gild determined what raw material might be bought and how much, the number of apprentices any master might employ, and the conditions under which they should work. It determined the number of journeymen in any shop, and the wages they were paid. It held the right to determine, and often did determine, the very methods and mechanism of production. Above all, it fixed the price of the finished product and scrupulously controlled the market." * * * "The gild did not allow the untrained workman or the mean-spirited trader to cut prices to spoil or steal the market. The gilds measured and weighed and tested all materials, and determined how much each producer could have. The gilds said where materials should be bought. No open market or free trade for them. They equally measured or counted, weighed and tested the finished product." * * * "As late as 1456 two men were burned alive at Nuremberg for having sold adulterated wines." * * * "The gild laws determined even what the artisan should wear and eat." * * * "Nuremberg thus saw very well that competition only served the rich and the strong. That collective trading was the hope of the poor and the plain people."
The Encyclopedia of Social Reform, which contained the article just quoted was for many years a basic reference work in most high schools and colleges in the United States and Britain. 26 It was eventually superseded by another leftist slanted compendium, the 15-volume Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
American Fabian which was eventually dissolved into the American Socialist Society in 1901. The successor today of the early Fabian movement is the League for Industrial Democracy, and its cooperating organizations such as the Americans for Democratic Action.
Joseph Stalin, in his mastery of practical socialist politics, recognized the reactionary appeal of socialist propaganda. He broke with Leon Trotsky primarily due to his insistence that the main emphasis of socialist propaganda should be aimed at the backward populations of the world rather than the highly industrialized areas. Stalin's policies proved much more fruitful than Trotsky's.
Since the socialist pedigree is a reactionary one, the question naturally arises how they have managed to assume such an exclusive claim to the labels "progressive" and "scientific." The answer lies in the techniques of propaganda. Whereas, the rest of the world is busy with the task of working and managing the practical production, distribution and vending of products and services, the socialists concentrate on psychological factors aimed at controlling the sensitive nerve centers of society. Socialists have made a special study of all the historical methods and techniques of control over the masses. The teachings of Machiavelh' are required study in all socialist and communist educational programs.
In the 160 years that the socialist movement has been actively operating, all the accumulated lessons of infiltration, deception and
double-dealing have been accumulated, systematized and improved. Those who fight socialist and communist forces today are 100 years behind in the practical experience of organizing political and propagandist action. The entire socialist movement is a continuous school in the art of feeding parasitically upon the institutions, ideas, and wealth of others who are too busy with their creative activities to counter effectively the massive and manifold mendacity of the well-managed propaganda of the left.
Masked reaction The socialist siren song 'has caused untold harm to society through organized upheavals and continuous destructive disturbances. It gave birth to the nazi and fascist movements, and thereby tortured and killed tens of millions of people. And while doing this, at all times, it loudly claimed to represent the finest instincts, and ethics of man, so that even conservatives are often deluded into thinking "that socialists may be wrong but they are good people with the best intentions." This virtuous mask is highly valued by the leaders of the left extremists who have long realized that they are vulnerable on the score of their heritage from the despotism of feudalism and the decadent Roman Empire.
As with most left-wing principles, the emotional idea comes first and the justifying evidence is fabricated later.
Of all the socialist dogmas, World Government is claimed to be the most up-to-date. On the contrary, the real parent of the World Government idea was the old-time reactionary—internationalist Roman Empire in its declining period.
With the break-up of the feudal order in Europe toward the end of the 18th century, certain Catholic thinkers began to agitate for a huge collectivist international government, in structure resembling the Catholic Church. Their ideal was a secular world government matching the universal church's spiritual apparatus. George Iggers, who translated the Saint Simonian philosophy into the English language for the first time, states in his introduction: "... the spirit of the medieval social order was expressed for the
Saint Simonians by the post-revolutionary theocrats, the early 19th century Catholic thinkers—Bonald, Ballanche, La-Mennais—but above all by de Maistre, who in defense of the modern Church and the modern monarchy expounded a unitary collectivism quite different from medieval particularism. The Christian-Feudal or perhaps more correctlv the Catholic-Restoration legitimist idea asserted the supremacy of historical forces over deliberate action, of society over the individual, and of collective faith over individual reason, and the need for authority and hierarchy. Deliberate action based upon abstract reason disturbed the harmony of society based on traditional forces and inevitably had to result in anarchy." 31 Roman tyranny inspired world socialism From the very beginning the early socialists emulated the worshippers of the ancient Roman tyranny. The direct ancestor of the modern One Worlders is the Roman Empire. They echo the nostalgic yearnings for its return which were expressed often during the Middle Ages. A social order based upon bloody conquests and human slavery, and garnished by public spectacles of human beings torn apart by wild beasts, is the original inspiration for the so-called "progressive" One World movement, which is an old reactionary imperial and authoritarian concept in modern propaganda dress. It is a reactionary hangover from a society that collapsed in bloody ruins 1,500 years ago.
Some early socialists frankly admitted that their political model was the authoritarian internationalism of the medieval Catholic Church.
Iggers explains: "The influence of the Catholic Restoration traditionalists on their thought was freely admitted by the Saint-Simonians." 32 The Catholic Restoration traditionalists advocated an adoption of the old Roman form to organize Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Americas. They desired one gigantic empire controlled by a single government The early socialists borrowed this concept. Today, their political heirs conveniently avoid mentioning the reactionary sources of their internationalism. Thus, original socialist collectivism was based not only upon the closed static society of medieval Europe but also upon the degenerate Roman Empire.
early socialists frankly boasted: "We have no doubt that our doctrine will dominate the future more completely than the beliefs of antiquity ever dominated their epoch and more completely than Catholicism dominated the Middle Ages. More powerful than its predecessors, its benevolent influence will extend to the whole world." 34 Karl Marx came by his socialist ideas through Saint Simon's teachings.
Ludwig von Westphalen, the Privy Councillor to the Prussian Provincial Government and descendant of one of Europe's most aristocratic families, taught the socialism of Saint Simon to Marx, while he was still in his teens. 35
This reference is to Professor F. A. Hayek. The Counter-Revolution of Science; Studies on the Abuse of Reason, Glencoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1935, p. 123.
Saint-Simon, an aristocrat, created a philosophy designed to counteract the French Revolution and to push back the world to an industrial feudalism under a political structure patterned upon the old Roman Empire. Ludwig von Westphalen, a Prussian aristocrat, absorbed Saint Simon's teachings and passed them on to Karl Marx, who later became his son-in-law.
The aristocrats, smarting under defeats by the forces of freedom, exhumed an old device to return humanity to a collectivist tyranny. Such was the birth of modern "scientific" socialism.
Non-socialist scholars are now just beginning to probe effectively into the origins of the socialist and communist movements. Previously, critics of socialism were sidetracked by • aggressive socialistic propaganda and its multifarious falsehoods. The leftist extremists are expert in the field of propaganda. With an accumulation of experience and skill, and a widespread control over all mass communication media, they generally managed to confuse or silence all opposition. By putting non-socialists continuously on the defensive, they succeeded in escaping from effective criticism.
A most illuminating historical treatment of the medieval origins of modern socialism can be found in a scholarly essay by Professor E. Harris Harbison of Princeton University. 39 Harbison wrote: "The truly 'radical' movement of the later medieval and early modern period was the growth of economic individualism, not the appearance of a few communistic books, sects, and communities. Against the background of nineteenth century individualism, 'radical' is today almost synonymous with 'socialist' or 'communist'." 40 He explains "It is essential to the understanding of Utopian socialism to remember that when it first appeared in European history as a fairly consistent theory, it was very largely a reactionary protest against a new, 'progressive', and poorly understood economic movement, an appeal to turn the clock backward." 41 "Early modern socialism" Professor Harbison explains "was essentially a conservative critique of a new and strange individualism felt to be excessive." 42 He characterized the beginnings of socialism as "essentially good medieval doctrine on the ownership of property applied to and shaped by contemporary problems." 43 Today's leftists hide their medieval birth Leftists have been particularly concerned lest the reactionary medieval ancestry of their own movement be disclosed. As long ago as 1948, communists and socialists through the medium of the* Soviet dominated magazine Science & Society (A Marxian Quarterly) began to mend their fences against the expected exposure of socialist origins.
Paul M. Sweezy, well-known Marxist economist and darling of the left-wing intellectual crowd, wrote a bellwether article which stated: "There are many misconceptions about the origin and nature of socialism. . . . One of these is that socialism is as old as recorded history, that every age has its socialists, and that ours is therefore in this respect not at all unique." He went to great lengths trying to disassociate modern leftism from "ancient and medieval sociaUsm". With typical socialist dialectical jargon, he tries to prove that "socialism is both a modern and western phenomenon. It is as modern as industrial capitalism and as western as the idea that all men are created equal. In fact, capitalism and the doctrine of human equal-
Professor Harbison pinpoints the reactionary nature of early socialism when he explains: "Every major feature of pre-Marxian socialism is present in this, its first classic expression: the optimistic faith in human nature, the overweening emphasis upon environment and proper education, the nostalgia for lost innocence and integrity, and the exaggerated uniformitarianism which is the measure of every Utopian's revulsion from rugged individualism,"
ity can be described without exaggeration as the true parents of socialism." 44
Professor Sweezy and his cohorts are very anxious to clear their movement of any connection with medieval reaction, which is the true parent of the socialist movement By reversing the meaning of the words "progressive", "liberal", and "reactionary", the socialists have had a field day, confusing the world and perverting and misdirecting the so-called social sciences.
they have been operating under false colors for more than 160 years in the guilty knowledge of their reactionary ancestry. This is reflected in their desperate attempts to stifle all efforts to probe into the early development of the socialist movement. Of course, in a broader sense, the main characteristics of socialist-communist government the monolithic enslavement of its people—can be traced as far back as the first Oriental despotisms, at the dawn of history.
THE ANATOMY OF PREJUDICE Leftist elements who dominate the field of "social science" have saturated "social science" literature with the theme that Jew-haters, or anti-Semites, by their very nature, gravitate towards the camp of the conservatives. Gordon W. Allport, well-known leftist and pro-Marxist, sums up this position for this school of thought:' "Whether the tolerant person is militant or pacifistic, he is very likely to be liberal in his political views. Prejudiced individuals are more often conservatives." * * * "The fact that liberalism and radicalism both correlate positively with ethnic tolerance places a strong weapon in the hands of bigots (who are likely to be political conservatives)." 2 Professor Allport drags in the Marxian theory as an authority that "prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit." 3
Member of the National Committee to repeal the McCarran Act, listed as a communist front created to defend the Communist Party (Ref.: Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee April 23, 1956).
Allport is cited as belonging to 8 communist front organizations in Appendix Part 9 of the Special Committee on un-American activities, House of Representatives 1944, pp. 350, 353, 668, 1125, 1206, 1240, 1356, 1650.
The Nature of Prejudice, Doubleday & Co.,-Anchor Books, 1958, pp. 403-404.
the Marxist view that prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit. "This theory improves in credibility if we enlarge it to mean that exploitation occurs in many ways in addition to the economic and that any form of exploitation brings prejudice in its train."
Allport's works are required reading in almost every college and university in the United States. His cohorts in collectivist beliefs practically dominate the entire field of what are called "social sciences". These views have found their reflection in all stages of social and political life in America,
a further attempt to tie patriotic Americans into the anti-Semitic classification. Professor Allport in typical left-wing fashion tries to smear those who love their country with the anti-Semitic label. He states: "Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and 'patriotism'".
"Schools have always inculcated patriotism, but the terms of allegiance are often narrowly conceived. . . . The teaching of exclusive loyalty, whether to nation, school, fraternity, or family —is a method of instilling prejudice." 3 Using the symbol of "social science" to combat "patriotism" and "loyalty" is a crude attempt to implement the old socialist-communist line of undenriining patriotism and family loyalties. The leaders of this "social science" must have been somewhat taken aback on July 4, 1963, when anti-Semitic bigots publicly distributed a leaflet which attacked Senator Barry Goldwater, national leader of conservatives, as a Jew. This attack has been continued in the most Hitlerian language. This included a studied attempt to disrupt and sabotage a mass rally of conservatives in Washington, D.C.*
Even the ancient falsehood charging that Jews practised ritual murder of gentile children has been dredged out of medieval inquisitorial literature.
It has long ago been proved that the first ritual murder accusations were made against the early Christians. The scholarly eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica states: " 'The Christians of the second and third centuries suffered severely under them.' Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.) in his Second Apology vigorously defends the Christian community against this charge; Octavius Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Origen and other Church Fathers all referred to the subject and indignantly repudiated the atrocious libel that the Eucharist involved human sacrifice.
s The leaflet distributed by fasci9tic group in front of the National Armory, Washington, D. C, July 4, 1963, entitled "National Dump Goldwater Rally". * An example, is a publication calling itself The Thunderbolt which called Senator Goldwater a "kosher conservative" and "Jew Goldwater". This publication also charged that the Jews in this country were guilty of child ritual murders. This ancient falsehood springing from the bigotry of the Dark Ages in Europe is being revived as an appeal to the more ignorant element of the population.
A concerted effort is being made to cripple the conservative movement by charging that Goldwater and others are part of a "Jewish plot" to control the world.
These actions give the lie to leftist elements who have infiltrated such Jewish organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee that anti-Semitism is primarily a creature of the conservative movement.
Socialists fostered political anti-Semitism A study of 'the socialist and communist movements proves conclusively that the left-wing has actually been largely responsible for what is today called "modern anti-Semitism".
In 1914, Nicolai Lenin, the head of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, praised an article written by Karl Marx in 1844 entitled "On the Jewish Question". Lenin declared that this article marked "Marx's transition from idealism to materialism and from revolutionary democracy to communism."" The full text of Marx's article "On the Jewish Question" is distributed by the State Publishing House in Moscow, and is required reading for Soviet citizens. 12 Actually, this essay by Marx is one of the most bigoted attacks against the Jews as a community ever published in the history of
anti-Jewish literature. In fact, the impelling motive for Marx's turn to socialism was his belief that the system of private enterprise, i.e., "bourgeois society", was a Judaistic manifestation by its very nature.
"Money is the jealous God of Israel, by the side of which no other God may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities. Money is the general and self-constituted value of all things. Consequently it has robbed the whole world—the world of mankind as well as Nature—of its peculiar value. Money is the being of man's work and existence alienated from himself, and this alien being rules him, and he prays to it. "The God of the Jews has secularized himself and become the universal God. Exchange is the Jews' real God."
"We will not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but we will look for the secret of religion in the real Jew. <=» Karl Marx Selected Essays,
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical needs, egoism. "What is the secular cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his secular God? Money.
"An organization of society, which would abolish the fundamental conditions of huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would render the Jew impossible."
declared that "we are up in arms against the Jewish spirit. ..." and that the Jewish people are "the very incarnation of the capitalist system of exploitation. . . " ,s
Jews were a primary force in bringing about the breakdown of reactionary feudalism and aided the emergence of private enterprise and the modern industrial system.
breakdown of feudal restrictions brought about by the development of the industrial system was a concomitant of the growth of personal freedom and the basic liberties which make up our modern society.
it was largely a resentment against the new freedoms including the freedom of trade, manufacture and selling, which caused the intelligentsia to yearn for a return to a controlled society where they had occupied a special and privileged position. Early socialism was clearly a device to return society into the hands of an elite which presumably would rule society on behalf of something called the 'collective will'. Saint-Simon, Fourier, Karl Marx, and all the other early socialistic advocates, were unanimous in condemning the fluidity and competition which was driving society into ever greater industrial and technological development. If these early socialists had been successful, then social progress would have been arrested and the world today would be at leas* 150 years behind the times.
This demonstration of the superior efficiency of free and unrestricted industry and commerce gave an impetus to the growing force of freedom which had been trying to break out of the feudal shell for centuries. Socialists and feudalists united in attacking the Jews as a menace to their program.
Every branch of the socialist movement used the anti-Jewish theme, likening capitalism to Judaistic practices.
as expressed by Voltaire, who declared that "the Jew is the cruel enemy of all the people."
"It is quite evident, is it not, my friends", wrote Leroux, "that when we speak of Jews we mean the Jewish spirit, the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, the spirit of commerce, of speculation, in a word, the banker's spirit".** Thus, the birth of the term "socialism" and the cancer of modern anti-Semitism flowed
Marx when he declared: "It has been proved that the task of abolishing Jewry is really the task of abolishing the Jewish spirit of bourgeois society, the inhumanity of modern living practice, the culminating point of which is the money system." "
anti-Semitic movements were considered progressive ones by the socialists of Germany and France and other countries.
An outstanding researcher of anti-Semitism in the socialist movement, Edmund Silbemer, wrote: "Even after the unification of the German Socialist movement (1875), the party press used the words Judaism, Judaization, and Jew— Judentum, Verjudung, Jude —as synonymous with exploitation, cheating, and swindling. It reprinted the well-
known anti-Jewish passages of Marx's essay on the Jewish question."
the killing of Jews as an "unproductive" element was tied in by the German socialists to the Marxist aim of killing off the financial and political rulers of Germany.
Marx, called the system of private enterprise "industrial feudalism". He wrote that this system "is personified in the cosmopolitan Jew.
"I, a Socialist revolutionary, firmly intend to attack the Jews whenever I see fit." 80
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., of Fabian socialistic persuasion, wrote: "There are important differences between communism and fascism which one must understand if one is to cope with each effectively. But, from one viewpoint, the similarities are vastly more overpowering and significant than the differences." 35 An important point continually emphasized by leftists was that the anti-Semitic basis of the Nazi movement was entirely foreign to both the socialist and communist camps. However, recent events have demonstrated that anti-Semitism has been practised in Soviet Russia and other Iron Curtain countries on a massive scale, except that it was more subtle and devious in disposing of its victims. 58
the nazi and the socialist-communist movements have a common ancestor and a single origin, historically speaking. As previously noted, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) influenced Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in the development of the socialist-communist forces. "His (Fichte—ed.) political theory had socialistic aspects which influenced Lassalle." 67 After Fichte, the philosopher, Hegel assumed the development of the theory of the collectivist State. Marx, Engels, Bakunin, Proudhon, and the whole host of the socialist-communist ideologists based their socialistic ideas on the Hegelian premise.
"On Fichte's death in 1814, he was succeeded by Georg Wil-helm Frederich Hegel at the University of Berlin. This is the subtle and penetrating mind whose dialectics inspired Marx and Lenin and thus contributed to the founding of communism and whose ringing glorification of the State as supreme in human life paved the way for the second and third Reichs of Bismarck and Hitler. To Hegel the State is all, or almost all. Among other things, he says, it is the highest revelation of the 'world spirit'; it is the 'moral universe'; it is 'the actuality of the ethical idea . . . ethical mind . . . knowing and thinking itself; the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State ... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges . . . ' " sa What Mr. Shirer fails to point out is that the same foundation gave rise to the socialist movements as well.
The Fabian socialist Encyclopedia of Social Reform, in 1898 stated: "He (Lassalle—ed.) claimed that he had converted the king,
the Jewish people, due to their exclusion from the collectivist guilds of the Middle Ages, were among the first to engage in industry and commerce as free enterprisers, and, uninhibited by guild rules, they greatly contributed to the growth of modern industry. Their isolation from the regular controlled channels of production and commerce encouraged them to serve, largely, as the pioneers of the new system of private enterprise. Many Jews, as a result, were in on the ground floor of the new rapidly expanding social order of new unrestricted manufacture, trade, and banking systems. They gained wealth, but at the same time their social position still suffered from anti-Jewish restrictions which were a hangover from the Middle Ages.
"With the steady influx of the Jewish masses into the Marxist movement it became imperative for the German, Russian and other national bureaucrats to conceal the anti-Semitism of the founders of the movement, and often their own. Since it was impossible for them, to make an honest study and presentation of the subject, for it would have inevitably involved the exposure of Marx and Engels—the only alternative was the introduction of a brand of anti-Semitism with its supposedly underlying warmth and sympathy for the persecuted Jews." pp. 786-787.
"How many of my deliberate opinions were thrown over by my change of attitude toward the Christian Socialist Movement!
Emblazoned on this leaflet was the declaration: "Lassalle's words that 'A Worker's movement has to keep itself free from Jews and capitalists' is forgotten." 72 The foul seed of anti-Semitism, so widely planted and carefully cultivated and exploited by the founders of the socialist movement and their successors, finally grew into monstrous maturity in Hitler's National Socialism.
"Fourier attributed to commerce a multitude of sins. 'Trade', he wrote, is nothing but 'a method of exchange in which the seller has the right to cheat with impunity.' It stimulates a 'general egoism' and sacrifices collective interest to individual greed."
"Convinced that the Jews were the incarnation of commerce, the basis of Fourier's anti-Semitism is patent" 3
Popularizers of anthropological topics such as Margaret Mead, J. Ashley Montagu, Gene Weltfish, Theodosius Dobzhansky and Bernard J. Stem have reached millions of persons through books, pamphlets and magazine articles. Members of this same group have had a hand in almost every modern textbook on anthropology as well as the other social sciences. They are cited as basic authorities in almost every college and university in the United States. The preachments of this small group of anthropologists are the basis of Supreme Court decisions affecting the question of civil rights which have shaken the social fabric of the entire nation. 2
• Patterns of Culture by Ruth Benedict, with an introduction by Franz Boas and preface by Margaret Mead, Mentor Books, 1959. Mead wrote: "Translated into 14 languages, with more than 800,000 copies printed in the Mentor edition alone. At this writing (1958-ed.), Patterns of Culture has helped to knit the sciences and the humanities together during a period when they had drawn very far apart." p.v. 2 See article by James Reston, New York Times, May 18, 1954, p. 14, where he relates the role of anthropology in the decision of the Supreme Court in the anti-segregation ruling.
This same group of anthropologists has convinced the United States Supreme Court, and a large segment of the more literate population, that anthropology is an exact science with well established hard and fast rules that can properly be written into law, and enforced by the military forces of the Federal Government. However, inquiry into the nature of modern social anthropology fails to show any justification for these pretensions. On the contrary, a study of the background of the most publicized anthropologists explains their fanatical zeal in propagating their dubious dogmas. The great majority have a consistent tie up with both socialist and communist movements. These extremist movements require that their followers promote the overall socialistic aims. It was a foregone conclusion that their members and partisans in the field of anthropology would never permit facts to stand in the way of their collectivist aims.
to sketch briefly the history of modern anthropology. As late as 1883, the American Cyclopedia, which was edited by two pioneer socialists, had a definition which, in total, consisted of only the following: "ANTHROPOLOGY, the science of man."" The editors, George Ripley and Charles Dana, allotted 250 times as much space to phrenology, the superstitious claim that bumps on the skull determined the nature of man. Since their friend Karl Marx was a fanatic believer that phrenology was a science, this possibly explains the emphasis on that topic in the American Cyclopedia.*
The leftists generally avoid mentioning that the socialist movement was thoroughly saturated with the "Aryan superiority" concept
They select two non-socialists in order to carry out the fiction that the "Aryan superiority" idea is strictly an upper class manifestation. Their cry today is that Nazi racism is a capitalistic weapon used against the forces of socialism. Such distortions and falsehoods of commission and omission saturate the books and papers of leftist academicians, especially those in the so-called "social sciences".
Boas had built up a large group of cultural anthropologists, who had been his students. This leftist phalanx came to be known as the Boas School of anthropology, and included among others Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Gene Weltfish, Clyde Kluckhohn and M. F. Ashley-Montagu. His graduate students had spread all over and established themselves in key teaching positions in universities and colleges throughout the country.
Followers of the Boas anthropological school, which had always been made up of both communistic and socialistic elements, threw off their cloak of caution and came out openly for a socialistic order. 117
7 Margaret Mead and M. F. Ashley-Montagu can be likened to the socialistic faction and Gene Weltfish and Bernhard J. Stem were allied with the communist political machine.
example of anthropology presented openly as a weapon for bringing about socialism can be seen in Calverton's The Making of Man —An Outline of Anthropology, 1931, Modem Library, Random House.
even more absurd than art for arfs sake." He insisted that in anthropology "the radical should take the lead". 88 The leftists always label all science that contradicts their purposes as a "capitalist science".
Calverton adopted the classic leftist pattern. He branded physical anthropology a "middle class" anthropology. Calverton charged it with being a prop for "nationalism", "imperialism", "private property" and the "monagamous family."
According to Calverton and his cohorts, physical anthropology "was thus made to serve as an excellent prop for middle class ethics." Scientifically speaking, this was the greatest nonsense, but as propaganda it was very effective.
Feeling that the depression then ravaging the country was about to result in socialism, Calverton and his colleagues felt that the time had arrived to drop the carefully built up camouflage. He openly declared anthropology a weapon to be used. He admitted that radicals used certain anthropological data: "because they fitted in so well with their own doctrine of social evolution, with the triadic theory of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, and lent themselves so excellently to the Marxian interpretation of culture as an economic unit. They supplied a historic illustration of the Marxian dialectic. They gave new historic meaning to the cause of the proletariat." 90
As usual among left-wing "social science" theories the conclusion was already foreordained and the facts preselected in order to justify socialistic preconceptions. In her private correspondence, Margaret Mead frankly indicated that the forthcoming book by Ruth Benedict was deliberately framed to put over certain social and political views.
Of all the thousands of primitive cultures, past and present, throughout the world, Ruth Benedict and her cohorts picked three to represent the 'good guys' and *bad guys' in our present society. In other words, they had to find prototypes to represent the 'bad guys', i.e., leaders of industry and business, and the 'good guys', i.e., those who advocate a socialistic state. It is amazing that the academic and literary world has swallowed the bait so eagerly. In a personal letter Margaret Mead gave Ruth Benedict the following lead: "So it would run a brief introduction—All straight theme with no history and no sidelines or morals about race equality or culture consciousness— Then the three cultures—then the theoretical point—in relation to psychiatry, diffusion, etc." 97
"We hope, a little, that whereas change has hitherto been blind, at the mercy of unconscious patternings, it will be possible gradually, insofar as we become genuinely culture-conscious, that it shall be guided by intelligence."" 0 The "intelligence" mentioned above, of course, is limited solely to that of Ruth Benedict and her socialistic and communistic coterie. Such tricky propaganda put forward in the name of science is as dishonest as Khrushchev, and has proved diabolically effective. There have been attempts to whitewash Ruth Benedict's background in an effort to build up an illusion of her scientific impartiality. However, her leftist bias is obvious. She got her start in anthropology from Alexander Goldenweiser, who was lecturing at the socialistic New School for Social Research. 1 " Goldenweiser was an anthropological colleague of Franz Boas whose socialism dated from his school days in Russia in 1902. For many years he was associated with the American Socialist Society and taught at the radical Rand School of Social Science from 1915 on." 2 Goldenweiser handed over Ruth Benedict and other fledgling anthropologists to Boas at Columbia University. Margaret Mead writes: "Then, in 1921, she came to Columbia University. Professor Boas, with his customary disregard for administrative rules, succeeded in giving her graduate credit for her work at the New School. . . . ""
Margaret Mead reports that "Patterns of Culture has gone through 11 printings, has been translated into 14 languages, and has become as timeless as the lives of the peoples on which it is based." Margaret Mead admits the purpose of Ruth Benedict's work when she stated that "... Ruth Benedict, who came, unexpectedly into a young science and shaped her thought into a book which for a generation has stood as a bridge between those who cherish the uniqueness of individual achievement and those who labor to order the regularities in all human achievement." What is apparently meant by the above statement in plain language is that Ruth Benedict's work served to convert belief in individual rights and freedoms into belief in a socialized and regimented society." 3
"I must confess that a look at the schedule of the latter department" (anthropology) "now brings blushes to my seasoned cheeks. It is ocular proof of the boldness of the bluff we were putting up." 37 This "bluff" was the formal launching of socialistically dominated anthropology in the United States. Unfortunately, this "bluff" remained largely undetected for over 60 years and its tragic impact is observable in the racial policies of the United States today.
Ross, in 1905, could boast that "I dare say the few thousand university trained Germans, and Americans educated in Heidelberg or Gottingen, have injected more German culture into our veins than all the immigrants that ever passed through Castle Garden." 38 Leftist sociologists pervert anthropology Properly speaking, modern anthropology in the United States is an offshoot of the same leftist group that initiated sociology as a university discipline.
The main reason why this particular slant has appropriated the generic name of anthropology is to facilitate by a well organized campaign of name-calling and politically inspired charges the suppression of factual anthropological information which contradicts the dogma of socialism.
The major text, cited in almost every university-course in sociology before 1900, was Lester F. Ward's Dynamic Sociology. This work was a massive compendium proving the inevitability of socialism.
claim was made before the age of the automobile, the airplane and radio-television. America carried on its daily business through the horse-drawn vehicles, and mud roads made much of the nation impassable during periods of rain and snow. Compared to today, the average person lived in circumstances much more akin to colonial America. Lester Ward was touted as the creator of original thoughts on socialism, and the case was made out that he was led to this point of view by the overwhelming weight of evidence accumulated during his researches. Elaborate attempts have been made to show that he arrived at a socialistic point of view independent of Marx
Written during the horse-and-buggy stage of American civilization, this work echoed Marx's premise that society was already overripe for socialism due to what they then thought was the high technical development of civilization. This
after the sociological movement began to gain momentum, everyone in it recognized him (Lester Ward) as its initiator in this country, and no one has approached him in grasp of the relations between cosmic evolution in general and the evolution of human associatings." p. 752. Marxist credo. 40 This claim is wholly false, as was known by those making it.
Social Forces, article by Bemhard J. Stern, "Letters of Albion. W. Small to Lester F. Ward", Dec. 1933. In this same letter he wrote: "There are thousands of men who hold to the substance of the traditional evangelical doctrines, who are yet theoretically willing to be convinced that any one of them is untenable. Supposing that some of these doctrines or the whole fabric of them may be false, it is better in dealing with such men, it seems to me to adopt Beecher's advice 'Don't let too many cats out of tie bag at once'." pp. 165-166.
Small looked upon the Christian Socialist Movement from a strictly opportunistic point of view. His sincerity was confined strictly to his socialist belief, and his manipulations of the Christian religion worked toward its ultimate destruction. This is a classic exposition of the manner in which Christian socialism has been manipulated and Christian beliefs eroded by socialist schemers.
Privately anti-Negro while publicly pro-Negro
When one bears in mind that the consuming passion of the socialist-communist forces is the establishment of a political power whereby the entire human race is collectivized, then one can understand the various shifts in tactics as time goes on.
the cultural approach, according to which populations can be fashioned at will was a more useful device. Socialists ruthlessly sacrifice all facts and personal beliefs to their sacred cause. In their hands, science becomes a tool for the manipulation of society, in which truth and real scientific progress have no part.
left-wing sociologists which included Ward, Small, Giddings, Ross and Thorstein Veblen, laid the basis for seducing anthropology into a leftist path via the cultural approach All of the functions of social and political living were reduced to cultural categories. They created the fashion whereby academicians and writers on social topics began to use the terms "culture of politics," "culture of religion," "culture of economic attitudes," ad infinitum. The term culture was thus expanded by degrees to fit the meaning of the German "Kultur" which was much broader than the usual English meaning of the word. 54
However, a catalyst was needed by socialists to amalgamate anthropology with the new cultural combination. The scheme was carried out by importation of the "Kultur" device from Germany itself.
Previously, the term "culture" generally meant: the act, or the art of tilling the ground, or of raising crops by tillage; cultivation. 2. Improvement or melioration by effort."
In 1886, he was a Docent of Geography at the University of Berlin. He arrived in New York in 1887, and by 1888 was already installed as a Docent of Anthropology at Clarke University, where he proceeded to issue the first PkD. in Anthropology in the United States. 60 How Boas originally became endowed with the title of anthropologist has never been satisfactorily explained from a formally academic point of view.
man collectivist thought in analyzing the native populations of the Baffin region. This theme that the cultural environment determines the man, and not that the man shapes the environment, became the primary theme of the Boas socialistic school throughout his long lifetime.
Boas joined forces with the socialist sociologist Franklin H. Giddings, who had variously been termed sociologist, anthropologist, and political scientist. Boas and the socialistic cadres proceeded to use their leftist faction at Columbia as a political vehicle. During that general period, Columbia University had a well established nest of socialists and socialistic partisans among the faculty. They worked together as a close and well-knit group. Included in this group were Charles A. Beard and James Harvey Robinson, historians, E. R. A. Seligman, economist, and John Dewey. 62 Dewey was touted as an educational philosopher. He developed the collectivistic system of education which was dubbed "progressive education". Socialist indoctrination under this label has infected American school systems for almost two generations.
The Heritage Foundation, Inc., Chicago 1957, relative to the leftist subversion of our schools via the "progressive education" technique.
used all the accumulated skill garnered from the German socialist movement to manipulate anthropology away from its physical aspects into the cultural environment theory. His socialistic cohorts at Columbia and other universities throughout the nation then extended this cultural socialistic concept into other disciplines, such as history, economics, sociology, political science, philosophy, and almost every other department having to do with social studies.
Boas project was buttressed by reference books written by the Beard School in history, the Ross School in sociology, The Seligman school in economics, the Morris Cohen school in jurisprudence, and the John Dewey group in the philosophy of education.
socialist coterie, operating with the prestige and respectability of their academic titles, began to promote one another's works through book reviews, educational manuals and required reading lists. All this has been continued to the present day, under the banner of individual thought and intellectual freedom. This basic dishonesty has been responsible for the tremendous success of the socialistic permeation of our social life. The Boas fellowship were past masters in this technique. Today there are hopeful signs of rebellion against this deception by a growing number of scientists and educators.
In anthropology, as in the other social sciences, the impression has deliberately been created by its manipulators that collectivistic for socialistic conclusions have been arrived at due to an overwhelming mass of scientific evidence pointing toward the inevitable triumph of socialism. The fact is that in almost every case, the personalities involved were socialists first, and applied themselves to various academic and scientific fields merely to use these as transmission belts for socialist purposes.
not satisfied with merely infecting the academic world with the environmental theory dressed up in cultural garb. They proceeded to enter into direct radical activity outside the educational field. NAACP formed as a socialist front
The function of Du Bois and his group was to destroy the effectiveness of the great Negro leader Booker T. Washington. Washington had espoused the philosophy of Negro self-help and self-development in the trades and professions as a means of lifting Negroes into a higher economic and cultural level. The socialist controlled Niagara movement was quite successful in torpedoing the Booker T. Washington program. 67 It was obvious that any successful self-development movement among Negroes would strengthen the present private enterprise system rather than weaken it. The socialist premise has always been to weaken the social order so as to render it easier for the final take-over. This is a fundamental long-range principle of over-all socialistic strategy.
The Greenwich House Committee numbered among its directors such socialists names as E. R. A. Seligman, chairman, Franz Boas, Franklin H. Giddings and Mary White Ovington. The tentacles of this fellowship reached from the Socialist Party and the League for Industrial Democracy (Fabian) into the NAACP and the National Urban League. Thus, a small well-knit group, largely unopposed and undetected, managed under the cover of scientific auspices to spread its socialistic ideas and tactics throughout the entire nation.
By the time Hitler rose to power, the socialists throughout the world, and the Boas group particularly, began to apply epithets of "racism" and "genocide" to those who endeavored to carry on scientific studies of the various races and sub-races of humankind. They were helped greatly by Hitler's use of the racial theme to excuse his inhumanities.
Nazi pre-occupation with the theory of Aryan "superiority" to justify their massacres of millions of innocent civilians was cited in literature, speeches, university lectures and newspapers, as the reason for damning all physical investigations into racial differences. By almost imperceptible degrees the Boas leftist school, which was made up of both socialist and communist partisans, began to create the impression that the Aryan "superiority" theory was a Fascistic abomination and invention.
Socialists and communists pretend that the concept of Aryan "superiority" springs strictly from Nazi and Fascist sources. Socialists would have the world forget that for several decades in the 19th century they themselves toyed with the idea of using the theory of Aryan "superiority"as a means of selling socialism to the public. We have noted previously that Karl Marx's colleague Friedrich Engels spoke of "the superior development of Aryans". 73
the term "Aryan" as related to a racial stock is completely misplaced and has been known to be so for over 100 years. "Aryan" can only be applied philologically,—to a relationship of languages and not of race.
In the 19th century, it was well known that the term "Arya" or "Aryan" originally described a group of people who occupied Western and South-Western Asia in remote antiquity. Their descendants today can be found in the Himalayas, Eastern India and Iran. The false and unscientific designation as "Aryan" of peoples speaking Germanic languages has helped to inflict the horrors of concentration camps and gas chambers on millions of people.
socialists were among the pioneers in spreading the ideas of the superiority of "Aryans" as a racial category.
they must take the major blame for preparing the German mind for the Hitlerian atrocities.
Like Hitler, Rouanet identified the struggle between capitalists and workers as being basically one "between Aryans and Semites".'
There is voluminous evidence of extensive "Aryan Superiority" writings and speeches by socialists
Albert Regnard, famous French socialist, who had been Secretary General of the Paris Police under the bloody Paris Commune of 1871, was an active promoter of "Aryan superiority" as a means of building socialism.
claimed "to prove scientifically the superiority of the Aryans, the only race that is able to prepare 'social renovation'
Regnard laid the basis for Hitler's concept by insisting that the Aryan race "is the only race to possess the notions of justice, liberty and beauty. All real Science is of Aryan origin. Scientific Socialism is a 'Franco-Germanic creation, i.e., Aryan in the strongest meaning of the term". 77 Regnard also categorized the "Jewish race" as "deplorably inferior".
"Aryan superiority" theme raised its head again in the socialist movement in 1898 when Edmund Picard, a prominent Belgian socialist and socialist member of the Belgian Senate, wrote a socialist book entitled L'Aryano-Semitisme. In this book he tried "to synthesize both anti-Semitism and socialism". He wrote "that the antagonism between the Semitic race and the Aryan race is as old as the co-existence of the two races." Picard stated that, "the Semite in general, and the Jew in particular, is a parasite", and that "preference in everything must be given to Aryans". He took the position that "socialism seeks to abolish social injustice with
respect to all workers, Aryans, Jews, Negroes and Mongols. Scientific and humanitarian anti-Semitism is by no means opposed to this final aim of socialism, but the fraternity of the oppressed does not imply an identical status for various races within one and the same civilization, nor the admission of one race to the direction of the affairs of another, nor assimilation of different races." 78
Shaw's advice to solve the Jewish problem in Germany was "force the Jews to wed Aryans". 80
written of the Nazi use of the Aryan theory to perpetrate the crimes of genocide against innocent millions. However, the fact must be noted that if the European socialists had not for several preceding generations intentionally twisted and distorted the scientific study of anthropology, and had not themselves spread the concept of "Aryan superiority", it is doubtful that Hitler and his minions could have received such mass support for the savage treatment of various racial and ethnic groups.
United States, also, after the Civil War, the socialists espoused Aryan "superiority" through the Populist movement
By 1934, the International socialist and communist movement reached an agreement to operate on a united front basis. The new radical unity was advanced under the title of "The People's Front". Stalin saw in Hitler a worldwide competitor operating in the socialistic field.
Before the "People's Front" arrangement, communists were instructed to brand socialists throughout the world as "social fascists".
the struggle took on the characteristics of a group of gangsters, all out after the same loot. Like gangsters, different contending radicalisms are willing to annihilate one another but, at the same time, always present a united front against a common enemy (actually a common victim). In the case of gangsters, it is the constituted police authority which is the common enemy; in the case of the radicals it is the "capitalist class" or "capitalist government".
The leftist-led cultural anthropologists adapted themselves to the new socialist-communist united front
The Making of Man was an anthology and not the work of one man alone. It was accepted as a basic text by all the major socialist-communist groups.
Leftists plotted to indoctrinate the nation Conferences were held between Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Otto Klineberg, and a number of others of leftist persuasion, on the creation of a popular work which would use anthropological material as a means of putting forward a socialistic theme.
"The Dobuan, therefore, is dour, prudish, and passionate, consumed with jealousy and suspicion and resentment. Every moment of prosperity he conceives himself to have wrung from a malicious world by a conflict in which he has worsted his opponent." 99 Primitive sub-race likened to Puritans She managed in the same breath to compare the savage Dobuan, with his limited brain equipment, to the Puritans in America during the 18th century.' 00 This is in keeping with the constantly recurring theme of communists and socialists that Puritans are a vicious symbol of early capitalism.' 01 Leftist historians are not in the least deterred by the anomaly that Puritanism arose (1567) at least 250 years before the rise of ss Patterns of Culture, R. Benedict, pp. 151-152.
Max Lerner, America as a Civilization. In this book, Lemer who is a distillation of both the communist and socialist movements, gives the typical picturizatioii declaring that "The Puritan qualities were intense, inverted, crotchety, rather than judicious or humanist." ". . . . the Puritans considered human nature vile and kept an eye on the next world, but the other eye was kept lustily on the enterprises of this world. Their heritage accounts for much in the American combination of the visionary and the pragmatic, the righteous and the profitable." pp. 20-21. Lemer quotes, with relish, the socialistic Henry Adams who wrote that the Puritan type "had learned also to love the pleasure of hating". Lerner closes Volume I of his work by accusing the Puritan of having "the profit complex" and the "success complex", p. 462.
The great objections that all collectivists have to the Puritans are that they were supposedly imbued with a desire for "success" and "profit". The fact that the Puritans burned a number of women as witches in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, has been used by the entire leftist movement as a symbol of wicked capitalist cruelty.' 02 Thus any attempt to restrict or impede the activities of radicals is generally called a "witch hunt".
Ruth Benedict found many resemblances between the savage Dobuan and modern entrepeneurs and executives. She wrote: "In our own generation extreme forms of ego gratification are culturally supported in a similar fashion. Arrogant and unbridled egoists as family men, as officers of the law and in business, have been again and again portrayed by novelists and dramatists, and they are familiar in every community. Like the behavior of Puritan divines, their courses of action are often more asocial than those of the inmates of penitentiaries. In terms of the suffering and frustration that they spread about them there is probably no comparison. There is very possibly at least as great a degree of mental warping. Yet they are entrusted with positions of great influence and importance and are as a rule fathers of families. Their impress both upon their own children and upon the structure of our society is indelible. They are not described in our manuals of psychiatry because they are supported by every tenet of our civilization." 103
previously noted a number of mercantile speculators were burned to death by the socialistic guilds of Nuremberg during the Middle Ages, This sort of treatment was described by the socialist W. D. P. Bliss as "a just cruelty". Apparently, socialists do not object to the burning of human beings per se but only object to such cruelty if perpetrated by those whom they considered social enemies.
Ruth Benedict, in an article entitled "Anthropology and the Abnormal", in the Journal of General Psychology, Vol. X, No. 2, 1934, pp. 59-82, restates the above thesis almost verbatim, and also says: "There is a further corollary. From the point of view of absolute categories of abnormal psychology, we must expect in any culture to find a large proportion of
Private enterprise called "paranoid trend"
She complained that due to cultural restrictions "it is not yet possible to discuss capitalism. . . " in an "objective" manner. ,0 «
At the end of her chapter on the Kwakiutl she declares: "The megalomaniac paranoid trend is a definite danger in our society." 103
"The chief motive that the institutions of the Kwakiutl rely upon in which they share in great measure with modern society is the motive of rivalry. Rivalry is a struggle that is not centered upon the real objects of the activity but upon outdoing a competitor." * * * "Rivalry is notoriously wasteful. It ranks low in the scale of human values. It is a tyranny from which, once it is encouraged in any culture, no man may free himself. The wish for superiority is gargantuan; it can never be satisfied. The contest goes on forever. The more goods the community accumulates, the greater the counters with which men play, but the game is as far from being won as it was when the stakes were small."
the most extreme abnormal types among those who from the local point of view are farthest from belonging to this category. The culture, according to its major preoccupations, will increase and intensify hysterical, epileptic, or paranoid symptoms, at the same time relying socially in a greater and greater degree upon these very individuals. Western civilization allows and culturally honors gratifications of the ego which according to any absolute category would be regarded as abnormal. The portrayal of unbridled and arrogant egoists as family men, as officers of the law, and in business has been a favorite topic of novelists, and they are familiar in every community. Such individuals are probably mentally warped to a greater degree than many inmates of our institutions who are nevertheless socially unavailable. They are extreme types of those personality configurations which our civilization fosters." i°*ibid., p. 217. 'ob ibid., p. 195.
Whereas the Dobu and the Kwakiutl were put forward as evil symbols representing private enterprise, the Zuni culture was pictured as a superior social order operating as a socialistic unit'
What Ruth Benedict and her socialistic cohorts look upon as a desirable collectivism is nothing but the unfortunate effect of a permanent state of siege.
Middletown is a symbol created by Robert S. Lynd, sociologist at Columbia University for many years, and a colleague of Ruth Benedict and Franz Boas.
His study called Middletown was a compendium denigrating private enterprise and individual ambition. It was a leftist oriented book pretending to be an impartial study.
Nietzschian thesis in philosophy has been borrowed by all the socialists including the Nazi camp. 108 The actual theme of Patterns of Culture is basically simple. It is only the fancy embroidery of primitive curiosa which confuses the reader. Abnormal savages compared to executives
communistic fellow-workers used anthropology as imposing camouflage to dignify their puerile reliance on a few extreme and abnormal little groups of no importance to vilify by an absurd comparison civilized individuals who are striving to succeed in business and industry as "arrogant egotists" who are "mentally warped".
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 373-375. See also, A. Hitler Mein Kampf, pp. 127, 359, 398 and 581 and A. Hitler My New Order and his speech delivered Sept. 3, 1933 at Nuremberg where he invokes the authority of Nietzsche, p. 208, An Anthropologist at Work.
Socialists manufacture doctorates for leftists Ruth Benedict, still a housewife at 34, was quickly promoted to high anthropological rank by Franz Boas strictly on the basis of her socialistic background. He even managed to manipulate a Ph.D. for her in three semesters by the device of giving her full credit for a study at an unaccredited radical school as a basis for a Columbia University Ph.D. degree.
highlight of Ruth Benedict's career came when she co-authored the booklet Races of Mankind with Gene Weltfish. This book was issued by the Public Affairs Committee, a socialistic front which included such radicals as Harry W. Laidler, George Soule and Maxwell Stewart. Through sympathetic connections in government, this group during World War II managed to get the U.S. War Department to issue this left-wing racial propaganda piece to our military personnel.
Margaret Mead's activities were also socialistic in background as indicated by her contribution to Modem Quarterly, a Journal of Radical Opinion (socialist) Summer, 1940, Vol. XI, No. 6, pp. 33-34. Margaret Mead was also active with the Colonial Fabian Bureau. This was part of the British Fabian Socialist Society.
Races of Mankind was finally banned as red propaganda. In spite of this, Ruth Benedict subsequently occupied a number of sensitive positions during wartime, including a position with the Office of War Information." 6
before her death (1948) Ruth Benedict received a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. This tremendous multi-million dollar foundation has been tapped for huge sums for projects clearly designed to aid extreme leftist aims.
Writers, thus indoctrinated, began to flood the nation with a spate of books, pamphlets, magazines and newspaper articles expounding the leftist thesis on race relations, that all human stocks are basically the same, and that differences are due solely to diverse cultural impacts. They ignored inherited racial characteristics almost completely. Thus the scene was being set for a major strategy, to control the thought and actions of an entire nation. Leftist manipulators in the academic world now felt secure with thousands of brainwashed college graduates ensconced in key positions throughout society. The leftist masterminds had cleverly manipulated this huge academic task force; following the tactics of the British Fabian Socialist Society, they covered all their activities with an aura of respectability.
In 1892, John D. Rockefeller was inveigled into giving $23,000,-000 to establish the University of Chicago.' 20 A considerable part of this money was funnelled into the establishment of the first chair of Sociology and Anthropology in the United States, occupied by the Marxist-socialist Albion W. Small. 12 ' us A. Freemantle, This Little Band of Prophets, p. 138.
Small wrote "of the galvanic effects of the University of Chicago itself upon the whole academic situation in the United States". He reflected his socialistic aims by boasting that "it was a demonstration against the futility of the existing order, both of social conditions and of theories about the conditions. It made some people think that something must be the matter both in society and in the science of society. . . ." "Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States", American Journal of Sociology, May 1916, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 764-67.
Academic leftists were experts in the technique of separating millionaires from their money while simultaneously vociferating that the wealthy were an evil element that had to be eliminated. In the ensuing years, the socialists accomplished the amazing feat of getting control of the giant foundations, all founded by men who had devoted their lives to the free enterprise system
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is studded with names of those who have played a leading part in exacerbating today's racial conflicts. The list of names of its leading personnel largely duplicates the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. According to the same congressional investigation "the power of the SSRC seems to be used to effect control of the field of social sciences."'
all the United States are influenced by SSRC blessing. With great foundation support at its command, it has the power to reach into various directions to exercise influence and, often, control." p^ 50. which the Council nominates itself. This self-perpetuating leadership is even more totalitarian in its form than that used to pick leadership in either the communist hierarchy or the former nazi regime. 1 " Much has been written about such obvious leftist foundations as the Garland Fund and the Marshall Foundation, in which Communist and socialist partisans filled the posts and disbursed funds for openly socialist and communist purposes.
The father of the Encyclopedia was Dr. Alexander Golden-weiser, well-known socialist and anthropologist who was the original mentor of Ruth Benedict. 128 On the board of directors was Franz Boas. The editors, board of directors, and consultants and contributors of the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences read like a Who's Who of the communist and socialist luminaries in the academic world. The
This Encyclopedia became the main reference work in its field, and buttressed the left-wing Boas school of cultural anthropology. Almost every college, university, and large library in the United States has a set. It has been hailed as the "Supreme Court" of the social sciences.
socialist-communist amalgam has managed to tie into one package a leftist interpretation of anthropology and all the other social sciences. Students, teachers, and writers dealing with these subjects are almost forced to use it since it is the only compendium available. This was a brilliant stroke on the part of leftist academicians. Through this medium they have funnelled their socialistic views for over a generation into practically every college classroom in the nation.
Thus was consummated one of the greatest leftist schemes ever devised in modern civilized society. A small interlocking clique in control of key organizations began to impose their views
under the cover of cultural anthropology they have instigated actions designed to upset traditional relationships
They destroyed compromises, disrupted traditional ties and created a hopeless vacuum which quickly engendered violence.
This Little Band of Prophets,
"Innocent cover" for a crafty deception
Various other socialist-communist influences in the social sciences, including social jurisprudence, sociology and history, were also brought to bear to buttress this gigantic anthropological device which was presented to the American people under the name of An American Dilemma. Actually, the basic conclusions of the projected book had been reached long before the nominal author was chosen. It was difficult to find an American figure who could lend the projected study sufficient prestige and respectability.
the smoothest socialist practitioners resided on the European continent. These experts with more than a century of experience in socialist maneuvers had been extremely successful in inculcating the unsuspecting European populace with various forms of socialism.
Myrdal the final choice was a prominent Swedish socialist. The reason was that Americans had been sold on the idea that Sweden exemplifies a "harmless socialism". 139
A socialist "expert" privately admits incompetence In a confidential note to Frederick Keppel, Myrdal complained about his difficulties in understanding the Negro question in the United States. He wrote to him that "if I were to investigate the American system of taxation, or the American population problem I would know from the beginning how to attack the problem and how to organize my work in collecting the available material." 141 He then complained that "one reason for these initial difficulties is that the race problem as such is new to me."' 42 Privately, he admitted that "I have, thus, to acquire a working knowledge of American history, geography, culture, politics and institutional set-up before I can even place the Negro in the right position in the national scena"' 43
Myrdal's task was already wrapped up for him. His job was primarily to bluff the matter through before the public and to use his considerable skill as a socialist public relations expert in dealing with American audiences.
Swedish socialists, however, have been unusually skillful in putting across socialist views in a sugar-coated form.
roster of assistants listed in the author's preface of this book includes 57 persons who have extensive records in communist-socialist front organizations. The compilation of An American Dilemma was a major communist-socialist joint effort. Myrdal was handed a total of 15,000 typewritten pages of manuscript which he and his staff condensed into 1,500 pages for An American Dilemma.™ 3
An American Dilemma faithfully carried out the socialist-communist intent to downgrade physical anthropology almost to zero. Left-wingers in the anthropological field had previously pushed the studies of physical differences of various races progressively into the background. Myrdal had learned that lesson well. He wrote confidentially to the head of the Carnegie Foundation: "If my impression is correct, that the inborn physical and mental (intellectual and moral) qualities of the American Negro, or, rather, the differences with regard to these qualities between Negroes and other groups in the American population, are not in themselves of great significance in the social problem, no intensive studies should be made in these fields.""" Thus, at one stroke, Myrdal disposed of all possible basic differences between the Negro and white populations. He added: "Thus, if there should be somewhat of a consensus sapientum (mutual agreement of wise men—ed.) that the differences in in-born intellectual and moral capabilities between average Negroes and whites are in themselves of insignificant proportion if any, this whole field could be disposed of in this Study by
The expedient of labelling as "conservative" and "reactionary" all of the scientific data that does not jibe with socialist aims is the universal catchword among leftists. The old adage that "before you kill a dog you must give him a bad name" is apparently the basic socialistic device in prejudicing the public mind against such scientific knowledge. 1 "
contrary to leftist claims, racial differences of the major five races on earth are not mere "paint jobs" but involve a more fundamental and deep-seated structural dissimilarity.
Carleton S. Coon gives as the five basic races that developed independently from Homo erectus as being the Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Congoid and Capoid. Both the Congoid and Capoid are considered by Professor Coon aa separately developed races, both of which may be found on the African continent.
bones; in the sizes and probable secretion rates of different endocrines; in certain details of the nervous system, as, for example, how far down in the lumbar vertebrae the neural canal extends; and in the capacity of individuals to tolerate crowding and stress." 163
"The second immediate difficulty is the ascription of the inappropriate value predicates 'superior" and 'inferior' in the discussion of racial differences. 'Superiority' and 'inferiority' are judgments involving value components and as such are not subject to factual determination.
Basically, the racial question confronting Americans is not whether the Negro is inferior but whether he is misplaced here with respect to the climatic and social environment for which he is constructed. Since a tremendous portion of the habitable areas of the earth lie in a tropical zone, it is obvious that the Negro has a greater potential for surviving and increasing in numbers there, where other racial stock is on the wane,
Abraham Lincoln's plan of colonizing the Negroes in suitable tropical areas was probably the most logical and humane solution.
Writers who oppose this deliberately designed racial strategy have generally failed to identify the socialist-communist forces behind it alL Instead, they have attacked the racial falsehoods piecemeal.
"But it sits ill with the actual fact—of which the author seems unaware—that only a few days before his death Lincoln was stiH toying with the notion of colonization." • 73 An Anthropologist at Work, letter from Margaret Mead to Ruth Benedict, 1933, pp. 335-36.
An American Dilemma, like other similar anthropological works, is intentionally confusing and obscure. Its writers apparently expected to be attacked, and knew that they were vulnerable in basic racial fundamentals. Old hands in international socialist intrigue such as Myrdal and his colleague Sterner designed the content of An American Dilemma so that its opponents would have to wallow through a maze of semantic trickery and dialectical obscurities.' 74 "Science" used to cover racial falsehoods
One objective of the leftists in dominating anthropology and the other social sciences was to utilize the very definite value that "scientific" projections have in influencing the entire population. The term "science" is a sacred symbol in the mind of the average person. An American Dilemma was constructed so as to exploit this symbolism. ]Myrdal admits as much in the first page of his appendix in An American Dilemma: "In our civilization people want to be rational and objective in their beliefs. We have faith in science and are, in principle, prepared to change our beliefs according to its results." 178 The use of "science" in order to put over ancient socialistic ideas is the main weapon used to impose the new racial tactics upon the rest of the population. An American Dilemma was not a compendium of existing beliefs on the Negro question but was deliberately planned to change these relationships. Myrdal uses the term "intelligent social engineering".'
The concept of "social engineering" was a substitute term for socialism
Following the publication of An American Dilemma, the Carnegie Corporation, along with the Social Science Research Council, jointly approached Stuart Chase and asked him to "run a kind of chain and compass line across the whole front of the sciences devoted to human relations ..." 179
Using the leftist conclusions of the Boas school of anthropology, as well as Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma, Stuart Chase outlined the strategy for using the "culture concept" in anthropology as a leftist weapon. He boasted: "Theoretically, a society could be completely made over in something like 15 years—the time it takes to inculcate a new culture into a rising crop of youngsters."'" A plan to indoctrinate a whole generation In this same chapter, which is called "The Culture Concept", Chase declares: "Culture patterns do change, and can be changed." ,es He pointed out the importance of those "who handle the 'cake of custom/ so to speak before it is baked. A cultural change could be introduced, as through a funnel, through these molders of the next generation." ,88 Thus, in simple terms, Stuart Chase gives away the plot. He indicates that the important factor is to gain control of the "funnel" through which the ideas are planted in the minds of a generation. This is precisely how educated Americans were indoctrinated by means of social anthropology and the other so-called "social sciences".
traditional in the socialist-communist camp that once indoctrination is accomplished, the next step is to seize the initiative organizationally. Leftists always fear that if too much time is allowed the more alert minds will gather their thoughts and see through the false facade of "social anthropology". The left-wing therefore kept moving ahead and attacked on a broad front
Roger N. Baldwin have been active socialist strategists even before World War I. Baldwin was one of the pioneers of the camouflage technique in putting across socialism. In 1917, he wrote privately to another socialist, advising Vn'm to "steer away from making it look like a socialist enterprise." "We want also to look patriots in everything we do." ,s7 This underhanded policy is standard procedure in the socialist movement.
An amazing interlocking series of organizations have been formed to put across forcible Negro-white integration in the United States. The NAACP concentrates mainly in rallying Negroes and furnishing the facade for legal actions. CORE is devised to organize direct action campaigns such as demonstrations, sit-downs and so-called "freedom rides". The American Civil Liberties Union on the other hand runs interference in the legal field for all of these moves. The ACLU is the main tool used to undermine the basis of the American legal system. It has assumed the permanent pose of a disinterested party claiming to represent "civil liberties" for all In this it has been exceptionally clever. However, extensive analysis shows that the NAACP, CORE and the ACLU have all been formed and are controlled by socialists. Since there is generally some sort of working rapport between communists and socialists, there is naturally a generous sprinkling of pro-communist elements in all these organizations. The combined leftist action, abetted by leftist infiltrators in both major political parties, has created a national crisis in the United States. On its periphery this movement has tied itself into the communist-socialist international racial turmoil.
At the bottom of all the shouting, the injuries, the deaths, and the general ruin that follows is the trumped-up "scientific" evidence that passes as "social anthropology".
Not only have white men of good will been bludgeoned into silence by this avalanche of organized hysteria, but many Negroes are forced to toe the line under the threat of social ostracism by their own kind.
the Negro must learn to compete with his fellow man. He must not only seek jobs, but he must own establishments which give jobs to others." * * * "The Negro believes that the lack of civil rights legislation and the lack of integration have kept him back but this is not true. If he would learn to use the laws of observation, concentration, memory, reason and action he would realize there is a world of opportunity in his own back yard" * * * "The Negro must learn how to think. You can't change the system to accommodate the Negro. You have to change the Negro to fit the system. You can't legislate equality." When asked a question: "What the NAACP was doing for the individual Negro" Mr. Fuller answered "Nothing." He added; "They are trying to change the white man, not the Negro." 188
"Being a Negro parent favoring integration, I cannot support a boycott of our schools in the name of integration. My pride as a Negro prevents me from believing my children could not receive a good education in a class surrounded by other Negro children."'
Trustees of Veritas Foundation are: ARCHIBALD B. ROOSEVELT, H'17; ARTHUR BROOKS HARLOW, H'25; JOHN E. BAUMANN, NYU'29; WILLIAM A. ROBERTSON, H'31. WATSON WASHBURN, H'15, Legal Counsel ZYGMUND DOBBS, Research Director
B. S. Haldane, Professor of Genetics and Biometry, startled the scientific world with these observations: "That both individuals and races are different from one another. . . . That there was still no evidence that all races were equal in their intellectual endowment. ..." "What can be said in general with regard to equality or inequality of the races is that each is superior in its own environment."""
Haldane shows intellectual honesty as a scientist in acknowledging the cogency of scientific evidence that runs counter to the political position which he has espoused
Beatrice Webb, the mother of the Fabian socialist movement in both England and the United States who privately wrote about a Negro in her diary as "a nauseous n____o mouthing primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
others organized a barrage of abuse against the Manhasset school district. Squads of leftist "brain washers" have been busy ever since harassing that community.
the double standard of Beatrice Webb, the mother of the Fabian socialist movement in both England and the United States who privately wrote about a Negro in her diary as "a nauseous n____ mouthing primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (1964) (Veritas Foundation / Dobbs / Roosevelt)
- Highlight Loc. 5093-5100 | Added on Friday, October 14, 2016, 12:24 PM
"Basing their ideas on the concept of the brotherhood of man certain writers, who are mostly social anthropologists, consider it immoral to study race, and produce book after book exposing it as a 'myth'. Their argument is that because the study of race once gave ammunition to racial fascists who misused it, we should pretend that races do not exist" 198 Actually, the scientific study of race has been confronted with major obstacles imposed by leftists on two fronts. The Nazi National Socialism's distortion and falsification of certain racial data had a crippling effect on the scientific study of race. The socialists and communists, on the other hand, wishing to utilize the Negro masses as political cannon fodder, have insisted that there is no such thing as race. Leftists wish to equalize the entire human species in one common mold. However, human nature continually plays tricks on
Scientism and Values, Helmut Schoeck and James W, Wiggins, editors, Von Nostrand Co. Inc., Princeton, N. J., 1960. This book is a compilation of the views of 12 scientists and educators who expose the efforts in the "social sciences" to seduce the mind of an entire nation. ,9 e Scientism and Values, p. 109.
this socialistic thesis.
Negro killings of whites are increasing at an alarming rate. Thus ironically enough the executioners are complaining of the victims.
slaves that were transported to the New World were those who otherwise would have been killed, and often eaten.
Previous to the importation of Negro slaves into the New World, the Negro warrior tribes traditionally killed all those whom they bested in battle and in most cases, ate the victims.
This UNESCO body also declared: "differences between achievements of various peoples must be explained wholly by their cultural history. "* ,e Here, in classic form is an example world-wide unity of both theory and practice by the socialist and communist movements. The medieval emanations of Saint-Simon that man is only a helpless reflector of his environment is here repeated in modem semantic garb. Hitler's device of false-race is now matched with the leftist scheme of non-race. Each is an attempt to make soulless automatons out of those they want to rule.
Since scientific research into the matter of human racial differences by zoologists, biologists, medical men, and physical anthropologists has been branded as "racist" and "reactionary" this move is designed to block all attempts to record and analyze new scientific evidence which might contradict the left-wing non-race thesis. Thus the reactionary methods of medieval scholasticism, whereby knowledge was deliberately confined, has been re-born under modern labels. Anthropology, history, economics and sociology have been mobilized by the left-wing underworld to camouflage false concepts underlying the racial turmoil of present times. It is the task of honest men to support genuine scientists in setting the record straight and presenting the facts as they really are.
The whole socialistic premise that man is a mere reflection of his environment and that the present environment is a bad capitalistic one, lies at the base of the sociological theory that society is at fault, and not the criminal.
He complains that "one can never rely on the natives here; not even the things which they understand from long practice." He further states: "inability to exert themselves and adapt themselves to difficult circumstances is typical of the natives and makes them pitiable creatures." Schweitzer concludes that "Africa would be
beautiful without its savages." Thus, the condition of those Negroes who descend from slave-hunting ancestors is one of abysmal backwardness. The noble savage who has not been removed from the jungle haunts appears to Schweitzer to be just as much a problem as Negroes elsewhere. The leftists generally praise Dr. Schweitzer because he supports many of their front activities.* 12 They maintain almost complete silence on his views on the Negroes. However, if a conservative said the same things, they would fill the air with charges of "racist" and "apartheid".
The theme that society carries the onus of guilt for all the acts of its citizens has bedeviled the American public for many years. Sociologists repeatedly proclaim that criminals are not guilty but are the victims of social maladjustment. Hence they should not be punished. Instead, society should be changed so as to eliminate the causes of crime.
This point of view justifies the socialist claim that society, i.e., the capitalist system, needs to be changed and then presto, a new type of perfect humanity will emerge.
A. H. Hobbs, critically summed up such twisted thinking in sociology by stating mockingly: "There are delinquents in the slums, therefore the slums cause delinquency and we can cure delinquency by eliminating slums.
Social Problems and Scientism, A. H. Hobbs,
sociological teaching found its expression in the characterization of Lee Oswald—"a lone wolf neurotic". Why was he a neurotic? Naturally, because society is "complex" and
"competitive", therefore, society is to blame for President Kennedy's assassination. Such devious reasoning is at the basis of the whole spate of editorials and articles which blame the whole American people for the President's death. This same type of reasoning was responsible for the almost hysterical rush to clear the Kremlin and the rest of the Red world from any complicity. 9 The tactic of blaming society as a whole for leftist crimes is clearly a type of leftist sociological imposture.
sociology and sociologists seem to have such tremendous influence in shaping the thinking throughout America, it would do well to probe into its origins, purposes and content. Sociology was a socialist discipline from the very beginning, unlike other social sciences, such as history, which were non-socialist in their origin, but were gradually infiltrated and dominated by organized leftist groups in the academic world. Sociology and socialism founded simultaneously
the true father of modern sociology was Claude Henri Saint-Simon, a French aristocrat, and the founder of modern socialism.
Auguste Comte, who first coined the word sociology (sociologie) in France around 1838.'° However,
Pierre Leroux who first coined the word "Socialism" was a connecting link in the development of sociology via the socialist path."
"To support his theories he drew extensively on anthropological and statistical materials."
"Durkheim's central theory is that of collective representation."
forces in the field of sociology have been anxious to keep the true origin of their profession under cover.
They are anxious to disguise the fact that Saint-Simon, the socialist, is the true founder of modern sociology.
try to ascribe the founding role of sociology to Auguste Comte, since his writings are abstract and vaporous enough to act as a cloak for the true socialistic root of sociology.
Modern totalitarianisms based on socialist sociology
His sociological principles found ultimate expression in modern times in Fascist oppression, Nazi murders and Soviet atrocities. Recently the translator of Saint-Simon's Doctrine declared: "The real link of the people and the state was represented by the leader, 'the father' or 'great man', 'the living symbol' of the
Saint-Simonian idea. The leader, chosen not by ballot but by the spontaneous recognition of his greatness by the masses, represented the state and its purpose concretely, and while possessing absolute power, he still acted both in the name of masses and with their approval. Parliament, interestingly enough, was not abolished but transformed from a 'debating society' to a body which was to listen to government experts and, like the Supreme Soviet or the Nazi Reichstag, to vote its approval.
"Like the modern totalitarian state, the Saint-Simonians intended to control not only the political realm but all spheres of cultural activity." 10 The fundamental communist-socialist and fascistic doctrines whereby all directives are obeyed unquestioningly on the basis of "faith" springs from early Saint-Simonian sociology. In fact, Saint-Simon's projected control was labelled a "Church" in imitation of the Catholic control of secular matters during the Holy Roman Empire. Professor Iggers in describing the Saint-Simonian use of the term "Church" and describing their socialism, observed: "Members of the Church-Society, unlike those of a sect, did not arrive at truth through subjective experience and individual search, but were confronted by an objective belief which they had to accept on faith."' 7 Differences of opinion were considered taboo
Every element in his thinking is rooted deeply in the problems immanent in the system of thought of which Comte was so eminent an exponent'."
"Science" used to cloak socialist reactionaries Saint-Simon was a man of disordered mind who suffered from hallucinations. He claimed that his original inspiration for his sociological and socialist ideas came to him in the form of a vision of his
ancestor Charlemagne.
Saint-Simon's opinions were conditioned "by the feudal and military system still prevalent in France" at the time of the French Revolution.*
his was a reactionary theme which used the terms "science", "progress" and "social science" as a means of wooing the followers of the French Revolution into the path of a new feudalism. Modern socialism is essentially the same.
Auguste Comte also was subject to mental disorders throughout his life."
Saint-Simon's fits of despondency reflected themselves in suicidal impulses. Shortly after his disciple Auguste Comte helped him write an account of his philosophy, Saint-Simon discharged a loaded pistol at his head. He survived but shot out one of his eyes.
sociologists try to give the impression that their profession had scientific and progressive origins. Actually sociology was born in the deranged minds of Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte.
the seeds sown by these demented founders of sociology started the development of communist and nazi movements which have now destroyed hundreds of millions of human lives.
Marx was a teen age convert to leftist sociology
"The Theory of Historical Materialism as a Marxian Sociology The working class has its own proletarian sociology, known as historical materialism. In its main outlines this theory was elaborated by Marx and Engels. It is also called the 'materialist method in history', or simply 'economic materialism'. This profound and brilliant theory is the most powerful instrument of human thought and understanding."
"The science of the phenomena of corporate or social life, which he (Comte— ed.) terms sociology, and which, as presupposing and containing all the former is the queen and divinity of all the sciences."
Mary B. Kules, a socialist, wrote a pamphlet, The Religion of a Socialist, which stated; "Social science has the only remedy."
all sociological thought reflected collectivist political movements.
praised the data recorded in the books of these two influential men and loudly proclaimed that this data actually supported socialism, feigning regret that Spencer and Sumner had drawn the wrong conclusions. Socialist works are replete with quotations from Spencer and Sumner, generally taken out of context and twisted to buttress socialistic arguments.
professorship in sociology was established in 1907. The professor chosen was L. T. Hobhouse. He had the enthusiastic backing of the leaders of the Fabian socialist movement and his writings served as an academic authority for socialistic arguments in both England and America. 3 *
France, the chief authority on sociology was Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) who rightly recognized Saint-Simon as the founder of sociology and frankly admitted that sociological teachings aimed at socialistic ends.
first chair of sociology in the United States was established at the University of Chicago in 1892. Head of that department was Albion W. Small, a leader of a socialist coterie
very inception, sociology was a socialistic vehicle
Fabian Socialist Society, it became a pernicious instrument which covertly injecting socialistic ideas into the British educational system, softened up British social thinking and helped to disintegrate the British Empire.
Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership, p. 42. In writing about attempts to solicit teachers for Fabian socialist purposes, Beatrice Webb noted that "Leonard Hobhouse really works for us at Oxford
President of the Fabian society, continuously recommended Hobhouse's pronouncements to his friends and followers.
"From an intellectual point of view what characterizes the former (Saint-Simon-ian—ed.) is that the three following ideas were simultaneously produced: 1. The idea of extending to social sciences the method of the positive sciences (out of which sociology has come) and the historical method (an indispensible auxiliary of sociology); 2. The idea of a religious regeneration; and, 3. The socialist idea.
This was a conscious organized attempt to institute in this country what has since become known as "creeping socialism".
Ward's Dynamic Sociology, which they characterized as "the best sociology yet".
the foundation stone of sociology in the United States
Small wanted Ward to utilize the devious method of gradual infiltration into American society.
In dedicating to Small his later work, Outlines of Sociology, Ward wrote: "The first to draw attention to the educational value of my social philosophy. The staunch defender of my method in sociology and to whom the prior appearance of these chapters is due; this work is gratefully dedicated."
The British Fabian socialists showed extreme interest in "permeating" American colleges and universities via the sociological path
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the leaders of British Fabian socialism, toured the United States and briefed American socialists on the methods of stealthy infiltration of schools by socialist forces.
met with Zueblin in Chicago and planned in detail Zueblin's sociological manipulations in the academic world.
involving the Rand School of Social Science, the American Socialist Society, the American Fabian Society, the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, and the League for Industrial Democracy. Zueblin organized leftist sociologists into an efficient infiltrating group,
his book entitled Social Control (1901) is dedicated "To «i The Theory of Sociology,
Leftists codified techniques of social control
His work Social Control is an exhaustive analysis of the methods by which a clever few can take control of the masses.
The power of the Few to take the role of social cerebrum depends entirely upon,how far the Many capitulate to it." «
Social Control is a basic textbook teaching how a small cohesive group of leftists can insinuate themselves into control over all society.
What are called the "social sciences" largely
serve as a huge academic underworld for leftist academic manipulators.
Socialists created "social psychology"
The main interest of leftist sociologists is to construct processes which are now lumped under the popular term "brain-washing" y as a means of conditioning and indoctrinating the mind of man.
social psychology itself has been manipulated so as to be a potent weapon in the hands of the socialist-communist underworld.
most menacing sociological devices is the exploitation of the term "mental health". This scheme of smearing as "mentally sick" or "potentially insane" those who disagree with leftist aims has been in the making for well over 50 years.
permeating the American educational system, the phalanx of socialistic sociologists began to develop techniques of harnessing the minds of school age youth to serve their ends.
They specialized in the art of calling their opponents "crazy", "insane", or "mentally sick", thus achieving a double-edged effect.
Constant repetition of this "Big Lie" conditions the public to look upon the statements of anti-reds with grave suspicion. Strategically it cripples conservatives by forcing them to spend much time and effort in defending their own sanity, rather than in exposing the fallacies of socialism. And exposure is often ineffective before an audience taught to regard anti-socialists as mentally deficient This technique became standard among socialists in educational institutions and elsewhere.
Individual talent branded as "abnormal"
Next sociology branded individuality and personal integrity as "abnormal", and independent and creative spirits as "deviates" and "queers".
Fabian socialist leader John Dewey had already set the philosophical standard that the dependent are normal, and the self-reliant and self-sufficient are mentally sick."
widely disseminated textbook, which is standard fare in colleges to this very day, Dewey asserted, in 1916: "From a social standpoint, dependence denotes a power rather than a weakness; it involves interdependence. There is always a danger that increased personal independence will decrease the social capacity of an individual. In making him more self-reliant, it may make him more self-sufficient; it may lead to aloofness and indifference. It often makes an individual so insensitive in his relations to others as to develop an illusion of being really able to stand and act alone—an unnamed form of insanity which is responsible for a large part of the remediable suffering of the world.
Socialism called sane, capitalism insane
theme that socialist thinking and socialist aims are normal and sane, and that private enterprise and individual freedom represent a pathological state, has been harped upon for over seventy
years. Leftist infiltrations into the mental health field have been skillfully utilized to categorize those opposing socialism as abnormal and sick.
socialist James Harvey Robinson applied the "mentally sick" label to all private enterprise society.
same theme appeared in a series of books issued by Professor Harry A. Overstreet, starting with The Enduring Quest in 1939, and followed up by The Mature Mind, The Mind Alive and The Mind Goes Forth
if you wanted to be normal and have a "mature mind" you must follow his socialistic credo. Otherwise, your mind may not "mature" and you may become or remain "immature".
Overstreet ignores his.own participation in numerous communist fronts and his own role as a chief apologist for the Soviet line during the Stalin murder epoch.
he cleverly cashed in on anti-communist sentiment built up by those who were denounced as "witch hunters" and "reactionaries" by the entire leftist underworld.
Over-street cannot claim refuge under the term "innocent" through which other socialistic personalities have sought cover. Since he poses as the top expert on communism and communist tricks, he would have difficulty in explaining away his own leadership in numerous communist fronts
John Dewey, Overstreet and Lester Ward, while attending socialist conclaves, agreed among themselves that socialism was the aim. They had a joint agreement on a well-defined program to bring socialism about. In this endeavor they met with the various elements in the socialist movements. They were in joint socialist conclaves with agitators, soap-boxers, labor leaders, social workers, and speciab'sts in violence, as well as members of the academic professions. The aims and program were generally agreed upon, and each was asked to implement it in his own particular field.
Socialist labor leaders often carried out their assignments in the form of strike violence, physical assaults and terrorization of those opposing unionization.
These were the dramatic methods which the public has identified with radicalism. However, the leftist sociologists, economists, social anthropologists and others in academic professions operated in a more sedate and quiet manner.
Fabian socialists as Stuart Chase and Roger Baldwin had counselled their fellow radicals to disguise socialism under other names.
Psychology aids leftist thinking
leftist build-up of the "mental health" symbol has assumed gigantic proportions.
mental health idols as Erich Fromm have become fashionable
Fromm wrote a book in 1955 entitled The Sane Society.™ He contrasts a social order which is sane, with our present society, which he pictured as not sane.
Fromm's books are considered a basic authority not only in the United States, but throughout the world; agencies of the United Nations serve as their launching pad.
Fromm tells us that he deals with both "the realm of psychology and that of sociology". 37 What is his answer to sanity in society? Fromm clearly indicates that it is socialism.
unholy trinity which is the basis of Fromm's "social sanity". Marx was the architect of the socialist-communist movement. Einstein was an expediter of socialist-communist ideas among scientific circles. 6 ' Freud's major avocation was to undermine all basic religious faiths. These are the three fundamentals upon which the socialistic "sane society" is based.
Leftist "mental health" prepares for "Big Brother" George Orwell, in his fictional projection of a future socialist tyranny, propounded the noun and verb good think and good thinking. Actually society has been pushed by leftists a long way in the direction of "Big Brother". We are told repeatedly to have attitudes which will insure "mental health" and will build a "mature mind". Thus, so the
See Appendix IX of the Un-American Activities Committee, 1944, passim on Einstein's extensive socialist-communist front record.
sociology is the vehicle through which social psychology and the theory of so-called "social sanity" has been developed, these devotees should remember the relationship of the birth of sociology to mental derangement.
Founders of socialism mentally unbalanced
Claude Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte, the main founders of sociology, both suffered from insanity.
Saint-Simon's original sociological inspiration came from a message delivered to him by Charlemagne in person. Karl Marx tested recruits in the communist movement by running his hand over the bumps in their heads, to evaluate their "mental health". These are the founding fathers of the leftist "mental health" or "sane society" movements of today.
sociological inventors of "mental health" as a political weapon exhibit a curious double standard.
They often label the more mibtant anti-communist elements in America as the "lunatic right". Not only avowed communists but the "left liberal" coterie as well make a practice of insinuating that patriotic Americans are insane.
the same defamers of conservative Americans seemed utterly obb"vious of the sadistic mania of Stalin
socialized medicine is in itself worthy of a special study. Their strategy is to undermine the independence of the medical profession, and at the same time to "brainwash" the American people in the direction of socialized medicine,
Another main function of the leftist sociological coterie was to take part in the organization of associations covering the various social sciences, such as the American Economic Association.
as editor of Macmillan's Social Science Textbook Series, Ely was instrumental in flooding the nation's schools with books authored by socialistic professors; E. A. Ross, E. R. A. Seligman, Franklin H. Giddings
The Fabian socialist point of view in the United States on socialized medicine can be found in two pamphlets entitled National Health Insurance by M. M. Davies and The British Health Service by J. Manson. Both are published by the League for Industrial Democracy
"He (Howard—ed.) believed education to be the most efficient instrument of social control
Sociology spawned leftist teachers Columbia University, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Chicago, among others, began to grind out sociological graduates
with a leftist orientation who spread out into other universities and into government positions in unprecedented numbers.
Bernhard J. Stern, who doubled as anthropologist and sociologist, spent 25 years teaching sociology and anthropology at both Columbia University and the New School for Social Research.
Columbia University in particular merits special mention for turning out leftists through its sociology professors. Alexander Goldenweisser, previously mentioned as one of the chief left-wing anthropologists, lectured in anthropology and sociology both at the New School for Social Research, and at Columbia. He indoctrinated scores of young students in socialistic tactics in classes
Ogburn is well-known for his key part in drafting the strategy of An American Dilemma, 60 —a key work in current racial disturbances.
Statistics manipulated to aid socialism
Hedge-hopping among the other social sciences, left-wing sociologists have also exploited the field of statistics. The general use of statistics as a political weapon is a broad one
United States is probably the most statistically influenced nation in the world. The major control of the gathering and manipulation of statistics has been exercised by what are generally termed "institutionalists". "Institutionalism" has served as a cloak to cover socialistic attempts to institutionalize all of humanity. It is one of the many synonyms invented to supercede the unpopular terms "socialism"
people do not realize that the growth of opinion polls in the United States and Britain, plus the massive application of intelligence and aptitude tests, has been largely a leftist enterprise.
not for the sake of scientific knowledge, but as a means to brainwash the general public and to create a climate of opinions conducive to socialist aims.
manipulate statistics to serve as "proof of conclusions already agreed upon.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, brazenly laid down the policy of using facts merely as "ornaments" in order to confirm preconceived notions.
book The History of Trade Unionism, Beatrice Webb observed: "How silly it is to suppose that facts ever tell their own story —it is all a matter of arranging them so that they may tell something—and the arrangement is a purely subjective pro-
Fabians admit facts are only an "ornament"
Webbs' History of Trade Unionism has served as a classic source of reference for all left-wingers—socialist or communist—for over 70 years. The book's conclusions are touted as being drawn from exhaustive "scientific" research. 7 ' However, in her personal diary, Beatrice Webb admitted that "rightly or wrongly, we are writing our analysis of facts before we have completed our investigation. . . " and that "when we come to the thesis we find the facts, tho' they can be used as illustrations, are not much good as the basis of our structure—they are only the ornament. The whole structure of our argument turns out to be deductive in form, with psychological hypothesis or inductions used as its. material. So the facts we have laboriously detailed seem somewhat de trop". 72 Thus, opinion making and deceiving the public via statistics is an old trick of the leftists.
Karl Marx pioneered the technique of statistical fraud in the writing of Das Kapital, the bible of the socialist-communist movement. His partner in crime, Frederick Engels counseled him "to add to the number of pages by sheer force, and fill them with quotations, etc., which will cost you nothing. It is easy enough to do, and won't take much time, and your book will be all the more 'instructive'. The main thing is that when you make your debut it should be with a really fat volume."
was an observation made for the gullible public and not for the sophisticated inner circle of socialists who knew better.
Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Chapter One (Amnesia and New Columbuses)
Marx wrote in turn to Engels: "I am stretching this volume out, since these swine in Germany reckon the value of a book according to its cubic content."
thousands of socialist and communist faithful have accepted this padded work of Marx as gospel and have repeated all its content as a sacred litany. Privately, Marx admitted that the bulk of Das Kapital was only a stuffing for his socialistic beliefs. The "filler" inserted by Marx to fatten his book was primarily in the form of statistics. Marx personally had no illusions about his work. Writing to Engels shortly before Das Kapital was published he frankly stated: "The whole Scheisse [shit] is to be divided into six books: 1. Capital; II. Landed property; III. Wage labour; IV. State; V. International trade; VI. World Market."
Shamefacedly Mrs. Cole concluded: "on which one can only comment 'if you can believe that you can believe anything.' I am not proud of this performance of mine; I will only plead that greater minds than my own have been guilty of special pleading
I.Q. tests as a leftist weapon
manufacturers of intelligence or aptitude tests did not know the ABC's of psychology or sociology; and once in a while they did not have intelligence enough to understand their own incompetence.
In spite of these obstacles, multitudes of 'testers' have succeeded in selling their products to their fellow-scholars, educators, governmental agencies, business and labor managers, and to the public at large. At the present time in the Western countries almost every individual is tested from the cradle to the grave,
Loaded questions designed by "left-liberal" graduates of sociology and sociological psychology courses probe attitudes of those tested. The "proper answers" or "negative attitudes" according to such leftists determine whether or not those tested get a favorable score. Here the left-wing has created an awesome weapon for intimidating and conditioning the entire American population.
Social Science Research Council and the Carnegie Corporation which outlined and guided An American Dilemma. This book in turn was used by the Supreme Court of the United States as a "sociological" and "anthropological" authority for decisions which have drawn the American nation into a holocaust of racial disorders.
The growth of a hierarchy which has developed this "tes-tomania" actually is the realization of E. A. Ross's dream of Social Control come true. The leftist permeators of sociology would not only control the testing of the thoughts and actions of Americans, but they also have developed powerful techniques designed to bend the thinking of the American people in a socialistic direction. Opinion takers as opinion makers
A companion of "testomania" is what Sorokin dubs "quanto-phrenia". 88 This is the development by sociological forces of the taking of polls of public opinion.
poll takers who call themselves "opinion takers" are actually largely "opinion makers".
Loaded questions presented to a so-called cross section of the American public in themselves are often a form of propaganda. The mere polling of a leftist-slanted question tends to make certain attitudes fashionable. Americans are asked to take the pollster's word for the fact that they do impartially approach an X number of people. There is no way of testing whether an honest count is given or whether a truly representative audience answers the questions. Unfortunately, the public has been taught to accept opinion "predictions" as gospel truth in spite of gross miscalculations. The debacle of wrong predictions on the Truman election of 1948 is a case in point. The debacle of slanted opinion polls trying to stampede delegates away from the nomination of Barry Goldwater, is also a case in point.
When Stuart Chase, a pioneer of Fabian socialist, comes out in favor of both the polling mania and intensive testing of the American mind, it is time to look into this whole field with a critical eye.
Chase has been touted by his admirers as a harmless liberal. However, as previously mentioned, Mr. Chase's liberalism was dramatically illustrated when he advocated lining up his opponents before a "firing squad".
"Sampling is still a science, including opinion sampling."
endorsement of the opinion takers and opinion makers, calls these efforts attempts to "seduce both knowledge and reason."
contemporary stage of the psychosocial sciences can be properly called the age of quantophrenia and numerology. This disease manifests itself in many forms and in every region of sociology, psychology, psychiatry and anthropology."
realize that the sociological field is largely dominated by organized communist and socialistic forces, the menace to the American people through statistical and testing procedures assumes frightening proportions.
settlement house which was patterned on an English Fabian socialist institution named Toynbee HalL' 00 Hull House was the inspiration of Samuel Bamett,
Social work personnel is lejt-oriented
Such publications as Social Work Today plus all the leftist oriented courses in social psychology, sociology, and a myriad of related subjects have steadily filled the minds of the host of social workers who control the welfare, relief, and social security structures in America today.
offshoots of social work have become formidable structures in themselves. One example is the field of penology, which deals with crime and prisons. 106 The other is the field of juvenile delinquency. As noted before, the leftists tend to make society shoulder the blame, and not the criminal. They claim that this twisted line of thinking is justified by the latest scientific findings in the field of sociology. Actually, it is merely a dressed up socialist-communist tactic to soften up and hinder attempts by society to keep law, order
socialism is the basic faith of the left-wing,
Leftist sociologists have acted as overall permeators and organizers for the socialist-communist movement in the academic world.
Leftist sociologists, by blazing the socialist trail into education, eventually infected every phase of academic life in America. They also had a hand in the organization of educational associations and related academic bodies, such as historical, economic, anthropological, statistical, and psychological groups. Leftists also initiated the organization of national bodies covering the fields of political science, philosophy and social work. When they did not organize, they infiltrated.
left-wing has always been skillful in the art of bending abstractions to fit specific socialist aims.
Educational sociology a cover for socialism
the most harmful developments in American social life has been the perversion of American education
under all the complicated jargon and philosophical ruminations that cover the structure of "progressive education" there lies the naked premise of socialistic environmentalism.
the leftist premise is that children are to be considered as mere reflectors of their environment and should be treated much as robots, not as human beings possessing an independent individual personality. This entire thesis was designed to cut the ground from under the American principle of the value of the individual.
socialist-communist syndrome has been hard at work for generations to change educational emphasis from that of personal independence and freedom to one that teaches that the individual is merely a socialized reflector.
"perhaps no treatise on education by an American sociologist was more influential in shaping the trend in social thinking than Lester Ward's 'Education as the Proximate Means of Progress' which was included in his Dynamic Sociology"."
Dewey's activities in the educational system were described as a "pedagogical revolution"." 2
Dewey was a past master in the art of dissimulation. Although he was head of the Fabian socialist's League for Industrial Democracy up to the time of his death (1952) he assiduously avoided mentioning the fact in Who's Who in America, and other biographical references. He was also active in indoctrinating the education of social workers
Socialists wave banner of "progressive education"
Dewey and his socialistic clique in the educational field outlined a plan to sell socialism under the label of "progressive education" to teachers, parents, politicians and most of the colleges and universities in the United States. This was a massive projection to subvert the thinking of an entire nation by means of its educational system.
the text-book field was heavily infiltrated by leftists. Thousands of teachers were pre-conditioned to accept collectivist ideas as a result of indoctrination in the graduate schools of the nation. Fabian socialist permeation of the literary world had already made socialistic thinking a fashionable pastime.
Dewey's plan was to operate under the intellectual smokescreen of a vaporous philosophy called "pragmatism".
The vehicle used was a Trojan horse called "educational sociology". The Dewey scheme to socialize the thinking of the entire country was as simple as it was colossal in scope. In 1934 Dewey outlined it clearly to his fellow socialists in a League for Industrial Democracy brochure of only eleven pages entitled Education and the Social Order. The same theme was projected to those outside the socialist movement, in a highly camouflaged form, in dozens of books and manuals
wherever socialist students appeared there were clandestine groups of socialist professors spawning leftist activities."
Dewey issued this battle plan to tie up the entire nation into a socialistic package. His successes in permeating the educational professions and the schools were so spectacular that he felt that the time was ready to marshal leftist forces
Dewey in counseling his fellow socialists in the educational field called for "... the definite substitution of a social purpose, controlling methods of teaching and discipline and materials of study, for the traditional individualistic aim."" 8 He masterminded the spreading of socialist propaganda through the schools in order to prepare for revolution. He urged: "The first great step, as far as subject-matter and method are concerned, is to make sure of an educational system that informs students about the present state of society in a way that enables them to understand the conditions and forces at work.
He called for the "... re-education of teachers and administrators."" 7 "Re-organization upon a co-operative basis," lectured Dewey, "should not be confined, moreover, to pupils. It should extend to administration so that oligarchical management from above may be abolished."" 8 Today wherever leftists have gained control of colleges or universities those teachers who reflect the principles of individual freedom suffer a degree of repression and discrimination never before experienced in American educational institutions.
is quite obvious that any non-leftist school management is considered "oligarchical".
Dewey himself straddled both the socialist and communist movements by belonging to numerous communist fronts.'
at Columbia University, pro-communist Bernhard J. Stern, working variously as a sociologist, anthropologist and historian, continuously cooperated with socialistic professors to indoctrinate the minds of thousands of undergraduate and graduate students in a leftist direction. This was done in the name of scholarship and under the pretense of scientific objectivity. In books touted as sociological texts, Stuart Chase welded together scores of sociological authorities
An American Dilemma, the new vehicle for leftist direction in racial affairs, also utilized a corps of "experts", the majority of whom had been partisans of either socialist or communist movements.
Dewey belonged lo numerous communistic groups starting in 1925 and continuing throughout the rest of his life. (He died in 1952.) He was active in various communist foreign policy pressure groups such as the Friends of the Chinese People. This group helped lay the basis for the red victory in China. (See various government indexes relating to subversive activities).
investigators honestly concerned with the deceptions and distortions in academic circles are busy swatting at the effects rather than cutting through to the causes and sources of the mischief. Leftist sociologists have managed the "social sciences" so as to create semantic and ideological smoke screens. They have taken the hard core of the socialist-communist aims and have rewritten and redesigned them to appear as coming from other sources altogether.
An entire literature has been created which deals with highly camouflaged socialistic issues in a manner purporting to be impartially scientific. Leftists have deliberately concentrated on taking over the sensitive control centers of American educational institutions. They have constructed for themselves an entire new defense shelter which they have dubbed "academic freedom". They have convinced the world at large that their efforts to eliminate personal freedom and human dignity are really heroic efforts to create freedom. George Orwell's projection of Double Think has actually been in existence in the educational field for many years past.
Honest educators and scientists have written scores of books trying to dispel the smoke screen of leftist scholasticism. But since they usually fight the game on the socialists' own terms, and indulge in splitting hairs over arguments set up by the leftists themselves, they often end in complete frustration and demoralization.
An objective and scientific study which might be called the sociology of "socialist permeations" would soon expose the inner core of socialist-communist devices and motives which underlie much of the vaporous and rhetorical verbiage of sociology
The circulation of an author's book is unimportant (not for him, of course, or for his publisher), for its effectiveness depends not on the number but on the social importance of its readers; a book which has made an impression on 3,000 teachers and 2,000 journalists alters the essence of our national being more appreciatively and enduringly than a novel which is read by two million
nine-tenths per cent of the American people have never held a work by John Dewey in their hands, but all Americans have, in some degree, been educated by him, simply because the thoughts of this great pedagogue have activized the transmission belts of our educational apparatus.
Schlamm placed his finger directly on the modern process of indoctrinating an entire nation. The only part the quotation leaves out is the conscious direction behind this process. The central core and political staffs who inspire the process of national thinking are outside the universities.
The political top command of socialist and communist groups considers the professors and the colleges as mere tools to bring about total socialization.
In the United States, the main socialistic scheming emanates from a complex of organizations revolving around the League for Industrial Democracy.
The L.I.D. is the Fabian socialist nerve center in this country. This organization, along with its twin, the Rand School of Social
Science (now called the Tamiment Institute) enjoys a veneer of respectability and has been granted tax exemption as an educational institution. The flow of directives and propaganda from this socialist complex is generally camouflaged as "sociology" or "social science".
In spite of all their deception, evasiveness and underground policies, they are mere tyros compared with the slicker socialists, although they also propound much of their indoctrination as sociology and social science. ,23
Even socialists have been willing to profess anti-communism to curry public favor, but they always oppose any action that would really damage their communist brothers.
Leftists plan elite rule
the top socialist strategists have realized that the tone of national thinking is set by the group loosely termed intellectuals. Communists and socialists keep telling the world that issues are decided numerically on the basis of the masses, —"one man, one vote." This is propaganda to create the fiction that they represent the majority. In their practical strategy all leftist groups concentrate on influencing and shepherding the intellectuals. 124 They understand that the average person reflects the opinions of those who supply him with information.
keep constantly in mind that the communist movement was an outgrowth of the Socialist Party, and has in the main merely copied the devious tricks of its parent body.
The communists emphasize a quick and violent overthrow of the existing order to bring about socialism. The socialists emphasize a slow corrosion of the present social order and the percolation of socialistic forms disguised as harmless reforms.
even the most determined opponents of socialism derive from socialist sources their knowledge on most subjects on which they have no first hand information.
Failure to expose the socialistic root behind so much of the sociological claptrap that is enunciated by the so-called intellectuals in this country is mainly responsible for the success of this kind of biased thinking. It must be realized that what are loosely termed intellectuals are only "professional second hand dealers in ideas". 129 The prime manufacturers are generally those of the socialist-communist strategic centers.
Intellectuals are only "second hand dealers" Instead of attacking the intellectuals and ascribing ulterior motives to them, it would be better to ignore these middlemen and strike at the original source of the infection which sets the tone for fashionable thinking in America. Roughly speaking, the climate of opinion in this country goes through the following process: First, the socialist or communist strategic centers create the "line"; it is then handed to the sociological mechanics who give it a semantic cover and pass it on to the intellectuals; then the finished article is sold in popular language to the great mass of American people. To combat socialism and communism effectively we must concentrate on the real culprits.
Webb, in her diary, often states that she and her husband had to chuckle over the manner in which they managed to get conservatives and non-socialists to present socialistic measures.
Sidney has spent quite three weeks on it; but, though we think it of importance, we cannot help regarding it as a practical joke over which we chuckle with considerable satisfaction. Poor Labour Commission, having carefully excluded any competent Socialists from its membership, having scouted the idea of appointing many a humble assistant commissioner will now find a detailed collectivist programme, blazoned about as the minority report of its Labour members! Dear old Leonard [Courtney], who told us with pompous superiority that they were all agreed: and that there was no prospect of any minority report—and we had it lying all the time on our table and had been putting the last touches to it that very morning. Certainly, persons with brains and independent means may have a rare good time . . . ." (Beatrice Webb quoting her personal diary in Our Partnership, p.
Good political detective work will in almost every case lead to the fundamental or left-wing source. Trustees of and most honest scholars in our colleges and universities are slow to realize the nature of the motive forces that have been guiding education in a socialistic direction. They can scarcely believe that much that passes as sociological or "progressive thinking", really represents the tactics, stratagems, and manipulations of those who have a "central faith" called socialism.'
The socialists and communists consider their "faith" as basic and ultimate in nature as was the Christian faith
during the Roman persecutions. However, socialism represents a reactionary retreat from the religion of the early Christians. The latter embraced the entire universe and all that it contains. The leftist mind, however, limits its scope to an abstraction called Man. Ironically their worship of this abstract Man has led to the torture and murder of countless millions of individual men, women and children
In medieval Europe the intellectuals of the day were utilized by their rulers to devise clever and complicated formulas to justify the freezing of feudal society in a static caste system. New ideas were banned and the scholasticism of the period gave the stamp of its approval to persecutions and enslavement. The term "scholasticism" has since become a by-word for intellectual sterility and oppression. Leftist sociology of today is a reactionary reflection of the old medieval scholasticism, but on an even narrower base. A leading sociological textbook admits this relationship: "The proponents of taissez faire and private initiative cannot imagine a society organized otherwise than in terms of private profits and the individual competitive system. But there have been and are societies built on other lines.
period witnessed much regulation; the guilds controlled workmen's time, apprenticeship, compensation and quality of goods; the church forbade usury, unjust price and other devices of exploitation, and the emerging national state threw many regulations around industry and commerce.
socialist-communist underworld has managed to build a tremendous backlog of minds receptive to the new "leftist scholasticism". The new scholasticism uses the catchword "sociological" to spread its influence through colleges, schools, textbooks, academic organizations and government bureaus. Thus, the leftist cliques have at their disposal tens of thousands of educated men and women who occupy the key control centers of society. Some perform their functions consciously but many are unaware of the true source of their opinions and thoughts.
elements are not organized in any formal way. But most colleges, universities, seminaries and graduate schools have been so brain-washed that the minds of their teachers and students are conditioned to be sympathetic to socialistic suggestions and pressures. In fighting the leftist menace it is important to pinpoint the source of the infection and not mistake the symptoms for the disease.
The leftist underworld, to a large extent, is analogous to the Mafia. One authority recently in writing about the Mafia observed: "The basic trouble in dealing with the Mafia is that as a formal organization it simply does not exist. There are no Mafia headquarters, no Mafia offices. The Mafia has no writ-
ten statutes, no lists of members, no fixed rules of leadership. The question of who becomes a Mafia leader is generally an obscure matter of family prestige, influenced by personality and force, and never the result of conscious balloting. "The Mafia can best be defined as a haphazard collection of men and groups, each working independently in local situations but generally cooperating with each other to control in its interests the economic life of a given area. There is thus not just one Mafia but instead an endless network of Mafias." < 32 If one substitutes "leftists" for "Mafia" in the above analysis one can get a pretty good general understanding of the manner in which the socialist-communist underworld operates in academic circles and why it is so difficult to eradicate.
Webb expressed the nature of this process when she wrote: "Collectivism will spread, but it will spread from no one centra Those who sit down and think will, however, mould the form, though they will not set the pace or appear openly as the directors...."
but the legion of socialistic operatives have escaped almost scot-free. This has caused bitterness even among communists. They complain of being forced to face the consequence of their deeds while the socialists not only escape general denunciation, but maintain an aura of respectability, and generally manage to live quite well off the very system they want to destroy. Without the camouflage which "sociology" has given them, the socialists would have been ineffective, and probably would no longer be in existence. In the open, their true intentions would be obvious, even to the most simple minds. It is no accident that "sociology" and "socialism" were both created at the same time and by the same source, i.e., Saint-Simonianism.
Sociology was invented to act as the Judas goat in leading society into the slaughter pens of socialism. One of the last bastions stormed by the socialist forces via sociology is the system of jurisprudence and law which under our Federal Constitution is supposed to guard the ramparts of free society.
Sociological jurisprudence is the magniloquent name bestowed by its originators on the philosophical theory of law which subordinates individual rights to the aggrandizement of the state. It may be more tersely and significantly termed 'socialized law', and we shall generally use the briefer description in this chapter, except when quoting from the progenitors of the new system, which has now become orthodox in American courts, especially in the United States Supreme Court 1
Roscoe Pound, the chief exponent of sociological jurisprudence, admitted that what was intended was actually "socialization of law".
However, he wrote "... if the term 'socialization of law 5 has alarming implications for any of you. . . " and if it sounds "... too suspiciously like dynamite
let us speak of a change from a political or ethical idealistic interpretation to an engineering interpretation. Let us think of the problem of the end of law in terms of a great task or great series of tasks of social engineering."*
from the outset the intent was to create "socialized law". The terms "sociological jurisprudence" and "social engineering" were mere attempts to disguise a left-wing maneuver. The concept of "socialized law" has crept into the very fibre of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court decisions are no longer based on legal precedent and the principles of the Constitution, but on a complicated science called sociological jurisprudence, which we are told is a "social science".
Although this decision greatly helps the criminal underworld, the chief beneficiaries are the subversionists. Communists, socialists and fascists can now carry on without fear of questioning before arraignment. Those engaged in mass violence must be first arraigned on a definite charge, and arraignment requires specific evidence. This new rule makes it almost impossible to organize such evidence before trial.
One indignant Senator complained on the floor of the Senate: "A suspect cannot be questioned before his arrest unless he agrees, and if he is arrested he cannot be questioned afterwards." 6
He also pointed out that the Supreme Court decision is a blow against personal rights: "Innocent persons in great numbers would, of necessity, have to be arraigned and the stigma of a police record placed against them unless there is reasonable time to clear them by interrogation and investigation before arraignment." 7
e also pointed out that the Supreme Court decision is a blow against personal rights: "Innocent persons in great numbers would, of necessity, have to be arraigned and the stigma of a police record placed against them unless there is reasonable time to clear them by interrogation and investigation before arraignment." 7 Obviously, this decision hurts civil liberties, besides fostering crime and strengthening subversion.
The Mallory case directly involved only the interpretation of Federal law. But six years later, Haynes v. Washington, 373 U.S. 503, indicated that the new rule was a requirement of the Constitution, and hence could not be changed by either Congress or State legislatures.
The Court in effect deprived Congressional committees of the right to cite subversives for contempt if they refuse to answer questions. 8 It held that no one could be held in contempt of Congress "if the committee failed to spell out for him the 'pertinence' of its questions and the purpose of the inquiry." ". . . But according to Chief Justice Warren who read the decision, they now have to know what they are going to do and how to do it—and explain it all explicitly to witnesses—before they can get the information they need to decide
That may sound ridiculous to a normal mind, but that's what the Court said." 6 Krushchev and his Kremlin comrades must have had many a chuckle over that one.
On the same "Red Monday", the Supreme Court decided that authorities of the various States have no right to question the beliefs and associations of those teaching in State universities and other state educational institutions. 10 Again, on "Red Monday", the Supreme Court emasculated practically all the anti-subversive laws of the Federal government by taking the position in Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298, that you cannot prosecute conspirators against America until they physically start overthrowing the government. This borders on the ridiculous, since even a child can figure out that if we allowed the subversives to carry on unmolested up to the moment of revolution, then it is already too late to save the nation.
Earlier in the same year, the Supreme Court had decided that communists cannot be tried unless the secret government dossiers are made available to the Reds during the course of their triaL" A month later, it was decided on the basis of that decision, by a lower Federal Court, that even the Communist Party cannot be forced to register as a subversive organization unless it is shown the secret FBI reports on its activities. The impact of these and other decisions not only gives subversives carte blanche for their nefarious activities but in effect gives special privileges to both the Reds and the criminal underworld. Something is very wrong with socialized law.
These decisions were purely 'sociological'. Similarly, the entire maze of decisions that had issued out of the new "liberal" Supreme Court to protect communists, other subversives and criminals may be similarly characterized. All these decisions also shared the doubtful distinction of violating long-
established precedents and principles of American constitutional law.
Socialized law reached its apex in Germany in the Nazi tyranny, and in Italy in the fascist state.
Socialized law expedited bolshevism The socialized law device played a key part in softening up the nations now behind the Iron Curtain for the communist take-over.
"Leon Trotsky, in his brilliant account of the November Revolution, makes it clear that the claim of legality was one of the most important assets of the Soviet revolutionary force."'*
Supreme Court decision of 1954 in the school segregation cases was a landmark in the change from decisions based upon law and precedent to a sociological basis.
Trotsky, one of the main architects of the Bolshevik revolution, also said "A revolutionary party is interested in legal coverings."
Trotsky frankly outlined the plot. The Bolsheviks, he said, had to create the illusion among the common people that "The conspirators—these were the institutions of the official government." Then he observed laconically: "From the pen of revolutionary conspirators this term came as a surprise. . . . "'•* He gave the strategic reason for all this by observing: "The attacking side is almost always interested in seeming on the defensive." 18 He summed up the whole imposture as follows: "It would be a serious mistake to regard all this as juridical hair-splitting of no interest to the people. On the contrary, it was in just this form that the fundamental facts of the revolution reflected themselves in the minds of the masses."' 6 The Bolsheviks, like the Fabian socialist movement, utilized socialized law to pave the way for the revolution. It was a softening-up process which Trotsky frankly admitted was a form of deception. The Bolshevik conspirators managed to make the established government appear as the conspirator against the legal rights of the people. Behind all the semantic obscurities, this trickery is the heart of "sociological jurisprudence".
Roscoe Pound, the former Dean of the Harvard Law School, and pioneer exponent of socialized law, thus described the sociological jurists: "They urge as the basis of its authority the social ends which law serves."'
It must be realized that the pre-revolutionary tactic via socialized law in the aocialist mind applies only to the period before the take-over of power. After the revolution, be it peaceful or violent, comes the naked fist of totalitarianism.
stated that as part "... of the process of social control, the legal order is thought of as a task or a series of tasks in social engineering."
The term "social engineering" is particularly menacing when we realize that the main authority upon which the 1954 school segregation decisions were based was the concept of "social engineering". In An American Dilemma, the Swedish socialist Gunnar Myrdal used the deceptive term "social engineering" as a clever synonym for the socialist control of society. He wrote in the concluding portion of the book: "From the point of view of social science, this means, among other things, that social engineering will increasingly be demanded. Many things that for a long period have been predominantly a matter of individual adjustment will become more and more determined by political decision and public regulation."
Under this banner Myrdal and his host of communist and socialist collaborators worked out a most devious plan for forcing full racial integration upon the American people. The original scheme was to put over left-wing racial integration policies by sly moves which would put the general public off its guard.
it is likely that a rational policy will never work by changing only one factor, least of all if attempted suddenly and with great force."
Ludwig von Mises thus described this type of "social engineer": "He denies to his fellow men the faculty of choosing ends and the means to attain these ends, but at the same time he claims for himself the ability to choose consciously between various methods of scientific procedure. He shifts his ground as soon as it comes to problems of engineering, whether technological or 'social'. He designs plans and policies which cannot be interpreted as merely being automatic reactions to stimuli. He wants to deprive all his fellows of the right to act in order to reserve this privilege for himself alone. He is a virtual dictator.""
Von Mises refers to an article by the well-known leftist social philosopher Horace M. Kallen as an indication of this type of "social engineering". This article said: ". . . there is no such thing as a collective mind: there are only numerous similar responses to the same stimulus by different men, as when a hundred soldiers step out at the word, 'March!'. The 'behavior of crowds' is no more than the sum of the circling of stimulus and response from one individual to another and back again. In this circling consists whatever unity a crowd may have; it is different only in complication, not in principle, from the unity of a subway crowd during the rush hour, or a noon day crowd eating in Childs'. Its behavior and that of all groups must be considered a mechanical formulable resultant of the stimulus—response circle. All social sciences using quantitive methods, statistics and the like, may be said, whether explicitly or not, to rest on this premise. This would be particularly true of education and the economic disciplines. These have developed farthest because both appear more than any others to be instruments of social control."
To unravel the threads of leftist manipulation of jurisprudence is a tortuous and exhausting process. The socialists have used fantastic camouflage in this field. As in all other areas of socialist manipulation, however, the basic aim is clear. Whereas the criminal underworld wants to seize for its own benefit a portion of the wealth of society, the left-wingers have as their aim the seizing of all society. This includes not only all wealth and political power, but also control thorough conditioning and manipulation of the mind and spirit of all mankind. This aim was outlined from the very beginning by Saint-Simon, the father of modern socialism and communism. Fascism and nazism came from the same source. Leftism requires destruction of legal system
From the first left-wingers realized that a fight against any system of society presupposes the destruction of the law of the land. Leftists know that every functioning civilization must have a stable system of jurisprudence. The law protected individuals and their liberties against the various socialist depredations, as well as against crime.
for the past 140 years the courts which make the decisions, the legislatures which frame the laws, and the police who act as watchmen of the law, have always been special objects of hatred to all leftist movements.
Saint-Simon early announced the aim of substituting for the law a system of arbitrary decisions made by appointed administrators.
early socialists also laid the basis for the punitive camps which became the hallmark of the soviet and nazi systems. Saint-Simonian socialists called "... for the transformation of prisons
"According to this classification, the magistrature, from the standpoint of penal law, is divided into three orders, as is also the penal code; and these three orders correspond to the three great social orders, which for us are not monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, but the artists, the scholars, and the industrialists." (The term "industrialists" is used in the sense of today's "factory managers"), p. 190.
early socialists laid the basis for all of the major changes in the law that are advocated by modern day left liberals, including the demand for abolition of the jury system. Leftists from the beginning announced that they intended to do away with the entire legal profession.
"The weapon of criticism cannot in any case replace the criticism of weapons. Material force must be overthrown by material force, but theory too becomes a material force as soon as it grasps weapons."
"Thus there will disappear from the future social state the multitude of archivists and notaries, and that army of fighters, the lawyers, admittedly businessmen, today ceaselessly occupied with maintaining, attacking, and defending rights which will give place to arbitration by the leaders of industry."
Shakespeare ascribes the some thought in blunter words to Jack Cade's follower in 1450: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Henry VI, Second Part, Act IV, Sc. 2.
Modern socialism in its origin was a reaction against the new system of private enterprise and individual freedom—new since the end of the Greek and Roman Republics—which was spreading across Europe in the early 19th century.
Socialism was a nostalgic reaction against the economic convulsions and feverish activity that following the freeing of the individual from the thralldom of the Middle Ages. Socialized law a reactionary concept Today socialists and communists do not like to be reminded of the reactionary origin of their movements.
"The representatives of institutions based on authority, clergymen, nobles, guild masters, romantic thinkers and poets, could not accept ideas and demands and economic practices which were based on individual freedom of judgment and of action—without regard to the church, the State, and the community, and placed egoism and self-interest before subordination, commonalty, and social solidarity. The modem era seemed to them to be built on quicksands, to be chaos, anarchy, or an utterly unmoral and godless outburst of intellectual and economic forces, which must inevitably lead to acute social antagonisms, to extremes of wealth and poverty, and to an universal upheaval. In this frame of mind, the Middle Ages, with its firm order in church, economic and social life, its faith in God, its feudal tenures, its cloisters, its autonomous associations and its guilds, appeared to these thinkers like a well-compacted building, a finely-knit organism, in which every Christian had his place, in which everybody was almost rooted and as a member of his association drew his sustenance from the general soil."
early socialists frankly admitted their descent from the feudal order.
early socialists frankly admitted their descent from the feudal order. We are now accustomed to thinking of socialism as the product of Marx and Engels. Its true authors in Germany and France have been deliberately downgraded or ignored in most histories of the socialist movement.
Mario was pre-occupied with adapting medieval-Germanic Law, or the society based upon the principle of a well-compacted community and vocational subordination, with all its privileges and evils swept away, to modern conditions. Instead of industrial freedom—a rigid order of industry; instead of free competition—the guilds; instead of individuals invested with economic freedom—the organization of the whole economic life, works and industries in economic communities."
This movement also gave birth to the modern labor union system, which obviously in its essence is anything but modern. The demands of the organized craftsmen, according to Beer, were "... dependence on the Guild system, opposition to industrial freedom. . . . "
He upheld the general juridical principle of socialism (which also applies to nazism and fascism):
The state is not to serve the well being of the separate parts or individuals; the latter are to serve the spiritual, moral and economic well being of the state. The essence of this type of thought is a consistent anti-individualism.
W. D. P. Bliss, drew an interesting parallel between the jurisprudence of medieval Nuremberg and modern socialism: "Every Nuremberger, like every medieval man, thought of himself, not as an independent unit, but as a dependent, altho component, part of a large organism, church or empire or city or gild" "The gild did not allow the untrained workman or the mean-spirited trader to cut prices to spoil or steal the market. The gilds measured and weighed and tested all materials, and determined how much each producer could have. The gilds said where materials should be bought. No open market or free trade for them." "But it was not only in economic matters that the gilds held sway. They legislated in the realm of morals and behavior." "The gild laws determined even what the artizan should wear and eat." "The gild system covered the whole domain of life and entered every province."
"As late as 1456 two men were burned alive at Nuremberg for having sold adulterated wines."
Extortion, false measures, adulteration of goods, were abominations in a trading town and punished usually by death."
socialists at one time openly admitted their kinship with the static collectivist social order of the Middle Ages. They conceive of jurisprudence as a modernized version of the cruel and archaic summary procedure of the feudal era. They call this "administrative law"
The principle of personal freedom is now fighting against the same medieval combination of tyranny, ignorance, and arrogance that our ancestors overcame. The sociahst-communist forces behind socialized law not only personify oppressive medieval administrative law but are infinitely more dangerous because modern technology makes the new feudalism far more oppressive than the old.
to deal properly with the relationship of socialism to law, we must restate the problem as it appeared to the socialists. All left-wingers, whether socialists, communists, fascists or nazis are confronted with an established superstructure of law—courts, decisions and legislation. Our civilization in the course of many centuries of bloodshed and sacrifice had evolved a tradition and process of law calculated to protect the rights of the individual against the incursions of government. People often forget that individual rights were wrested only by slow degrees from medieval tyranny. Socialists would have us believe that a return to bureaucracy stands for something new and progressive. Actually it is the oldest form of oppression known to man. The only thing new about contemporary socialists and communists is that they now have at their disposal modern tools of oppression and armament, plus scientific technology, which enable them to torture and brainwash their victims more effectively.
Lassalle and Stocker were direct progenitors of the Hitler movement,
progenitors of the Hitler movement,
American socialists or sociologists were faced with a special legal tradition derived from the English Common Law, reinforced by American constitutional principles. This tradition was first crystallized in the Magna Carta in 1215. The aim was to decentralize the powers vested in the central government, and to safeguard individuals and communities from harassment by the Head of State and his agents. Also, "... it protected every individual of the nation in the free enjoyment of his life, his liberty, and his property, unless declared to be forfeited by the judgment of his peers or the law of the land."
40 The American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution carried on the principles of Magna Carta and the English Common Law. The original impetus of the movement for independence in the American colonies came from the desire of the early Americans to enjoy the same rights as those accorded to Englishmen in the mother country. They then extended these individual rights to a degree unmatched at any time anywhere else in the world. It was this legal heritage of guaranteed individual rights which confronted the socialist pundits with a system directly in conflict with their attempt to socialize society under centralized governmental control.
Marxians in the socialist movements taught that all laws are merely reflectors of the economic means of production, distribution and exchange; those who control the industrial and financial sinews are the ultimate arbiters of what is legal or illegal. 41 Socialists and communists regard the law merely as a class weapon to be used cold bloodedly as an instrument of political warfare.
influential element in American juristic thought. In its earlier form it was an idealistic economic interpretation urged by Hegelians, who regarded the history of law as the unfolding of the economic principle of the satisfaction of the material wants of mankind. In the United States a combination of a mechanical positivism with analytical jurisprudence gave rise to an economic interpretation in which it was urged that all law is made consciously by men who make legal precepts to suit the ends of the dominant social class."
Beatrice Webb, the mother of Fabian socialism, wrote: "My first introduction to the Social Democratic Federation, and the socialism based on 'scientific materialism' which they preached, was an interview with the accomplished daughter of Karl Marx in the spring of 1883." When Miss Beatrice Potter (later Webb) asked Eleanor Marx "What the socialist programme was ....?" Miss Marx replied: "Socialist programme was a deduction from social science, which was the most complicated of all sciences." However, Karl Marx's daughter gave away the game of socialist double-dealing when she also observed, "Ridicule appeals to the people we have to deal with, with much greater force than any amount of serious logical argument."
Basic creed proclaimed by all left-wingers is that the American legal and political system was designed to benefit big business and the rich. But the historical facts directly contradict that thesis. Nowhere in the world has there been so much legal action against trusts, combines and monopolies, and in no other nation has there been a sharper reaction against injustices to the poor and the oppressed.
German leftism poisoned American law
Infiltrated college text books
This socialistic coterie then proceeded to penetrate the textbook publishing outlets.
He was thus able to filter socialistic ideas into almost every college and university in the United States. Among the socialistic personalities who wrote textbooks in this series were British Fabian socialist John A. Hobson, American Fabian socialist Charles Zueblin, Fabian socialist Jane Addams, and Edward Allsworth Ross, the socialist manipulator of jurisprudence
The socialist professors and teachers within the universities not only reflected German socialistic doctrines, but began to be used by British Fabian socialists who saw in America potential raw material for Fabian manipulations.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb toured America and counselled American socialists within the universities on strategy and tactics.
Chief among the problems discussed was that of methods to manipulate and alter the legal structure. Like most socialists, they were attracted by the smell of money and visited the University of Chicago, which had been set up through John D. Rockefeller's millions.
Socialists need decisions unrestrained by precedents or legal principles in order to smooth the way for the taking over of society. Definition of "jurisprudence" was left-slanted It is necessary here to elucidate "jurisprudence" and "sociological jurisprudence" as defined by socialistic sources. The leftist Encyclopedia of Social Sciences states: "It might be best to speak of jurisprudence as the science of the legal order or of the legal ordering of society, including the legal process and also the institutions and the body of authoritative legal materials by which it is carried on."" Leftists naturally are particularly intrigued with the "legal ordering of society" as a function of jurisprudence. "They urge as the basis of its authority the social ends which law serves." 33 Since socialists and communists root their beliefs upon very definite "social ends", this particular concept was naturally made to order for all collectivist thinking.
Thus sociological jurisprudence was a strategic concept on the part of the left-wing. The term "sociological" was a broad vapory emanation of the academic world which somehow managed to acquire an aura of respectability. The general public, including the legal fraternity, did not realize that sociology was largely a left-wing tool used to loosen the thinking of those with higher education. The term "jurisprudence" by ancient tradition meant the philosophy and science of law. Joining the two words together created a symbol which, at the time, disarmed potential critics and permitted leftist manipur lators to insinuate themselves into the highest circles of law and government dressed in seemingly respectable garb. Clothing "sociological jurisprudence" with a scientific mantle has given it a modern look. This also made it possible for the leftist schemers to construct a separate body of supposedly "scientific" conclusions claiming to be more advanced than constitutionalism and legal precedent. By propounding "social aims" as the major criteria, the leaders of sociological jurisprudence were able to discredit and destroy bulwarks of the American legal structure which had been laboriously built up through centuries of accumulated human experience. Contrary to the socialists' propaganda claim that they draw their influence from the "masses", they actually concentrate on a small elite group who occupy key positions in society. Since the new concept of jurisprudence was fashioned by a small clique of leftist sociologists, they had to solve the practical problem of inserting their ideas into the legal profession. After considerable experimentation with a small group of lawyers, jurists, and law teachers, they finally adopted a simple and effective strategy. Socialists in academic institutions had already discovered that by influencing the graduate schools of the various professions one could flood the key control centers of the nation with socialistic ideas. Though the socialists had only a few friends in the legal profession to start with, they proceeded with a similar plan to conquer the field of law.
John Dewey, a key manipulator in the educational field, joined hands with another socialist, Morris R. Cohen, to organize the Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy. Years later Morris Cohen's son boasted that from this conference "... much of the social and philosophical consciousness of modern American jurisprudence derives."
With the aid of Frankfurter and other leftists, Laski spent four years (1916-1920) as a lecturer at Harvard University. There he helped to foster socialistic intrigue within academic circles. As Laski's correspondence with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes shows, his Harvard career was largely devoted to the construction of the new edifice of sociological jurisprudence. He later became world famous when in 1945 "... as chairman of the British Labour Party," he defeated Winston Churchill and his government
Portrait of a Philosopher; Morris R. Cohen, In Life and in Letters, edited by Leonora Cohen Rosenfield, Harcourt Brace, N.Y., 1962, p. 172.
sz Portrait of a Philosopher. Both Dewey and Cohen spent most of their lives in active socialist activity. They were both members of the League for Industrial Democracy (Fabian socialist) and the Rand School of Social Science (American Socialist Society). During the communist-socialist People's Front honeymoon, they belonged to a myriad of communist front groups including the American Friends for Spanish Democracy, the American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature, and in 1934 both contributed to the symposium, The Meaning of Marx. They were both associated for many years with the American Civil Liberties Union. There is no doubt that each was a dedicated socialist up to the day of death, p. 172.
Cohen was a leading member of a socialist college apparatus whose task was to undermine the established basis of the American legal and political system.
" 'It was back in 1913 that Morris R. Cohen shocked the lawyers and law teachers of America with his epoch-making paper on 'The Process of Judicial Legislation.' What he said then supplied the text to which the most valuable work of progressive jurists since that time has been commentary."
" 'The non-legal works that now fill the footnotes of Supreme Court opinions, the increasing reliance upon scientific data in the trial and argument of cases of public interest, and the expanding curricula of our more progressive law schools, all bear witness to the breakdown of the old myth of the self-sufficiency of the law.' "«
Cohen's alter ego in the scheme to convert the American legal system to socialism was Felix Frankfurter, his former Harvard room-mate. Frankfurter was much more skillful than Cohen in the devious art of manipulation. Holmes wrote to Laski on July 30, 1920 that Frankfurter "... has an unimaginable gift of wiggling in whatever he wants to. . . .""
American Civil Liberties Union, clearly a socialist front, has successfully masqueraded as an impartial body interested only in justice for alL
Cohen was completely devoted to the socialist cause and also thoroughly schooled in the devious art of left-wing duplicity. He was recognized as an authority on sociological jurisprudence by the entire leftist underworld,—communist, socialist and Fabian.
Frankfurter's leftist "wiggling"
After leaving the War Department, Frankfurter resumed his law professorship at Harvard, where he promptly joined hands with a group of socialists along with a few communists and formed the American Civil Liberties Union. Every single founding member of this body had a record of associations with either the socialist or the communist movement. It is an amazing fact that from its inception the
Frankfurter and his cohorts busily spread ACLU's principles of socialized law throughout the American legal structure. During the same period, Frankfurter represented the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 69 which was another socialist front, organized and masterminded by white socialists. Later, Frankfurter sat on the Supreme Court and participated in decisions in favor of both the NAACP and ACLU, just as if he had never had any previous personal interest or bias in the matter. Such insensitiveness to professional standards of ethics had no precedent in American jurisprudenca Theodore Roosevelt unmasked Frankfurter
Frankfurter was extremely clever in covering up his socialistic activities. But Theodore Roosevelt, whom he asked to intercede on behalf of some jailed Reds, unmasked him curtly: "... you have taken, and are taking on behalf of the Administration an attitude which seems to me to be fundamentally that of Trotsky and the other Bolsheviki leaders in Russia; an attitude which may be fraught with mischief to this country. . . . Here again you are engaged in excusing men precisely like the Bolsheviki in Russia, who are murderers and en-couragers of murder, who are traitors to their allies, to democracy, and to civilization, as well as to the United States, and whose acts are nevertheless apologized for on grounds, my dear Mr. Frankfurter, substantially like those which you allege. " 70 Frankfurter was a main factor in the recognition of the Soviet regime by the United States Government, having been naturally sympathetic, like most socialists, toward the Bolshevik Revolution. 71 Diplomatic recognition advanced the Soviet cause and facilitated both espionage and subversion. With the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frankfurter skyrocketed politically.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, who before his nomination for the Presidency, is reported to have told Frankfurter, "You ought to be on the highest court in the land." 72 Under the New Deal, Frankfurter planted scores of his former students in various government departments. Some he sent to be law clerks to Supreme Court Justices Holmes and Brandeis, and to various other Federal judges. 73 Frankfurter sponsored Alger Hiss
Hiss "... was made secretary to the great Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes on the recommendation of Frankfurter."
Hiss, already conditioned for socialism by his professors, began to attend lectures at the Rand School for Social Science. The Rand School was a training school for revolutionaries operated by the American Socialist Society.
Pressman and Hiss operated within the Red haze of the leftist political underworld.
the list of Harvard alumni accused of spying for the Reds largely duplicated the roster of Felix Frankfurter's proteges.
Frankfurter neglected to inform his readers that G. D. H. Cole had been president of the Fabian Socialist Society and that Strachey was the chief theoretical exponent of Fabian socialism for Britain and America.
Hindsight permits us to rephrase this sententious warning in simpler language as a boast that the reconstructed (packed) Court in its collective (or collectivist) wisdom would amend the Constitution from time to time, to incorporate in it the principles of socialized law.
"Roscoe Pound has been the leader in this reorientation of the law, which he has called the sociological theory of jurisprudence. He attributes the inspiration of his theories in large measure to his contacts with George E. Howard, E. A. Ross and A. W. Small, but the general trend of the time towards synthesis has also been largely responsible for this new humanistic emphasis in law.
The admission that Pound's sociological jurisprudence came from his contacts with Howard, Ross and Small is startlingly revealing. This same group of sociologists expressed the views not only of American but of British and German socialism
early in the game, when America was still in the horse-and-buggy age, socialists in academic circles were already at work on a long-range program to pervert and exploit the legal system. The thesis advocated by Pound was "... that the lawyer as well as the law must become increasingly informed and molded by the other sciences, and especially by the social sciences." 80 Sociological jurisprudence, fathered by Ross, Small and Ward and fronted by Pound at Harvard, eventually infiltrated almost
all the law schools in the United States, and thence permeated the entire political and social fibre of the United States.
"It is a great job that has to be done—to evolve a constructive jurisprudence going hand in hand with the pretty thoroughgoing overtiming that we are in for."
The problems ahead are economic and sociological, and the added adjustments of a government under a written constitution, steeped in legalistic traditions,
to the assumption of the right solution of such problems. To an important degree therefore, the problems are problems of jurisprudence—not only the shaping of a jurisprudence to meet the social and industrial needs of the time, but the great procedural problems of administration and legislation, because of the inevitable link between law and legislation, the lawyer's natural relation to these issues, the close connection between all legislation and constitutional law, and the traditional, easily accountable dominance of the lawyer in our public affairs. In the synthesis of thinking that must shape the Great State, the lawyer is in many ways the coordinator, the mediator, between the various social sciences." 09 To Frankfurter and his socialist friends at the time the "constant source of thought for the guidance of public men and the education of public opinion, as well as a source of trained men for public life" was socialism. His insistence that the lawyer must be "the mediator between the various social sciences" shows that by 1913 the socialists were preparing to take over the legal structure Shrewd schemers exploit a naive leftist In 1940, Pound was awarded the American Bar Association medal for "conspicuous service to the cause of American jurisprudence." 90 Dean Pound was probably not aware of much of the academic infighting
The same textbook admits that sociological jurisprudence is socialistic in character and in order to prove it quotes Roscoe Pound as the authority:
he was not considered a part of the socialist inner circle by his manipulators, who treated him merely as a pliable instrument with which to put over socialized law under the label of 'sociological jurisprudence'.
Experience with the initiative and referendum and recall in some of our western states, which are finding to their surprise that the professional politician can use these weapons quite as effectively as the reformers, indicates what is likely to happen with our boards and special commissions as politicians learn to use them. I think we ought to be careful not to be like the end in the football game who loses sight of the ball in his mad endeavor to tackle somebody."
With all the elaborate superstructure of deception within deception that covers the various layers of socialized law, it is difficult to pinpoint the specific socialistic nerve center of the entire process. However, among socialists themselves, there is no need for the same elaborate camouflage they find necessary to use in public. Second generation socialists give away the game Thus while all the accumulated skills of 100 years of socialist tactics have been utilized subtly and secretly to subvert the legal
order, the socialists had to expose their inner motives in passing on their underlying strategy to a new generation. We observed previously that in history Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a second generation socialist, gave away the inner workings of socialist machinations in an article "THE FUTURE OF SOCIALISM: The Perspective Now". 98 In the field of sociological jurisprudence Felix Cohen, the son of Professor Morris R. Cohen, also published some unguarded directives meant for socialists only. He gave a clear and forceful account of the basic left-wing motives behind all the verbiage in sociological jurisprudence.
Cohen was completely devoted to the socialist cause and also thoroughly schooled in the devious art of left-wing duplicity. He was recognized as an authority on sociological jurisprudence by the entire leftist underworld,—communist, socialist and Fabian. With his father's aid he further managed to sell himself as a "liberal" to Holmes, Cardozo and Brandeis.
Partisan Review, May-June, 1947, pp. 229-242 (A leftist trade journal which has spanned the entire spectrum of the left-wing movement during its existence, ranging from extreme communism to the most respectable type of creeping socialism).
He personified what has become the legal philosophy of the majority of the United States Supreme Court today. Fortunately, there is a record of Felix Cohen's writings, ranging from sugar-coated and well-camouflaged utterances (before law societies and in law journals) to a series of articles baring his socialist underpinnings. Attack law in revolutionary move To his fellow socialists Felix Cohen openly proclaimed: "It is impossible to attempt the overthrow of capitalism as an economic system without at the same time attacking the substance of capitalist law."
The ideals of equality, liberty, and democracy which capitalist courts and
legislators have proclaimed will offer a perfect base for socialist attack upon the legal foundations of capitalism." 101 "Destroy existing law .. .in the name of law itself" Here Cohen revealed the motivation behind socialized law and of the leftists who foisted sociological jurisprudence upon the public under a scientific guise. Felix Cohen continued: "Socialists can learn from their adversaries that it is always possible to attack existing law, and, if the power is available, to destroy existing law, in the name of democracy, justice, and liberty, in the name of the great ideals of the American Constitution, and in the name of law itself."' 02 This is the double standard under which the founders of socialized law and their bold pupils on the Supreme Court have misused the constitutional guarantees as weapons to destroy the Constitution itself.
"It would be instructive to consider what transformations a Socialist Supreme Court could work in American law by utilizing the tactics of capitalist judges." * * * "There is probably no part of the law or the constitution
which the Supreme Court could not demolish, if the need arose, in the name of the constitution itself." '°
Leftism served raw to radicals but sugar coated to others In advising his fellow socialists, Felix Cohen gave them an unvarnished picture of the left-wing subversive intentions. However, he and his readers understood that they must administer only sugar-coated propaganda to the general public, including lawyers and jurists. For example, only a few months after penning his revolutionary advice to socialists and communists, Felix Cohen addressed the class of 1936 at the New York University School of Law as a harmless professor and theoretician:
The hidden socialist program was cleverly camouflaged by calling government a "process of barpain-ing". He pictured the law court as a mere market place. Leftists admire Nazi skill in exploiting legality Felix Cohen pointed out the Nazi experience as an object lesson in the seduction of the forces of law: "At no point in the Nazi march to power did the German masses as a whole feel that any procedure of constitutional government was being violated. The Weimar Constitution was destroyed according to its own recipes. The death of political democracy was celebrated by plebiscites carried through within the forms of political democracy." 106 Cohen cleverly emphasized occasional flagrant abuses in American legal history as if it were typical of capitalistic legal procedure. He then used these exceptions to justify socialist perversions of law. He drew lessons for the left-wing not only from the Nazis, but also from those in our society who try to bend the law to their own selfish ends: "What is important about these examples of capitalist use of the myth of legality is that they show conclusively the disparity between the form of the law, impartial, classless, and eternal, and the changing class content of the law, and thus indicate that a revolutionary interpretation of existing legal forms is possible. "Accepting the forms and symbols of the law and the Constitution but substituting a socialist for a capitalist class content, a revolutionary party can attack the whole substance of capitalist oppression, in terms of these very symbols, as illegal and unconstitutional, and defend as legal and constitutional every act which circumstances make it expedient for the revolutionary forces to undertake."
Bolshevik Revolution as example of socialized law He held up the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 as a good example of taking power illegally in the name of legality: "If, then, even in the Russia of November 1917, practical revolutionaries found it necessary to appeal to the forms of legality and constitutionality in order to lead a successful insurrection, how much more obvious is the possibility of appealing to the forms and ideals of American law and American constitutional principles in leading the masses to the Second American Revolution. For in the masses of the American public, even more than in the Russian populace of 1917, are imprinted faith and pride in the established symbols of democracy, hallowed by the blood of American workers in revolution and civil war, faith and pride in the established forms of popular government, in the traditional political ideals of liberty and equality. About such symbols, forms and ideals there cluster human loyalties so powerful that neither the judges of the United States Supreme Court nor the leaders of the Russian Bolshevik Party can lead a successful assault that established legal institutions without appealing to these loyalties by making out a plausible claim of legality for the attack on law." ,OB The above quotation is the strategic essence of American socialized law. Lenin was a lawyer Interestingly, Nicolai Lenin, the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution studied law under the Czarist regime. It was there that he was exposed to the Marxist dogma. He first began his revolutionary activities while absorbing what, in effect, was 'socialized law*. This prepared Lenin for his future role as communist dictator. Actually, Lenin practiced law for several years in Russia. 'Socialized law' was thus a major factor in softening up the Russian nation for the eventual Bolshevik tyranny.' 09 Left-wingers in private have always despised democratic principles. They utilize slogans like "civil liberties" as "battle-cries for American socialism",
Today, when the judicial, and executive branches of our Federal government are controlled by leftists, state's rights advocates are naturally attacked as ultra-conservative and reactionary. However, the socialists and communists have always conceived of the posibility of utilizing the sentiment for state's rights for their own purposes.
Long before the forces of socialism are able to secure such power, they must have attained power in the more advanced states of the union, as they have already attained some degree of power in a few towns and cities."" 0 The inroads of leftism in New York City, Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago show that this policy has been energetically pursued on a sectional basis.
This decision, which seemed to line up the American Constitution with atheistic communism, aroused the most intense and widespread indignation, but the Supreme Court was unmoved,
Revolutionaries are not wedded to any set form of political control. Their main objective is to gain control of society. To this end they will exploit any agency, be it local, state or national in form. After the revolutionary forces are in power, they intend of course to consolidate permanent control through a monolithic central government on a national and international level. Felix Cohen in dealing with the "state's rights" tactic brings out the significant fact that "... one of the first tasks of a socialist state will be to make sure that it has a reliable state militia." 1 " This is a clear implication that these masters of socialized law have the idea of organized violence in the back of their minds.
Socialized law a prelude for total take-over Among themselves socialists and communists consider the law as a fundamentally capitalistic symbol, which they plan to exploit and to eliminate. They hope to fool the American people with the semblance of socialized law until they can consolidate their power, meantime steadily transforming the Constitution from its original purpose of guarding individual freedom into an irresistible instrument of oppression. Cohen makes this obvious when he states: "The appeal to legality can serve a revolutionary purpose only if it is linked with a clear recognition that the legal and constitutional ideals invoked are opposed to the actual substance of capitalist law, that every moral principle which the law purports to defend is violated, again and again, in the name of the law itself. The revolutionary claim of legality can be substantiated only by exposing the hypocrisy of capitalist legality. Revolution can assume a defensive posture only by convicting the forces of capitalism of offensive measures against the law and the Constitution.""
Leftists are told that the forces striving to maintain the traditions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are to be publicly vilified as enemies of the very principles for which they stand. Here again we have the double think, outlined in Orwell's frightening novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Cohen wrote: "There is no choice between legal means to power and illegal means to power. All effective means to power will be denounced as illegal by those whose vested interests are threatened, and defended as legal by the revolutionary forces, if these forces are led by practical revolutionaries and not by incurable romantics. The question of legality will be decided not in party conferences before the revolution, but after the fact. If the revolution is successful, the revolution claim of legality turns out to be correct."" 3 Socialists say: "might is right"
socialist claim that "the question of legality" will be decided "after the fact" of the revolution. The frank admission by leftist strategists that they are not guided by the fine points of legality but are willing to use all means to bring about socialist control reveals the true motivation of socialized law. As Felix Cohen explained to his colleagues, no question or doubt will remain after the socialists take over, since all rights of appeal or redress will have ended.
"All political questions, all matters of right, are at the bottom only questions of might"." 4 The motives behind socialized law are exposed by Cohen's statement that "recognizing that every step towards power will be met by a constitutional challenge, a revolutionary party must be prepared to make its own constitutional law."" 5 In other words, novel doctrines which parade as "sociological decisions" are, in effect, the new left-wing constitutional law.
"Socialism and the Myth of Legality"
The theoretical claim of constitutionality is relevant only insofar as it is itself a potent factor in organizing this will and this power and disorganizing the opposing class forces."" 8 Socialized constitutional law is strictly a "disorganizing" tactic, designed to undermine our present social order and prepare it for the socialist take-over. After the revolution, there will be no problem of socialized or any other kind of law, since decisions then will be made strictly on the basis of socialistic fiat, as is now the case in the countries enslaved by the Soviet:
socialized law is merely one of the new weapons used to point law "in a new direction". The infiltration of the Supreme Court and the intimidation of the legal profession into accepting a socialist orientation prove the extent of left-wing success.
A socialist quotes the Scriptures Cohen's revolutionary writings meant for the initiated are a windfall to those interested in unearthing the true motives behind the slippery twists and turns of socialized law. To the public at large he showed an entirely different face. In addressing Catholic law schools, he even quoted Scripture: "Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger as for the homeborn: For I am the
Lord your God."" 9 He concluded his sugar-coated socialistic mes-age by mentioning the religion of Rome and the vision at Mt. Sinai, and citing the traditions of St. Thomas. But in writing for socialists he wrote about the need to "create a revolutionary morality" and he used as an example of this new morality "the purposeful industrialization of Russia under Soviet rule". 120 In addressing left-wingers he took an openly atheistic stance. He explained that socialism had the task of, 'Redefining the moral virtues and vices, it replaces the heroes, saints, and gods of the past with new exemplars of the good life, as in Russia, for instance, the figure of Christ, who deals with all things in an intimate and personal way, has been replaced by the figure of Lenin, the exponent of statistical morality".'*' Law leaders endorse a revolutionary
"Socialism, as the fulfillment of democracy, offers all men the power out of which moral responsibility is born. . . . Redefining the moral virtues and vices, it replaces the heroes, saints, and gods of the past with new exemplars of the good life, as in Russia. ..." "The task of laughing down the provincialities of contemporary class culture, of breaking the control of art by monopolistic groups, of liberating taste and enjoyment from the slavery of pecuniary and competitive canons, of exposing the provincial
123 ibid., p. xiii. 124 ibid., pp. xv., xvi. ethical assumptions that bar the road to useful thought in the fields of economics, jurisprudence, and sociology, of liberating human imaginations so that men may see through complex economic and political structures to the joy or suffering they create, of dramatizing the institutions of society so that they evoke the forces of love and hate which have been traditionally directed towards personalities, of widening human loyalties to the point where one may look to his own future impersonally and find in a social ideal inspiring patterns of life, these are not tasks for the Sunday School moralists of the individualist tradition. In these tasks every realm of human culture must make its revolutionary contribution."
The socialist tactic was to make the Supreme Court of that time appear as a mere agency of the capitalist class, just as Beard's book was an attempt to paint the founding fathers as mere reflectors of selfish economic interests. The socialist strategy was to subvert the Supreme Court through socialized law.
Those who finally get on the Supreme Court bench are held to be, by some sort of occult selective process,
The law is what the Court declares it to be, no more, no less."' 30 Socialism by "judicial coup d'etat"
"Under the Constitution, Congress has therefore the power and in my opinion the duty, to impeach and remove from office any judge who violates the Constitution by presuming to nullify a law duly passed by Congress and approved by the President."' 32 He added: "A Socialist or Communist Party could do no less. A true liberal should advocate no less.... " ,3a The same groups with typical hypocrisy, hold up their hands in horror when Robert Welch, of the John Birch Society, advocates impeachment as a means of purging the Supreme Court. The left-wing strategists never stop at mere theorizing. Following Karl Marx's dictum, they convert every theory into a weaponof practical force. Their conquest of the Supreme Court is a case in point.
Thus the forces of socialized law became rooted in Harvard and the long journey to gain control of the Supreme Court began. The policy of encirclement of Justice Holmes and other Supreme Court members by a swarm of left-wingers, posing as harmless liberals, was masterminded by Frankfurter over fifty years ago.
Holmes was not the only target of the left wing. Theodore Roosevelt was also subjected to the same pressures largely by the same people. We have noted before that Theodore Roosevelt eventually saw through the leftist trickery and denounced Frankfurter for taking "... an attitude which seems to me to be fundamentally that of Trotsky and the Bolsheviki leaders in Russia. . . . Here again you are engaged in excusing men . . . who are murderers and encouragers of murder..." uo Books used as an "ideological curtain" Frankfurter, Morris Cohen, Laski and their cohorts obviously moved in concert on Justice Holmes. Since Holmes was an omni-verous reader and an enthusiast for new ideas, Laski steered him to the works of the leftist founders of socialized law,—Albion Small, E. A. Ross, Lester F. Ward, Thorstein Veblen and John Dewey, each fanatically wedded to the socialist ideal.
Holmes' naivete appears in this admission to Laski: "... John Dewey—whom I have supposed myself bound to revere, and I have revered, but have not read—except in matter of no great moment or impressive-ness."
Holmes showed his susceptibility to this treatment in a letter to Laski about John Dewey's book Experience and Nature:
If John Dewey could pull the wool over the eyes of a sharp observer like Holmes it is no wonder that two generations swallowed the Dewey method of education. Socialized law thrived because Dewey was able to camouflage his socialist beliefs in "quasi-aesthetic" garb, while neglecting to inform his readers and auditors that he was a chief architect of socialism in America.
Laski, Morris Cohen and Frankfurter popularized countless leftists books through testimonials solicited from Holmes and others. Holmes indicated repeatedly that although he did not have time to read all the suggested books he took it for granted that they must have merit since they were recommended by such profound thinkers as the three mentioned above. Holmes and his fellow-dupes seemed completely unaware of socialistic premeditation in the infiltrating process in America and England. Holmes considered each socialist as an independent individual, and thus overlooked the menace of the organized plot-rings of a socialist caucus. Holmes refused to go all the way However, whenever Laski tried to push Holmes openly into a socialist position he received a prompt rebuke. Time and again,
When Laski authored a Fabian socialist tract entitled Socialism and Freedom '•" and solicited an opinion, Holmes replied: ".. . . I have read your book and it does not command my sympathy. ..." "But just as I said the other day that I take no stock in abstract rights, I equally fail to respect the passion for equality. I think it an ignoble aspiration which only culminates in the statement of one of your Frenchmen that inequality of talents was an injustice. I do not presume to think that even if I am right your book may not be a benefit to the world—but, in its immediate effect to encourage what I think mistaken views and desires, I feel sorry. If, as you say, the alternative is the ruin of civilization I think that more likely to come—but I do not accept any prophecy with confidence. The unforeseen is generally what happens." 14 '' 1 Holmes realized that Frankfurter and Laski were busy manipulators who cultivated important people socially as a means of acquiring influence. He once wrote to Laski:
Holmes to Laski, Aug. 1, 1925. Laski replied "Agreement I don't expect, for I have convictions built on faith while you (forgive me!) have doubts built on fears.
This letter contradicts the general impression that Laski was not a Bolshevik sympathizer. He not only sympathized with the Soviets but implied that violence ("a hell of a row") would necessarily precede the socialist takeover.
Leftists whether in the NAACP, CORE and ACLU or other socialist created bodies are opposed to reasonable solutions under our present American system. Their main goal is to cause a breakdown of society through disturbances and inflamed hatreds so they can more easily take control for socialism. This is why leftists generally laud the destructive Reconstruction policies that almost ruined the South after the Civil War.
"The present decision concededly changes the interpretation accepted in practice by the whole country for nearly a century,
and approved in principle by the leading jurists of the last sixty years."
Frankfurter, who was charged with pushing the Negro issue into the background, now emerges as the hero of the day among both the leftists and the duped Negro masses.
It was not till after 1939, when Frankfurter was appointed by F. D. Roosevelt to the Supreme Court, that socialized law began to dictate that Court's decisions. Frankfurter, as the supreme expounder of leftist views, managed expertly, in time, to indoctrinate a sufficient number of Supreme Court Justices to grind out decisions based upon sociology rather than American law.
The same source states that Eleanor Roosevelt ". . . knew the Webbs, met them both in London and in the States. . . ." ,B3 The Roosevelts' support helped Frankfurter to whip other members of the Supreme Court into lina
American institutions as important as British ones, and talked more of the Supreme Court than of Aristotle." ,M The history of Fabian socialist permeation of the Supreme Court is the key to the succession of strange decisions that have emanated from that body in the past 25 years to the confusion and amazement of the American people. Originally socialized law had slight impact upon the American legal profession, whose fundamental philosophy was based on certain basic individual rights. Socialized law treated the individual as of little importance and allocated rights mainly to certain favored groups within the population.
The Supreme Court has now reversed the emphasis of fundamental American law. It now dispenses special rights to leftist agencies.
Leftists favored both in groups and as individuals On the reverse side of the coin, strategists of socialized law utilize the symbol of individual rights, sometimes through criminal cases, to furnish collective protection for the entire subversive movement in this country. Thus both the principle of "individual rights" and the principle of "mass rights" are simultaneously exploited by the left wing.
John Dewey, Morris Cohen, Felix Frankfurter and Harold J. Laski.' SB By the end of World War I a whole spate of socialist and communist legal fronts had been created. These not only busied themselves with defending subversives under arrest but also concentrated on organizing the legal profession. By that time several classes of young lawyers were already indoctrinated through Frankfurter, Pound and Morris Cohen. ACLU as a socialist creation Frankfurter organized the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1920, in company with Morris Hillquit (head of the American Socialist Party), Laski, Roger N. Baldwin, Jane Addams, Harry F. Ward, A. J. Muste, Scott Nearing and Norman Thomas. This organization was a socialist front pure and simple.
they would be officially recognized by Lenin's Communist International, and were trying to coalesce all leftist forces into one political movement.' 56
While Frankfurter was sitting in the key councils of the American Civil Liberties Union it drew up a platform to protect those advocating violent overthrow of our form of government, which stated: "The advocacy of murder, unaccompanied by any act, is within the legitimate scope of free speech." It also expressed belief "... in the right of persons to advocate 'the overthrow of government by force and violence, . . '." ,6 ° Thirty-seven years later, the United States Supreme Court endorsed these theories in Gates v. United States, 354 U. S. 298, in a decision regarding communist advocacy of murder and violence. Roger N. Baldwin, director of ACLU had in private correspondence stressed the importance of camouflaging socialist activities: "We want to, also, look like patriots in everything we do." He also described the strategy of socialized law when he stated that it was necessary "to show that we are the fellows that really stand for the spirit of our institutions."
the Socialist party by majority vote has declared its adherence to the Third Moscow Internationa]."
The International Labor Defense (ILD) was the American section of the International Red Aid, a Kremlin legal strategy apparatus located in Moscow.' 6S
The International Juridical Association was a chief source of propaganda speaking the language of sociological jurisprudence. It included outstanding proponents of socialized law like Whitney North Seymour and George Soule. 166 The International Juridical Association furnished skillfully designed legal packages for use by leftist attorneys. There was a continuous liaison between ACLU (socialist) and the International Juridical Association (communist controlled), the International Labor Defense (Kremlin directed) and the National Lawyers Guild (pro-communist).
Soviet spying via socialized law
The manipulative skill exhibited by the left-wing underworld in putting over its ideas in legislation and court decisions is almost incredible. Today, socialist jurisprudence has penetrated supposedly educated thinking so deeply that the process of undermining the established legal and political structure proceeds almost automatically. Thousands in key positions in our society actually believe that these ideas are their own. They are unaware that this direction of their thinking began at educational institutions and is constantly accelerated by slanted reading matter.
"The most telling effects are produced, not by stating his own" (the writer's) "conclusions as strongly as possible, but by skillfully inducing his readers to reach those conclusions by what they regard as their own mental processes. That is, if the readers think that the convictions which they have reached are their own, and were not forced upon them, their interest is likely to be much deeper and more lasting." ,73 Sociological jurisprudence is the logical terminal point in an analysis of the social pseudo-sciences. It serves as the focal tie-in of all the socialists' devices for bringing themselves into power. They re-write history to justify socialized law. Their interpretations of economics also lends an aura of inevitability to revolutionary legal manipulation. Social anthropology furnished the basic theme that all men and all races are potentially alike, and that only a change in the political and legal structure is needed to give birth to the socialist man. Sociology for more than 75 years was stage-set for sociological jurisprudence, which was created not by the legal profession but by leftists in American universities who packaged European socialistic tendencies for the American market. Communists and socialists alike realize that they can best achieve their final triumph, whether peaceful or violent, with the aid of judicial decisions and legislation.
he called the sly and sugar-coated spreading of socialistic ideas ". . . the Fabianiza-tion of American Socialism."
their subtlety and deception represent an even greater menace. Quietly infiltrating the teaching profession, the colleges, the publishing industry and the information media, the socialists have long been nudging the American people towards the collecti-
vist goal. Filling the air with cries of "racists" and "bigots", the socialist-communist amalgam has managed to lure attention away from their deadly racial instigations. We have the incongruous situation wherein the main victims of racial assaults are themselves labelled as "prejudiced". Leftist legal schemers have cleverly divorced the two principles of 'rights' and 'responsibilities'. Rights seem to be ladled out without any expectation of the individual and community responsibility which has traditionally been demanded of all citizens. Without responsibility the exercise of rights can only bring about anarchy. This is the bitter fruit of legal decisions based upon "socialized law".
The trickery and dishonesty employed by the prime movers of the 1954 school desegregation decision is almost beyond belief. Dr. Alfred H. Kelly, one of the key strategists to put over that decision, boastfully told an audience:
quietly ignoring facts, and above all interpreting facts in a way to do what [Thurgood] Marshall said we had to do— 'get by those boys down there'." "■ Actually, the above can be applied as a definition of socialist manipulation through all the social sciences and especially the one they call "sociological jurisprudence". One would expect that normally such devious and dishonest manipulation of the nation's law would result in severe punishment of those responsible.
Conversely, not only were the schemers not punished but Thurgood Marshall was made a judge of the Federal bench. Ironically, although members of the Supreme Court did the bidding of the NAACP and CORE, they were referred to, not according to the dignity of their office, but instead, as "those boys down there".
In fighting subversion, Americans have been almost exclusively preoccupied with the menace of communism, regarding the socialist moves as harmless and of no great significance. This misjudgment might prove fatal. We must heed Eastman's warning in the opening sentence of an epochal book: "Almost everyone who cares earnestly about freedom is aroused against the Communists. But it is not only the communists, it is in a more subtle way the socialists who are blocking the efforts of the free world to recover its poise and its once-firm resistance to tyranny."
So subtle and insidious has been the socialist approach, that their apparatus is largely financed by the very people that they are out to destroy. Their activities are made possible by contributions from business and financial leaders and they receive political support as well as tremendous sums of money from labor unions whose members they will enslave if full socialism ever comes to pass. Leaders both in business and in labor act like the Gadarene swine, rushing to destruction as if possessed by devils.
the greatest difficulties in diagnosing cancer is the fact that its symptoms are often deceiving and assume many forms. Socialism likewise is reflected by many symptoms. Perversion of law through our courts; treason in government; corruption and graft to attain power and wealth; mob rule in our streets; corrupting the clergy and the pulpit as political agents for leftist atheism; and the steady erosion of the morals of our youth is symptomatic of the insidious influence of leftist manipulators The American people have recognized and attacked the communist and fascist menace. However, little cognizance has been taken of the fact that they are both socialist manifestations. Americans have not yet realized that the basic factor of the disease is based on the infection spread by a leftist political underworld.
- Highlight Loc. 5-6 | Added on Thursday, September 08, 2016, 09:48 AM
socialism and communism in their many branches and off-shoots and their methods of infiltration.
Fabian coat-of-arms brazenly depicts socialism as a political wolf in sheep's clothing. Commissioned by George Bernard Shaw in 1910; for over 30 years it was privately displayed to the socialist inner-circle, who gloated over successful masquerades as "mild reformers" and "righteous liberals". Arrogantly, the socialist leaders picture themselves as shaping the whole world with hammer blows while relegating their followers to the role of blind worshippers praying before the image of socialist propaganda. The Fabian Window is now displayed in Beatrice Webb House, a memorial financed by the world socialist movement. The two figures wielding hammers are G. B. Shaw and Sidney Webb. Operating the bellows is E. R. Pease, for many years secretary of the Fabian Society. Thumbing his nose is H. G. Wells, who after quitting the Fabians, denounced them as "the new machiavellians".
the greatest danger to the Free World today is creeping socialism, and not only its Communist counterpart. For the blatant brutality of Communism is better understood by the American people, and hence regarded with well-informed hatred.
Fabian socialists have managed to maintain an aura of respectability with the wealthy and the "book-educated." These revolutionary wolves masquerade in sheep's clothing as gentle reformers. Although the socialists claim that they are innovators, Veritas proves that they are really reactionaries, who wish to turn society backward to despots like Napoleon, Louis XIV (l'etat c'est moi—a typical socialist attitude), feudalist Charlemagne, or primitive tribal chiefs. Many leading socialists foresee with complacency the necessity of killing their opponents, once they have seized power. Bernard Shaw and Stuart Chase have baldly stated so. This explains socialist tolerance of the multi-million Communist murders.
The communist menace in this country would be a relatively minor one if it did not operate under the protection of the massive socialistic movement that had grown within our society largely under the cover of other labels than "socialism". Whittaker Chambers shrewdly observed that "Were it not for a socialist cyst within it, mere political expediency would scarcely stop any party from cleaning house of its Communists, a project that, pushed with vigor and sincerity, could only redound to its credit." 10 Common leftist goal In order to understand this hidden menace a thorough reappraisal is needed of the true balance of the socialistic and communist movements here and of the actual influence they exert together and separately.
It was only after squandering his wealth upon extravagant parties and affairs and being subjected to poverty that Saint Simon had begun to develop his philosophy on how to organize all of mankind on a socialistic basis. s Encyclopedia Britannica, 13th Ed., Vol. 24, p. 45. 55
Throughout his life Saint-Simon was afflicted with recurrent mental disorders. The concept of "social science" was thus apparently conceived in the disturbed brain of an aristocrat who was motivated by ghostly hallucinations. After his "vision", Saint-Simon, "though now 38 years of age, commenced to study 'science', of which he was as yet quite ignorant." 5 It is an irony of history that "social science" was born in a mind completely lacking in scientific training. It is interesting that Charlemagne (742-814 A.D.) who initiated the period of feudalism should be used as a sponsor by his descendant, Saint-Simon. As our study will demonstrate later, the roots of socialism lay deep in the Middle Ages and the concept of a closed socialistic society is akin to the stagnant ossified economy of the feudal era. Charlemagne had given impetus to the development of feudalism by establishing wide-spread state control over commerce, agriculture, and public works. He had initiated "forced labor on public works among the lower ranks." He reduced the small farmers to serfdom and made the community responsible for providing the court and public officials with food and supplies. This was accompanied by systemization of the army and forced military service. The process then was what today we would call socialization. The system of control and enforcement was based on a theocracy with Charlemagne and his successors in dominant positions. This system soon embraced the greater part of Europe. 8 Socialists as 'social scientists' The disciples of St. Simon declared in 1829 ". . . that the only elements that have appeared repeatedly in the past and would interest the future were the Fine Arts, Sciences, and Industry, and that the study of this triple manifestation of human activity was to
"Society, as at present constituted, is based upon principles which in their operation misemploy, misdirect and pervert the faculties and passions of man, and defeat all the ends and hopes of life. It is based upon the principle of isolation, of separation of man from his fellow-man upon individual effort, and envious, strife and anarchical competition, upon selfishness, distrust, antagonism overreaching, fraud and injustice, upon the conflict of all interests, and upon universal duplicity of action. There is no combination or capital unity, no harmony of action, of interests or of feeling; no connection or association. Every family has, for example, a separate house, a separate interest, separate hopes and a separate welfare to maintain; it is in conflict with most of the families around it eager to detract from their prosperity to add its own, instead of seeking to unite with them to advance by their combined efforts their mutual welfare and happiness.
A Social Order, governed by such principles, must, it is evident, be opposed to capital reason, to capital justice, and to capital truth, and should be reformed. We advocate a Social Order based upon the principle of Association—
Professor Huxley expressed his emphatic opinion that 'the reorganization of society upon a new and purely scientific basis is not only practicable, but is the only political object much worth fighting for'. All scientific men in Europe and America are agreed that there is such a thing somewhere as a social science, (italics ours) We surely do not deserve the name of fanatics then, because we presently proceed to direct public attention to this study, as the only one that will guide us out of our social miseries."
In 1828, Saint Simonians had declared that "social science" was composed of "the Fine Arts, the Sciences, and Industry." ' 3 Fourteen years later, the socialists in America projected "social science" as "based upon Association and combined Action and Unity of Interest, Attractive Industry, and Moral Harmony and Its Passions." By 1873, an American Congress of Social Science proposed a program of "moral, social, financial, religious and political thesis which would be attended by hosts of unseen helpers who are on the spiritual side of existence".
In probing through extensive documentation involving the "social sciences" one feature stands out with striking vividness. Almost every key leftist in the "social sciences" has been a confirmed socialist first and then developed a "social science" later. In other words a faith called "socialism" came first and the "science" was then fashioned as a weapon to promote the socialistic aim. This means that the search for the truth by the leftists in the scholastic field is not of paramount importance. The bending and twisting of the academic subjects to fit socialist purposes is the prime 2» For our treatment of economics, see Keynes at Harvard. 22 Garet Garrett, The People's Pottage, p. 19. purpose of all convinced socialists. This has been the case particularly in Social Anthropology, History, Economics, Social Jurisprudence and Sociology. The socialist dogma requires that all scholastic categories be made to serve socialism and not the cause of scientific truth.
Left-wing movements at all times look upon every single object in society as a potential tool to be used to further the march towards socialism. This single-mindedness of the socialists is the reason for their massive opportunism in all endeavors. It also creates within itself the basis of continuous deception.
the socialist manipulation of the various categories listed under "social science" is not one of mere academic searching for the truth. The socialist movement would not waste a moment on pure scholasticism for its own sake. Before participating in anything the basic rule of left-wing manipulations is Can it be used to our advantage and how can it be so used?
socialistic pundits in the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences after making a most abstract and confusing definition of what is "social science" then proceeded to classify this confusion in eleven main categories. They are listed as Anthropology, Economics, Education, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Statistics.
we will deal with four broad categories of "social science". 21 They are: History, Sociology, Social Anthropology, and Social Jurisprudence. We do not intend to deal with Political Science as a separate factor since the socialist manipulation of the social sciences is in itself a form of "political science".
Leftist propaganda, particularly when aimed at the educated, pretends that socialism has been proved to be scientific and that the "social sciences" confirm this proof with scientific precision. Exhaustive studies have proved exactly the reverse. The socialistic theory was developed first and then after long years of politically and emotionally inspired pressures accompanied by many subtle and deceitful twists and turns the socialistic schemers managed at last to cover their naked propaganda so completely with scholastic fig-leaves that they were able to convert entire categories of supposedly academic courses of instruction into purely political forums of socialistic indoctrination.
Starting at the university level the entire socialistic twist has filtered down to the high schools and grammar schools. Social-istically oriented college graduates have gradually by almost imperceptible degrees spread out into all phases of social life and guided the drift towards collectivism.
to justify this process in the minds of their minions the top socialistic schemers long ago decided that they must provide a grand theory of historical justification. History is suborned to bear false witness for socialism. In the socialist bag of tricks History becomes a counterfeit "social science".
appointments of academic figures to top places in government, indicated that perhaps, at long last, Plato's old dream (circa 400 B.C.) had come true and that now "philosophers are kings and kings philosophers." A presidential assistant today possesses tremendous power and his influence is felt directly not only in the United States, but throughout the world.
The question arises whether Mr. Schlesinger's socialism was derived from the lessons of history or whether his version of history was derived from socialism. The answer is quite obvious. Professor Schlesinger's father, also a professor of history at Harvard, was a hard core left-winger of many years standing.' Schlesinger, Jr. practically cut his eye ' Appendix IX of the House Un-American Activities Committee has 10 listings of communist front activities of Arthur M. Schlesinger, St., the California Committee on Un-American Activities has 2 listings. Actually these were socialist-communist fronts as a result of an international agreement between the communists and socialist forces. Among Fabian socialists who were active with Schlesinger Sr. in these fronts were Reinhold Neibuhr, Max Lerner, George Soule and Franz Boas. teeth on the socialist theme. The Schlesingers, both father and son, actively collaborated in the writing of the now famous trilogy on the New Deal. 2 Incidentally, all three volumes of this work were dedicated to persons who were leading left-wing figures. 3 Any possible doubts as to Schlesinger's socialist bias were dispelled by an article he wrote for the left-wing Partisan Review entitled "The Future of Socialism: The Perspective Now." Here Schlesinger, Jr. explains his advocacy of Fabian socialism quite clearly:
"Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within this frame of reference, as a long-term proposition. Its gradual advance might well preserve order and law, keep enough internal checks and discontinuities to guarantee a measure of freedom, and evolve new and real forms for the expression of democracy. The active agents in effecting the transition will probably be, not the working class, but some combination of lawyers, business and labor managers, politicians and intellectuals, in the manner of the first New Deal, or of the Labor government in Britain." 4 Political murder called a "habit"
Although he favors a peaceful "creeping socialism", he looks upon the mass murder of millions in the Soviet Union as mainly a psychological problem of the murderers: "The habit of violence is hard to abandon; especially when it has worked in the past. A revolutionary elite always has the wistful conviction, based on experience, that it is easier to dispose of opposition by firing squads than by arguments." 8
Socialist and communist academicians have over-run the field of history largely by default History is commonly misconceived as a rather abstract subject little related to everyday life. But leftists realize that those who control the teaching of history set the tone for the philosophy of history. The philosophy of history in turn determines the thinking about the direction in which society is travelling. Socialist infiltrators into our colleges and universities are interested solely in proving that society is predestined towards socialism. Alternatives are either ignored or derided as unworkable. Professor F. A. Hayek in his Capitalism and the Historians says: "The influence which the writers of history thus exercise on public opinion is probably more immediate and extensive than that of the political theorists who launch new ideas. It seems as though even such new ideas reach wider circles usually not in their abstract form but as the interpretations of particular events. The historian is in this respect at least one step nearer to direct power over public opinion than is the theorist," Professor Hayek answers those who think that history does not have its direct impact upon the general public, as follows: "Most people, when being told that their political convictions have been affected by particular views on economic history, will answer that they never have been interested in it and never have read a book on the subject. This, however, does not mean that they do not, with the rest, regard as established facts many of the legends which at one time or another, have been given currency by writers on economic history. Although in the indirect and circuitous process by which new political ideas reach the general public the historian holds a key position, even he operates chiefly through many further relays. It is only at several removes that the picture which he provides becomes general property; it is via the novel and the newspaper, the cinema and political speeches, and ultimately the school and common talk that the ordinary person acquires his conceptions of history. But in the end even those who never read a book and probably have never heard the names of the historians whose views have influenced them come to see the past through their spectacles." 8 Leftists take over history teaching
The teachers in history indoctrinated at Johns Hopkins then fanned out impregnating most of the major colleges and universities in America with collectivist thinking. In the latter part of the 19th century this thinking soon gained the ascendancy.
Herbert Baxter Adams was best known "not in writing history, but in training others to write it and he was a powerful influence in creating the New School of Historical Research."' 3
textbooks and reference works in college courses in history throughout the nation are based upon the thinking of such persons as Charles A. Beard, James Harvey Robinson, E. R. A. Seligman, Carl Becker, Max Lerner, Henry Steele Commager, Allan Nevins, and the Schlesingers (father and son). All these have been leaders of leftist thinking in the United States. They have had overlapping connections with one another not only in their own particular chosen profession but also in general leftist associations. This Fabian socialist slant has prevailed in American schools for over 50 years. Thousands of teachers of history have been compelled to teach the socialistic slant to each succeeding generation because their textbooks and manuals were socialist-oriented.
«F, A, Hayek, editor, Capitalism and the Historians, University of Chicago Press, I960, pp. 4, 8. Many of these were not themselves socialistically inclined, but through the forced use of these leftist texts they became captives of the socialistic philosophies.
Socialistic propaganda in the teaching of history first appeared in 1876 with the founding of Johns Hopkins University.
In 1913, Small authored a book entitled Between Eras, From Capitalism to Democracy, wherein he enunciated a thinly disguised Marxian socialist doctrine of the class struggle. He used the term "democracy" as a transparent veil for socialistic ideas. 17 However, his main function was to promote the socialistic works of others and to encourage the planting of teachers with a socialistic bent, trained in Germany, into various American colleges and universities.' 8 He was a past master in the art of insinuating socialist ideas into the minds of students and professors through cleverly camouflaged terminology. He was also particularly adept at indoctrinating religious groups and pushing them by degrees towards a socialistic agnosticism.' 9
Another proficient promoter of the socialistic writings on history and sociology which entered the classrooms of American colleges at the turn of the century, was Albion W. Small (1854-1926).
With this socialist background Beard was in a position not only to write but also to find a market for his books. In 1913, he wrote An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. 32 This was heavy artillery designed to demolish the lofty reputations of the Founding Fathers. It was one of the most audacious pieces of historical deception of all time. James Madison, one of the framers of the United States Constitution, and the fourth President of the United States, was caricatured as an exponent of a Marxist type of economic interpretation of history 21 years before Marx was even born.
Beard selected for his text a twisted extract from one out of 85 essays issued under the joint title of The Federalist in order to get support for adoption of the Constitution. The essay he chose was James Madison's Federalist 10, printed in the New York Packet, November 23, 1787. Beard used the unpardonable trick of quoting part of one paragraph and then skipping about 150 words before tacking on part of a later paragraph. Historian Douglass Adair states: "Apparently Beard's use of Madison's Tenth Federalist was, in part, at least, a matter of political strategy—a device, quite self-consciously adopted, of wrapping himself in the American Flag as he muckraked the motives of the Founding Fathers, and, by implication, pointed to the Constitution as an instrument of class exploitation." 33
Beard, deliberately created the illusion that our Founding Fathers were "a conspiracy of predatory minority groups concealing their operations behind the rhetorical false face of 'We, the People' "»*
In the portion that Beard extracted out of context from Madison's writings he tries to show that Madison attributed a purely economic and selfish motivation to the building of the American Republic. This accords with Marx's economic interpretation of history propounded about 70 years after Madison wrote the Tenth Federalist. But part of the section omitted by Beard, reads: "A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts." 35 The above statements of Madison directly contradicts Beard's false picture of Madison. Madison's view of social relations as above expressed was certainly far broader and much more realistic and intelligent than either Marx's or Beard's.
Douglass Adair sums up this chicanery succinctly when he says: "In fact, when Beard paraphrases from Federalist 10 what he calls Madison's 'masterly statement of the theory' his method is to quote one passage of that essay incompletely; to change subtly, but decisively, a key element in Madison's theory into Marxian terms; and then to buttress this misstatement of Madison's 'economic determinism' with a footnote which is almost a verbatim transcription of a paragraph by Engels." 36 The introduction to one of Beard's essays states: "Beard's main thesis that economic motives and interests dominated the 'Founding Fathers' in their drawing up of the new federal constitution in 1787 led scholars, in the main, during the twenties and thirties to subscribe to an economic interpretation of history." 37 Socialists twisted American history Beard's slant was calculated to undermine not only the heroic picture of the founders of our nation, but also to denigrate those features of independence, individualism and self-reliance that characterized the pioneer era. Beard's historical muckraking, and Frederick Jackson Turner's prophesy of a future bare of opportunity for individual development represent two great strategic blows against the basic structure of American history and traditions. The socialistic theme outlined by Beard in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States was carried through all his subsequent works. Some eleven million copies of his 47 books have been sold. 38 As Beard's interpretations have dominated the teaching of history in American schools, there is hardly an American alive who has not been exposed to this leftist virus. Since Beard's death (1948) the socialistic slant on history has been continued by such persons as Carl Becker, Max Lerner, and the two Schlesingers.
The historical perversions of Beard and his successors are not their own personal idiosyncracies, but are linked with the massive Fabian socialist movement in this country. The eleven million copies of Beard's works are a small part of the flood of socialistic material which has discolored American history. His followers and imitators have issued many millions more that are slowly corroding our people's veneration for the wise statesmen who conceived and made viable our constitutional form of government, the envy of all mankind. This degrading process is not only reflected in college textbooks, but lurks in the pages of historical novels, in motion pictures and in television programs. It has set the tone of historical thinking for the whole country. The socialist game of "debunking history" has become a popular literary pastime. It festers in the Halls of Congress, the White House, and even in the Judiciary system.
MARXISTS TWIST HISTORY When Charles Beard and his cohorts sold the idea to the American educational system that history is economically determined they pretended that this was a new American concept. Several generations of Americans have been taught this false historical principle without knowing that they were being inoculated with Karl Man's old formula of historical materialism, or what is sometimes called the economic interpretation of history. The only thing unique about Charles Beard and his corps of undercover socialists was the smooth technique with which this whole process was put over on the American public. Millions of Americans, including teachers and academicians, did not suspect that this was a device to brainwash an entire nation and change the whole concept of national destiny.
E. R. A. Seligman who also pretended to present items impartially while all the time being actuated by the socialist aim. The fact that Seligman's quotation makes no reference at all to Frederick Engels, who was internationally known as a revolutionary leftist, indicates that the policy of sly deception in the name of scholarship was an attribute not only of Charles Beard but also the entire corps of camouflaged socialists in the academic world commencing in the 19th century.
penetration of the publishing industry enabled socialist forces to flood the colleges and high schools of America with slanted material
Marx's original historical theory was actually an anti-Jewish interpretation of history. He later refined it into the formula called "an economic interpretation of history."
Marx did not arrive at his so-called "scientific socialism" by "scientific" investigation and testing. Marx embraced socialism as a teen age youth, as an emotional belief and then spent the rest of his life in constructing theoretical justifications for his creed,
Walter Lippmann, who had been an old Fabian socialist, gave a succinct sketch of how the concept "progressive" has been appropriated by the collectivists, during a temporary lapse from leftism, while personally feuding with F. D. Roosevelt: 3 "Throughout the world, in the name of progress, men who call themselves communists, socialists, fascists, nationalists, progressives, and even liberals, are unanimous in holding that government with its instruments of coercion must, by commanding the people how they shall live, direct the course of civilization and fix the shape of things to come. They believe in what Mr. Stuart Chase accurately describes as 'the overhead planning and control of economic activity.' This is the dogma which all the prevailing dogmas presuppose. This is the mold in which are cast the thought and action of the epoch. No other approach to the regulation of human affairs is seriously considered, or is even conceived as possible. The recently enfranchised masses and the leaders of thought who supply their ideas are almost completely under the spell of this dogma. Only a handful here and there, groups without influence, isolated and disregarded thinkers, continue to challenge it. For the premises of authoritarian collectivism have become the working beliefs, the self-evident assumptions, the unquestioned axioms, not only of all the revolutionary regimes, but of nearly every effort which lays claim to being enlightened, humane, and progressive." * * * "For virtually all that now passes for progressivism in countries like England and the United States calls for the increasing ascendancy of the state: always the cry is for more officials 3 See the bock Keynes at Harvard for a description of Lippmann's Fabian] socialist background, pp. 4647, 54-55, 83,
Marx idealized savagery Marx's reactionary perspective, however, harked back beyond the Middle Ages to the period when mankind lived an animal like existence in direct contact with raw nature. He adopted the position that mankind had "estranged itself" from nature and that the purpose of future society is to re-establish this contact between nature and man.' 4 His first concept of the determinism of history was based upon this return to man's original "golden age in nature", the progress of civilization being merely a march back to his original rapport with nature. He wrote: "All history is the preparation for 'man' to become the object of sensuous consciousness, and for the needs of 'man as man' to become (natural, sensuous) needs. History itself is a real part of natural history —of nature's coming to be man."" 5 Marx complained that "the last vestige of common interest, the community of possessions constituted by the family, is being undermined by the factory system."' 6 It is no wonder that in the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels often refer to the fallen estate of the average factory laborer compared to his counterpart under feudalism.' 7 Curiously, it was the emergence of a new order based on individualism and personal freedom that Karl Marx had already condemned in 1844. Marx then declared: "In Germany emancipation from the Middle Ages can only be effected by means of emancipation from the results of a partial freedom from the Middle Ages." 18
Here, Karl Marx frankly admitted that Germany had not yet completed its emancipation from medievalism. His main objection was to the limited freedom that the German people had wrested from the aristocracy. In effect Marx's demand "of emancipation from the results of a partial freedom from the Middle Ages" was reactionary to the core and meant in effect a reversion to a "closed system" of collective tyranny.
Actually the early founders of socialism had practical knowledge of only two phases of social order. They were living in the period of gestation of the private enterprise system. Society was just rising out of centuries of social ossification and a stationary economy. The medieval period was characterized by social stability. Those who were poor endured their poverty without hope of any change from the cradle to the grave. Laboring 14 to 18 hours a day was the rule rather than the exception. Brutality, torture, executions were a regular feature of medieval society. The various gradations of the population were rigidly stratified and the future of every child was predetermined at birth. During the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries there were various stirrings by men dedicated to the idea of individual freedom, and personal worth. These manifestations occurred long before there was any important economic development of private enterprise in industry. Return to Middle Ages demanded Actually, the active socialist movement in Germany during the youth of Karl Marx formed his basic socialist points of view. Early German socialism openly and actively supported a return to the principles of the Middle Ages.
the gild granted to its different individual members the right to practise the trade, conditioned, however, upon restrictions and within very definite limits. The gild determined what raw material might be bought and how much, the number of apprentices any master might employ, and the conditions under which they should work. It determined the number of journeymen in any shop, and the wages they were paid. It held the right to determine, and often did determine, the very methods and mechanism of production. Above all, it fixed the price of the finished product and scrupulously controlled the market." * * * "The gild did not allow the untrained workman or the mean-spirited trader to cut prices to spoil or steal the market. The gilds measured and weighed and tested all materials, and determined how much each producer could have. The gilds said where materials should be bought. No open market or free trade for them. They equally measured or counted, weighed and tested the finished product." * * * "As late as 1456 two men were burned alive at Nuremberg for having sold adulterated wines." * * * "The gild laws determined even what the artisan should wear and eat." * * * "Nuremberg thus saw very well that competition only served the rich and the strong. That collective trading was the hope of the poor and the plain people."
The Encyclopedia of Social Reform, which contained the article just quoted was for many years a basic reference work in most high schools and colleges in the United States and Britain. 26 It was eventually superseded by another leftist slanted compendium, the 15-volume Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
American Fabian which was eventually dissolved into the American Socialist Society in 1901. The successor today of the early Fabian movement is the League for Industrial Democracy, and its cooperating organizations such as the Americans for Democratic Action.
Joseph Stalin, in his mastery of practical socialist politics, recognized the reactionary appeal of socialist propaganda. He broke with Leon Trotsky primarily due to his insistence that the main emphasis of socialist propaganda should be aimed at the backward populations of the world rather than the highly industrialized areas. Stalin's policies proved much more fruitful than Trotsky's.
Since the socialist pedigree is a reactionary one, the question naturally arises how they have managed to assume such an exclusive claim to the labels "progressive" and "scientific." The answer lies in the techniques of propaganda. Whereas, the rest of the world is busy with the task of working and managing the practical production, distribution and vending of products and services, the socialists concentrate on psychological factors aimed at controlling the sensitive nerve centers of society. Socialists have made a special study of all the historical methods and techniques of control over the masses. The teachings of Machiavelh' are required study in all socialist and communist educational programs.
In the 160 years that the socialist movement has been actively operating, all the accumulated lessons of infiltration, deception and
double-dealing have been accumulated, systematized and improved. Those who fight socialist and communist forces today are 100 years behind in the practical experience of organizing political and propagandist action. The entire socialist movement is a continuous school in the art of feeding parasitically upon the institutions, ideas, and wealth of others who are too busy with their creative activities to counter effectively the massive and manifold mendacity of the well-managed propaganda of the left.
Masked reaction The socialist siren song 'has caused untold harm to society through organized upheavals and continuous destructive disturbances. It gave birth to the nazi and fascist movements, and thereby tortured and killed tens of millions of people. And while doing this, at all times, it loudly claimed to represent the finest instincts, and ethics of man, so that even conservatives are often deluded into thinking "that socialists may be wrong but they are good people with the best intentions." This virtuous mask is highly valued by the leaders of the left extremists who have long realized that they are vulnerable on the score of their heritage from the despotism of feudalism and the decadent Roman Empire.
As with most left-wing principles, the emotional idea comes first and the justifying evidence is fabricated later.
Of all the socialist dogmas, World Government is claimed to be the most up-to-date. On the contrary, the real parent of the World Government idea was the old-time reactionary—internationalist Roman Empire in its declining period.
With the break-up of the feudal order in Europe toward the end of the 18th century, certain Catholic thinkers began to agitate for a huge collectivist international government, in structure resembling the Catholic Church. Their ideal was a secular world government matching the universal church's spiritual apparatus. George Iggers, who translated the Saint Simonian philosophy into the English language for the first time, states in his introduction: "... the spirit of the medieval social order was expressed for the
Saint Simonians by the post-revolutionary theocrats, the early 19th century Catholic thinkers—Bonald, Ballanche, La-Mennais—but above all by de Maistre, who in defense of the modern Church and the modern monarchy expounded a unitary collectivism quite different from medieval particularism. The Christian-Feudal or perhaps more correctlv the Catholic-Restoration legitimist idea asserted the supremacy of historical forces over deliberate action, of society over the individual, and of collective faith over individual reason, and the need for authority and hierarchy. Deliberate action based upon abstract reason disturbed the harmony of society based on traditional forces and inevitably had to result in anarchy." 31 Roman tyranny inspired world socialism From the very beginning the early socialists emulated the worshippers of the ancient Roman tyranny. The direct ancestor of the modern One Worlders is the Roman Empire. They echo the nostalgic yearnings for its return which were expressed often during the Middle Ages. A social order based upon bloody conquests and human slavery, and garnished by public spectacles of human beings torn apart by wild beasts, is the original inspiration for the so-called "progressive" One World movement, which is an old reactionary imperial and authoritarian concept in modern propaganda dress. It is a reactionary hangover from a society that collapsed in bloody ruins 1,500 years ago.
Some early socialists frankly admitted that their political model was the authoritarian internationalism of the medieval Catholic Church.
Iggers explains: "The influence of the Catholic Restoration traditionalists on their thought was freely admitted by the Saint-Simonians." 32 The Catholic Restoration traditionalists advocated an adoption of the old Roman form to organize Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Americas. They desired one gigantic empire controlled by a single government The early socialists borrowed this concept. Today, their political heirs conveniently avoid mentioning the reactionary sources of their internationalism. Thus, original socialist collectivism was based not only upon the closed static society of medieval Europe but also upon the degenerate Roman Empire.
early socialists frankly boasted: "We have no doubt that our doctrine will dominate the future more completely than the beliefs of antiquity ever dominated their epoch and more completely than Catholicism dominated the Middle Ages. More powerful than its predecessors, its benevolent influence will extend to the whole world." 34 Karl Marx came by his socialist ideas through Saint Simon's teachings.
Ludwig von Westphalen, the Privy Councillor to the Prussian Provincial Government and descendant of one of Europe's most aristocratic families, taught the socialism of Saint Simon to Marx, while he was still in his teens. 35
This reference is to Professor F. A. Hayek. The Counter-Revolution of Science; Studies on the Abuse of Reason, Glencoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1935, p. 123.
Saint-Simon, an aristocrat, created a philosophy designed to counteract the French Revolution and to push back the world to an industrial feudalism under a political structure patterned upon the old Roman Empire. Ludwig von Westphalen, a Prussian aristocrat, absorbed Saint Simon's teachings and passed them on to Karl Marx, who later became his son-in-law.
The aristocrats, smarting under defeats by the forces of freedom, exhumed an old device to return humanity to a collectivist tyranny. Such was the birth of modern "scientific" socialism.
Non-socialist scholars are now just beginning to probe effectively into the origins of the socialist and communist movements. Previously, critics of socialism were sidetracked by • aggressive socialistic propaganda and its multifarious falsehoods. The leftist extremists are expert in the field of propaganda. With an accumulation of experience and skill, and a widespread control over all mass communication media, they generally managed to confuse or silence all opposition. By putting non-socialists continuously on the defensive, they succeeded in escaping from effective criticism.
A most illuminating historical treatment of the medieval origins of modern socialism can be found in a scholarly essay by Professor E. Harris Harbison of Princeton University. 39 Harbison wrote: "The truly 'radical' movement of the later medieval and early modern period was the growth of economic individualism, not the appearance of a few communistic books, sects, and communities. Against the background of nineteenth century individualism, 'radical' is today almost synonymous with 'socialist' or 'communist'." 40 He explains "It is essential to the understanding of Utopian socialism to remember that when it first appeared in European history as a fairly consistent theory, it was very largely a reactionary protest against a new, 'progressive', and poorly understood economic movement, an appeal to turn the clock backward." 41 "Early modern socialism" Professor Harbison explains "was essentially a conservative critique of a new and strange individualism felt to be excessive." 42 He characterized the beginnings of socialism as "essentially good medieval doctrine on the ownership of property applied to and shaped by contemporary problems." 43 Today's leftists hide their medieval birth Leftists have been particularly concerned lest the reactionary medieval ancestry of their own movement be disclosed. As long ago as 1948, communists and socialists through the medium of the* Soviet dominated magazine Science & Society (A Marxian Quarterly) began to mend their fences against the expected exposure of socialist origins.
Paul M. Sweezy, well-known Marxist economist and darling of the left-wing intellectual crowd, wrote a bellwether article which stated: "There are many misconceptions about the origin and nature of socialism. . . . One of these is that socialism is as old as recorded history, that every age has its socialists, and that ours is therefore in this respect not at all unique." He went to great lengths trying to disassociate modern leftism from "ancient and medieval sociaUsm". With typical socialist dialectical jargon, he tries to prove that "socialism is both a modern and western phenomenon. It is as modern as industrial capitalism and as western as the idea that all men are created equal. In fact, capitalism and the doctrine of human equal-
Professor Harbison pinpoints the reactionary nature of early socialism when he explains: "Every major feature of pre-Marxian socialism is present in this, its first classic expression: the optimistic faith in human nature, the overweening emphasis upon environment and proper education, the nostalgia for lost innocence and integrity, and the exaggerated uniformitarianism which is the measure of every Utopian's revulsion from rugged individualism,"
ity can be described without exaggeration as the true parents of socialism." 44
Professor Sweezy and his cohorts are very anxious to clear their movement of any connection with medieval reaction, which is the true parent of the socialist movement By reversing the meaning of the words "progressive", "liberal", and "reactionary", the socialists have had a field day, confusing the world and perverting and misdirecting the so-called social sciences.
they have been operating under false colors for more than 160 years in the guilty knowledge of their reactionary ancestry. This is reflected in their desperate attempts to stifle all efforts to probe into the early development of the socialist movement. Of course, in a broader sense, the main characteristics of socialist-communist government the monolithic enslavement of its people—can be traced as far back as the first Oriental despotisms, at the dawn of history.
THE ANATOMY OF PREJUDICE Leftist elements who dominate the field of "social science" have saturated "social science" literature with the theme that Jew-haters, or anti-Semites, by their very nature, gravitate towards the camp of the conservatives. Gordon W. Allport, well-known leftist and pro-Marxist, sums up this position for this school of thought:' "Whether the tolerant person is militant or pacifistic, he is very likely to be liberal in his political views. Prejudiced individuals are more often conservatives." * * * "The fact that liberalism and radicalism both correlate positively with ethnic tolerance places a strong weapon in the hands of bigots (who are likely to be political conservatives)." 2 Professor Allport drags in the Marxian theory as an authority that "prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit." 3
Member of the National Committee to repeal the McCarran Act, listed as a communist front created to defend the Communist Party (Ref.: Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee April 23, 1956).
Allport is cited as belonging to 8 communist front organizations in Appendix Part 9 of the Special Committee on un-American activities, House of Representatives 1944, pp. 350, 353, 668, 1125, 1206, 1240, 1356, 1650.
The Nature of Prejudice, Doubleday & Co.,-Anchor Books, 1958, pp. 403-404.
the Marxist view that prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit. "This theory improves in credibility if we enlarge it to mean that exploitation occurs in many ways in addition to the economic and that any form of exploitation brings prejudice in its train."
Allport's works are required reading in almost every college and university in the United States. His cohorts in collectivist beliefs practically dominate the entire field of what are called "social sciences". These views have found their reflection in all stages of social and political life in America,
a further attempt to tie patriotic Americans into the anti-Semitic classification. Professor Allport in typical left-wing fashion tries to smear those who love their country with the anti-Semitic label. He states: "Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and 'patriotism'".
"Schools have always inculcated patriotism, but the terms of allegiance are often narrowly conceived. . . . The teaching of exclusive loyalty, whether to nation, school, fraternity, or family —is a method of instilling prejudice." 3 Using the symbol of "social science" to combat "patriotism" and "loyalty" is a crude attempt to implement the old socialist-communist line of undenriining patriotism and family loyalties. The leaders of this "social science" must have been somewhat taken aback on July 4, 1963, when anti-Semitic bigots publicly distributed a leaflet which attacked Senator Barry Goldwater, national leader of conservatives, as a Jew. This attack has been continued in the most Hitlerian language. This included a studied attempt to disrupt and sabotage a mass rally of conservatives in Washington, D.C.*
Even the ancient falsehood charging that Jews practised ritual murder of gentile children has been dredged out of medieval inquisitorial literature.
It has long ago been proved that the first ritual murder accusations were made against the early Christians. The scholarly eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica states: " 'The Christians of the second and third centuries suffered severely under them.' Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.) in his Second Apology vigorously defends the Christian community against this charge; Octavius Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Origen and other Church Fathers all referred to the subject and indignantly repudiated the atrocious libel that the Eucharist involved human sacrifice.
s The leaflet distributed by fasci9tic group in front of the National Armory, Washington, D. C, July 4, 1963, entitled "National Dump Goldwater Rally". * An example, is a publication calling itself The Thunderbolt which called Senator Goldwater a "kosher conservative" and "Jew Goldwater". This publication also charged that the Jews in this country were guilty of child ritual murders. This ancient falsehood springing from the bigotry of the Dark Ages in Europe is being revived as an appeal to the more ignorant element of the population.
A concerted effort is being made to cripple the conservative movement by charging that Goldwater and others are part of a "Jewish plot" to control the world.
These actions give the lie to leftist elements who have infiltrated such Jewish organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee that anti-Semitism is primarily a creature of the conservative movement.
Socialists fostered political anti-Semitism A study of 'the socialist and communist movements proves conclusively that the left-wing has actually been largely responsible for what is today called "modern anti-Semitism".
In 1914, Nicolai Lenin, the head of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, praised an article written by Karl Marx in 1844 entitled "On the Jewish Question". Lenin declared that this article marked "Marx's transition from idealism to materialism and from revolutionary democracy to communism."" The full text of Marx's article "On the Jewish Question" is distributed by the State Publishing House in Moscow, and is required reading for Soviet citizens. 12 Actually, this essay by Marx is one of the most bigoted attacks against the Jews as a community ever published in the history of
anti-Jewish literature. In fact, the impelling motive for Marx's turn to socialism was his belief that the system of private enterprise, i.e., "bourgeois society", was a Judaistic manifestation by its very nature.
"Money is the jealous God of Israel, by the side of which no other God may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities. Money is the general and self-constituted value of all things. Consequently it has robbed the whole world—the world of mankind as well as Nature—of its peculiar value. Money is the being of man's work and existence alienated from himself, and this alien being rules him, and he prays to it. "The God of the Jews has secularized himself and become the universal God. Exchange is the Jews' real God."
"We will not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but we will look for the secret of religion in the real Jew. <=» Karl Marx Selected Essays,
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical needs, egoism. "What is the secular cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his secular God? Money.
"An organization of society, which would abolish the fundamental conditions of huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would render the Jew impossible."
declared that "we are up in arms against the Jewish spirit. ..." and that the Jewish people are "the very incarnation of the capitalist system of exploitation. . . " ,s
Jews were a primary force in bringing about the breakdown of reactionary feudalism and aided the emergence of private enterprise and the modern industrial system.
breakdown of feudal restrictions brought about by the development of the industrial system was a concomitant of the growth of personal freedom and the basic liberties which make up our modern society.
it was largely a resentment against the new freedoms including the freedom of trade, manufacture and selling, which caused the intelligentsia to yearn for a return to a controlled society where they had occupied a special and privileged position. Early socialism was clearly a device to return society into the hands of an elite which presumably would rule society on behalf of something called the 'collective will'. Saint-Simon, Fourier, Karl Marx, and all the other early socialistic advocates, were unanimous in condemning the fluidity and competition which was driving society into ever greater industrial and technological development. If these early socialists had been successful, then social progress would have been arrested and the world today would be at leas* 150 years behind the times.
This demonstration of the superior efficiency of free and unrestricted industry and commerce gave an impetus to the growing force of freedom which had been trying to break out of the feudal shell for centuries. Socialists and feudalists united in attacking the Jews as a menace to their program.
Every branch of the socialist movement used the anti-Jewish theme, likening capitalism to Judaistic practices.
as expressed by Voltaire, who declared that "the Jew is the cruel enemy of all the people."
"It is quite evident, is it not, my friends", wrote Leroux, "that when we speak of Jews we mean the Jewish spirit, the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, the spirit of commerce, of speculation, in a word, the banker's spirit".** Thus, the birth of the term "socialism" and the cancer of modern anti-Semitism flowed
Marx when he declared: "It has been proved that the task of abolishing Jewry is really the task of abolishing the Jewish spirit of bourgeois society, the inhumanity of modern living practice, the culminating point of which is the money system." "
anti-Semitic movements were considered progressive ones by the socialists of Germany and France and other countries.
An outstanding researcher of anti-Semitism in the socialist movement, Edmund Silbemer, wrote: "Even after the unification of the German Socialist movement (1875), the party press used the words Judaism, Judaization, and Jew— Judentum, Verjudung, Jude —as synonymous with exploitation, cheating, and swindling. It reprinted the well-
known anti-Jewish passages of Marx's essay on the Jewish question."
the killing of Jews as an "unproductive" element was tied in by the German socialists to the Marxist aim of killing off the financial and political rulers of Germany.
Marx, called the system of private enterprise "industrial feudalism". He wrote that this system "is personified in the cosmopolitan Jew.
"I, a Socialist revolutionary, firmly intend to attack the Jews whenever I see fit." 80
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., of Fabian socialistic persuasion, wrote: "There are important differences between communism and fascism which one must understand if one is to cope with each effectively. But, from one viewpoint, the similarities are vastly more overpowering and significant than the differences." 35 An important point continually emphasized by leftists was that the anti-Semitic basis of the Nazi movement was entirely foreign to both the socialist and communist camps. However, recent events have demonstrated that anti-Semitism has been practised in Soviet Russia and other Iron Curtain countries on a massive scale, except that it was more subtle and devious in disposing of its victims. 58
the nazi and the socialist-communist movements have a common ancestor and a single origin, historically speaking. As previously noted, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) influenced Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in the development of the socialist-communist forces. "His (Fichte—ed.) political theory had socialistic aspects which influenced Lassalle." 67 After Fichte, the philosopher, Hegel assumed the development of the theory of the collectivist State. Marx, Engels, Bakunin, Proudhon, and the whole host of the socialist-communist ideologists based their socialistic ideas on the Hegelian premise.
"On Fichte's death in 1814, he was succeeded by Georg Wil-helm Frederich Hegel at the University of Berlin. This is the subtle and penetrating mind whose dialectics inspired Marx and Lenin and thus contributed to the founding of communism and whose ringing glorification of the State as supreme in human life paved the way for the second and third Reichs of Bismarck and Hitler. To Hegel the State is all, or almost all. Among other things, he says, it is the highest revelation of the 'world spirit'; it is the 'moral universe'; it is 'the actuality of the ethical idea . . . ethical mind . . . knowing and thinking itself; the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State ... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges . . . ' " sa What Mr. Shirer fails to point out is that the same foundation gave rise to the socialist movements as well.
The Fabian socialist Encyclopedia of Social Reform, in 1898 stated: "He (Lassalle—ed.) claimed that he had converted the king,
the Jewish people, due to their exclusion from the collectivist guilds of the Middle Ages, were among the first to engage in industry and commerce as free enterprisers, and, uninhibited by guild rules, they greatly contributed to the growth of modern industry. Their isolation from the regular controlled channels of production and commerce encouraged them to serve, largely, as the pioneers of the new system of private enterprise. Many Jews, as a result, were in on the ground floor of the new rapidly expanding social order of new unrestricted manufacture, trade, and banking systems. They gained wealth, but at the same time their social position still suffered from anti-Jewish restrictions which were a hangover from the Middle Ages.
"With the steady influx of the Jewish masses into the Marxist movement it became imperative for the German, Russian and other national bureaucrats to conceal the anti-Semitism of the founders of the movement, and often their own. Since it was impossible for them, to make an honest study and presentation of the subject, for it would have inevitably involved the exposure of Marx and Engels—the only alternative was the introduction of a brand of anti-Semitism with its supposedly underlying warmth and sympathy for the persecuted Jews." pp. 786-787.
"How many of my deliberate opinions were thrown over by my change of attitude toward the Christian Socialist Movement!
Emblazoned on this leaflet was the declaration: "Lassalle's words that 'A Worker's movement has to keep itself free from Jews and capitalists' is forgotten." 72 The foul seed of anti-Semitism, so widely planted and carefully cultivated and exploited by the founders of the socialist movement and their successors, finally grew into monstrous maturity in Hitler's National Socialism.
"Fourier attributed to commerce a multitude of sins. 'Trade', he wrote, is nothing but 'a method of exchange in which the seller has the right to cheat with impunity.' It stimulates a 'general egoism' and sacrifices collective interest to individual greed."
"Convinced that the Jews were the incarnation of commerce, the basis of Fourier's anti-Semitism is patent" 3
Popularizers of anthropological topics such as Margaret Mead, J. Ashley Montagu, Gene Weltfish, Theodosius Dobzhansky and Bernard J. Stem have reached millions of persons through books, pamphlets and magazine articles. Members of this same group have had a hand in almost every modern textbook on anthropology as well as the other social sciences. They are cited as basic authorities in almost every college and university in the United States. The preachments of this small group of anthropologists are the basis of Supreme Court decisions affecting the question of civil rights which have shaken the social fabric of the entire nation. 2
• Patterns of Culture by Ruth Benedict, with an introduction by Franz Boas and preface by Margaret Mead, Mentor Books, 1959. Mead wrote: "Translated into 14 languages, with more than 800,000 copies printed in the Mentor edition alone. At this writing (1958-ed.), Patterns of Culture has helped to knit the sciences and the humanities together during a period when they had drawn very far apart." p.v. 2 See article by James Reston, New York Times, May 18, 1954, p. 14, where he relates the role of anthropology in the decision of the Supreme Court in the anti-segregation ruling.
This same group of anthropologists has convinced the United States Supreme Court, and a large segment of the more literate population, that anthropology is an exact science with well established hard and fast rules that can properly be written into law, and enforced by the military forces of the Federal Government. However, inquiry into the nature of modern social anthropology fails to show any justification for these pretensions. On the contrary, a study of the background of the most publicized anthropologists explains their fanatical zeal in propagating their dubious dogmas. The great majority have a consistent tie up with both socialist and communist movements. These extremist movements require that their followers promote the overall socialistic aims. It was a foregone conclusion that their members and partisans in the field of anthropology would never permit facts to stand in the way of their collectivist aims.
to sketch briefly the history of modern anthropology. As late as 1883, the American Cyclopedia, which was edited by two pioneer socialists, had a definition which, in total, consisted of only the following: "ANTHROPOLOGY, the science of man."" The editors, George Ripley and Charles Dana, allotted 250 times as much space to phrenology, the superstitious claim that bumps on the skull determined the nature of man. Since their friend Karl Marx was a fanatic believer that phrenology was a science, this possibly explains the emphasis on that topic in the American Cyclopedia.*
The leftists generally avoid mentioning that the socialist movement was thoroughly saturated with the "Aryan superiority" concept
They select two non-socialists in order to carry out the fiction that the "Aryan superiority" idea is strictly an upper class manifestation. Their cry today is that Nazi racism is a capitalistic weapon used against the forces of socialism. Such distortions and falsehoods of commission and omission saturate the books and papers of leftist academicians, especially those in the so-called "social sciences".
Boas had built up a large group of cultural anthropologists, who had been his students. This leftist phalanx came to be known as the Boas School of anthropology, and included among others Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Gene Weltfish, Clyde Kluckhohn and M. F. Ashley-Montagu. His graduate students had spread all over and established themselves in key teaching positions in universities and colleges throughout the country.
Followers of the Boas anthropological school, which had always been made up of both communistic and socialistic elements, threw off their cloak of caution and came out openly for a socialistic order. 117
7 Margaret Mead and M. F. Ashley-Montagu can be likened to the socialistic faction and Gene Weltfish and Bernhard J. Stem were allied with the communist political machine.
example of anthropology presented openly as a weapon for bringing about socialism can be seen in Calverton's The Making of Man —An Outline of Anthropology, 1931, Modem Library, Random House.
even more absurd than art for arfs sake." He insisted that in anthropology "the radical should take the lead". 88 The leftists always label all science that contradicts their purposes as a "capitalist science".
Calverton adopted the classic leftist pattern. He branded physical anthropology a "middle class" anthropology. Calverton charged it with being a prop for "nationalism", "imperialism", "private property" and the "monagamous family."
According to Calverton and his cohorts, physical anthropology "was thus made to serve as an excellent prop for middle class ethics." Scientifically speaking, this was the greatest nonsense, but as propaganda it was very effective.
Feeling that the depression then ravaging the country was about to result in socialism, Calverton and his colleagues felt that the time had arrived to drop the carefully built up camouflage. He openly declared anthropology a weapon to be used. He admitted that radicals used certain anthropological data: "because they fitted in so well with their own doctrine of social evolution, with the triadic theory of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, and lent themselves so excellently to the Marxian interpretation of culture as an economic unit. They supplied a historic illustration of the Marxian dialectic. They gave new historic meaning to the cause of the proletariat." 90
As usual among left-wing "social science" theories the conclusion was already foreordained and the facts preselected in order to justify socialistic preconceptions. In her private correspondence, Margaret Mead frankly indicated that the forthcoming book by Ruth Benedict was deliberately framed to put over certain social and political views.
Of all the thousands of primitive cultures, past and present, throughout the world, Ruth Benedict and her cohorts picked three to represent the 'good guys' and *bad guys' in our present society. In other words, they had to find prototypes to represent the 'bad guys', i.e., leaders of industry and business, and the 'good guys', i.e., those who advocate a socialistic state. It is amazing that the academic and literary world has swallowed the bait so eagerly. In a personal letter Margaret Mead gave Ruth Benedict the following lead: "So it would run a brief introduction—All straight theme with no history and no sidelines or morals about race equality or culture consciousness— Then the three cultures—then the theoretical point—in relation to psychiatry, diffusion, etc." 97
"We hope, a little, that whereas change has hitherto been blind, at the mercy of unconscious patternings, it will be possible gradually, insofar as we become genuinely culture-conscious, that it shall be guided by intelligence."" 0 The "intelligence" mentioned above, of course, is limited solely to that of Ruth Benedict and her socialistic and communistic coterie. Such tricky propaganda put forward in the name of science is as dishonest as Khrushchev, and has proved diabolically effective. There have been attempts to whitewash Ruth Benedict's background in an effort to build up an illusion of her scientific impartiality. However, her leftist bias is obvious. She got her start in anthropology from Alexander Goldenweiser, who was lecturing at the socialistic New School for Social Research. 1 " Goldenweiser was an anthropological colleague of Franz Boas whose socialism dated from his school days in Russia in 1902. For many years he was associated with the American Socialist Society and taught at the radical Rand School of Social Science from 1915 on." 2 Goldenweiser handed over Ruth Benedict and other fledgling anthropologists to Boas at Columbia University. Margaret Mead writes: "Then, in 1921, she came to Columbia University. Professor Boas, with his customary disregard for administrative rules, succeeded in giving her graduate credit for her work at the New School. . . . ""
Margaret Mead reports that "Patterns of Culture has gone through 11 printings, has been translated into 14 languages, and has become as timeless as the lives of the peoples on which it is based." Margaret Mead admits the purpose of Ruth Benedict's work when she stated that "... Ruth Benedict, who came, unexpectedly into a young science and shaped her thought into a book which for a generation has stood as a bridge between those who cherish the uniqueness of individual achievement and those who labor to order the regularities in all human achievement." What is apparently meant by the above statement in plain language is that Ruth Benedict's work served to convert belief in individual rights and freedoms into belief in a socialized and regimented society." 3
"I must confess that a look at the schedule of the latter department" (anthropology) "now brings blushes to my seasoned cheeks. It is ocular proof of the boldness of the bluff we were putting up." 37 This "bluff" was the formal launching of socialistically dominated anthropology in the United States. Unfortunately, this "bluff" remained largely undetected for over 60 years and its tragic impact is observable in the racial policies of the United States today.
Ross, in 1905, could boast that "I dare say the few thousand university trained Germans, and Americans educated in Heidelberg or Gottingen, have injected more German culture into our veins than all the immigrants that ever passed through Castle Garden." 38 Leftist sociologists pervert anthropology Properly speaking, modern anthropology in the United States is an offshoot of the same leftist group that initiated sociology as a university discipline.
The main reason why this particular slant has appropriated the generic name of anthropology is to facilitate by a well organized campaign of name-calling and politically inspired charges the suppression of factual anthropological information which contradicts the dogma of socialism.
The major text, cited in almost every university-course in sociology before 1900, was Lester F. Ward's Dynamic Sociology. This work was a massive compendium proving the inevitability of socialism.
claim was made before the age of the automobile, the airplane and radio-television. America carried on its daily business through the horse-drawn vehicles, and mud roads made much of the nation impassable during periods of rain and snow. Compared to today, the average person lived in circumstances much more akin to colonial America. Lester Ward was touted as the creator of original thoughts on socialism, and the case was made out that he was led to this point of view by the overwhelming weight of evidence accumulated during his researches. Elaborate attempts have been made to show that he arrived at a socialistic point of view independent of Marx
Written during the horse-and-buggy stage of American civilization, this work echoed Marx's premise that society was already overripe for socialism due to what they then thought was the high technical development of civilization. This
after the sociological movement began to gain momentum, everyone in it recognized him (Lester Ward) as its initiator in this country, and no one has approached him in grasp of the relations between cosmic evolution in general and the evolution of human associatings." p. 752. Marxist credo. 40 This claim is wholly false, as was known by those making it.
Social Forces, article by Bemhard J. Stern, "Letters of Albion. W. Small to Lester F. Ward", Dec. 1933. In this same letter he wrote: "There are thousands of men who hold to the substance of the traditional evangelical doctrines, who are yet theoretically willing to be convinced that any one of them is untenable. Supposing that some of these doctrines or the whole fabric of them may be false, it is better in dealing with such men, it seems to me to adopt Beecher's advice 'Don't let too many cats out of tie bag at once'." pp. 165-166.
Small looked upon the Christian Socialist Movement from a strictly opportunistic point of view. His sincerity was confined strictly to his socialist belief, and his manipulations of the Christian religion worked toward its ultimate destruction. This is a classic exposition of the manner in which Christian socialism has been manipulated and Christian beliefs eroded by socialist schemers.
Privately anti-Negro while publicly pro-Negro
When one bears in mind that the consuming passion of the socialist-communist forces is the establishment of a political power whereby the entire human race is collectivized, then one can understand the various shifts in tactics as time goes on.
the cultural approach, according to which populations can be fashioned at will was a more useful device. Socialists ruthlessly sacrifice all facts and personal beliefs to their sacred cause. In their hands, science becomes a tool for the manipulation of society, in which truth and real scientific progress have no part.
left-wing sociologists which included Ward, Small, Giddings, Ross and Thorstein Veblen, laid the basis for seducing anthropology into a leftist path via the cultural approach All of the functions of social and political living were reduced to cultural categories. They created the fashion whereby academicians and writers on social topics began to use the terms "culture of politics," "culture of religion," "culture of economic attitudes," ad infinitum. The term culture was thus expanded by degrees to fit the meaning of the German "Kultur" which was much broader than the usual English meaning of the word. 54
However, a catalyst was needed by socialists to amalgamate anthropology with the new cultural combination. The scheme was carried out by importation of the "Kultur" device from Germany itself.
Previously, the term "culture" generally meant: the act, or the art of tilling the ground, or of raising crops by tillage; cultivation. 2. Improvement or melioration by effort."
In 1886, he was a Docent of Geography at the University of Berlin. He arrived in New York in 1887, and by 1888 was already installed as a Docent of Anthropology at Clarke University, where he proceeded to issue the first PkD. in Anthropology in the United States. 60 How Boas originally became endowed with the title of anthropologist has never been satisfactorily explained from a formally academic point of view.
man collectivist thought in analyzing the native populations of the Baffin region. This theme that the cultural environment determines the man, and not that the man shapes the environment, became the primary theme of the Boas socialistic school throughout his long lifetime.
Boas joined forces with the socialist sociologist Franklin H. Giddings, who had variously been termed sociologist, anthropologist, and political scientist. Boas and the socialistic cadres proceeded to use their leftist faction at Columbia as a political vehicle. During that general period, Columbia University had a well established nest of socialists and socialistic partisans among the faculty. They worked together as a close and well-knit group. Included in this group were Charles A. Beard and James Harvey Robinson, historians, E. R. A. Seligman, economist, and John Dewey. 62 Dewey was touted as an educational philosopher. He developed the collectivistic system of education which was dubbed "progressive education". Socialist indoctrination under this label has infected American school systems for almost two generations.
The Heritage Foundation, Inc., Chicago 1957, relative to the leftist subversion of our schools via the "progressive education" technique.
used all the accumulated skill garnered from the German socialist movement to manipulate anthropology away from its physical aspects into the cultural environment theory. His socialistic cohorts at Columbia and other universities throughout the nation then extended this cultural socialistic concept into other disciplines, such as history, economics, sociology, political science, philosophy, and almost every other department having to do with social studies.
Boas project was buttressed by reference books written by the Beard School in history, the Ross School in sociology, The Seligman school in economics, the Morris Cohen school in jurisprudence, and the John Dewey group in the philosophy of education.
socialist coterie, operating with the prestige and respectability of their academic titles, began to promote one another's works through book reviews, educational manuals and required reading lists. All this has been continued to the present day, under the banner of individual thought and intellectual freedom. This basic dishonesty has been responsible for the tremendous success of the socialistic permeation of our social life. The Boas fellowship were past masters in this technique. Today there are hopeful signs of rebellion against this deception by a growing number of scientists and educators.
In anthropology, as in the other social sciences, the impression has deliberately been created by its manipulators that collectivistic for socialistic conclusions have been arrived at due to an overwhelming mass of scientific evidence pointing toward the inevitable triumph of socialism. The fact is that in almost every case, the personalities involved were socialists first, and applied themselves to various academic and scientific fields merely to use these as transmission belts for socialist purposes.
not satisfied with merely infecting the academic world with the environmental theory dressed up in cultural garb. They proceeded to enter into direct radical activity outside the educational field. NAACP formed as a socialist front
The function of Du Bois and his group was to destroy the effectiveness of the great Negro leader Booker T. Washington. Washington had espoused the philosophy of Negro self-help and self-development in the trades and professions as a means of lifting Negroes into a higher economic and cultural level. The socialist controlled Niagara movement was quite successful in torpedoing the Booker T. Washington program. 67 It was obvious that any successful self-development movement among Negroes would strengthen the present private enterprise system rather than weaken it. The socialist premise has always been to weaken the social order so as to render it easier for the final take-over. This is a fundamental long-range principle of over-all socialistic strategy.
The Greenwich House Committee numbered among its directors such socialists names as E. R. A. Seligman, chairman, Franz Boas, Franklin H. Giddings and Mary White Ovington. The tentacles of this fellowship reached from the Socialist Party and the League for Industrial Democracy (Fabian) into the NAACP and the National Urban League. Thus, a small well-knit group, largely unopposed and undetected, managed under the cover of scientific auspices to spread its socialistic ideas and tactics throughout the entire nation.
By the time Hitler rose to power, the socialists throughout the world, and the Boas group particularly, began to apply epithets of "racism" and "genocide" to those who endeavored to carry on scientific studies of the various races and sub-races of humankind. They were helped greatly by Hitler's use of the racial theme to excuse his inhumanities.
Nazi pre-occupation with the theory of Aryan "superiority" to justify their massacres of millions of innocent civilians was cited in literature, speeches, university lectures and newspapers, as the reason for damning all physical investigations into racial differences. By almost imperceptible degrees the Boas leftist school, which was made up of both socialist and communist partisans, began to create the impression that the Aryan "superiority" theory was a Fascistic abomination and invention.
Socialists and communists pretend that the concept of Aryan "superiority" springs strictly from Nazi and Fascist sources. Socialists would have the world forget that for several decades in the 19th century they themselves toyed with the idea of using the theory of Aryan "superiority"as a means of selling socialism to the public. We have noted previously that Karl Marx's colleague Friedrich Engels spoke of "the superior development of Aryans". 73
the term "Aryan" as related to a racial stock is completely misplaced and has been known to be so for over 100 years. "Aryan" can only be applied philologically,—to a relationship of languages and not of race.
In the 19th century, it was well known that the term "Arya" or "Aryan" originally described a group of people who occupied Western and South-Western Asia in remote antiquity. Their descendants today can be found in the Himalayas, Eastern India and Iran. The false and unscientific designation as "Aryan" of peoples speaking Germanic languages has helped to inflict the horrors of concentration camps and gas chambers on millions of people.
socialists were among the pioneers in spreading the ideas of the superiority of "Aryans" as a racial category.
they must take the major blame for preparing the German mind for the Hitlerian atrocities.
Like Hitler, Rouanet identified the struggle between capitalists and workers as being basically one "between Aryans and Semites".'
There is voluminous evidence of extensive "Aryan Superiority" writings and speeches by socialists
Albert Regnard, famous French socialist, who had been Secretary General of the Paris Police under the bloody Paris Commune of 1871, was an active promoter of "Aryan superiority" as a means of building socialism.
claimed "to prove scientifically the superiority of the Aryans, the only race that is able to prepare 'social renovation'
Regnard laid the basis for Hitler's concept by insisting that the Aryan race "is the only race to possess the notions of justice, liberty and beauty. All real Science is of Aryan origin. Scientific Socialism is a 'Franco-Germanic creation, i.e., Aryan in the strongest meaning of the term". 77 Regnard also categorized the "Jewish race" as "deplorably inferior".
"Aryan superiority" theme raised its head again in the socialist movement in 1898 when Edmund Picard, a prominent Belgian socialist and socialist member of the Belgian Senate, wrote a socialist book entitled L'Aryano-Semitisme. In this book he tried "to synthesize both anti-Semitism and socialism". He wrote "that the antagonism between the Semitic race and the Aryan race is as old as the co-existence of the two races." Picard stated that, "the Semite in general, and the Jew in particular, is a parasite", and that "preference in everything must be given to Aryans". He took the position that "socialism seeks to abolish social injustice with
respect to all workers, Aryans, Jews, Negroes and Mongols. Scientific and humanitarian anti-Semitism is by no means opposed to this final aim of socialism, but the fraternity of the oppressed does not imply an identical status for various races within one and the same civilization, nor the admission of one race to the direction of the affairs of another, nor assimilation of different races." 78
Shaw's advice to solve the Jewish problem in Germany was "force the Jews to wed Aryans". 80
written of the Nazi use of the Aryan theory to perpetrate the crimes of genocide against innocent millions. However, the fact must be noted that if the European socialists had not for several preceding generations intentionally twisted and distorted the scientific study of anthropology, and had not themselves spread the concept of "Aryan superiority", it is doubtful that Hitler and his minions could have received such mass support for the savage treatment of various racial and ethnic groups.
United States, also, after the Civil War, the socialists espoused Aryan "superiority" through the Populist movement
By 1934, the International socialist and communist movement reached an agreement to operate on a united front basis. The new radical unity was advanced under the title of "The People's Front". Stalin saw in Hitler a worldwide competitor operating in the socialistic field.
Before the "People's Front" arrangement, communists were instructed to brand socialists throughout the world as "social fascists".
the struggle took on the characteristics of a group of gangsters, all out after the same loot. Like gangsters, different contending radicalisms are willing to annihilate one another but, at the same time, always present a united front against a common enemy (actually a common victim). In the case of gangsters, it is the constituted police authority which is the common enemy; in the case of the radicals it is the "capitalist class" or "capitalist government".
The leftist-led cultural anthropologists adapted themselves to the new socialist-communist united front
The Making of Man was an anthology and not the work of one man alone. It was accepted as a basic text by all the major socialist-communist groups.
Leftists plotted to indoctrinate the nation Conferences were held between Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Otto Klineberg, and a number of others of leftist persuasion, on the creation of a popular work which would use anthropological material as a means of putting forward a socialistic theme.
"The Dobuan, therefore, is dour, prudish, and passionate, consumed with jealousy and suspicion and resentment. Every moment of prosperity he conceives himself to have wrung from a malicious world by a conflict in which he has worsted his opponent." 99 Primitive sub-race likened to Puritans She managed in the same breath to compare the savage Dobuan, with his limited brain equipment, to the Puritans in America during the 18th century.' 00 This is in keeping with the constantly recurring theme of communists and socialists that Puritans are a vicious symbol of early capitalism.' 01 Leftist historians are not in the least deterred by the anomaly that Puritanism arose (1567) at least 250 years before the rise of ss Patterns of Culture, R. Benedict, pp. 151-152.
Max Lerner, America as a Civilization. In this book, Lemer who is a distillation of both the communist and socialist movements, gives the typical picturizatioii declaring that "The Puritan qualities were intense, inverted, crotchety, rather than judicious or humanist." ". . . . the Puritans considered human nature vile and kept an eye on the next world, but the other eye was kept lustily on the enterprises of this world. Their heritage accounts for much in the American combination of the visionary and the pragmatic, the righteous and the profitable." pp. 20-21. Lemer quotes, with relish, the socialistic Henry Adams who wrote that the Puritan type "had learned also to love the pleasure of hating". Lerner closes Volume I of his work by accusing the Puritan of having "the profit complex" and the "success complex", p. 462.
The great objections that all collectivists have to the Puritans are that they were supposedly imbued with a desire for "success" and "profit". The fact that the Puritans burned a number of women as witches in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, has been used by the entire leftist movement as a symbol of wicked capitalist cruelty.' 02 Thus any attempt to restrict or impede the activities of radicals is generally called a "witch hunt".
Ruth Benedict found many resemblances between the savage Dobuan and modern entrepeneurs and executives. She wrote: "In our own generation extreme forms of ego gratification are culturally supported in a similar fashion. Arrogant and unbridled egoists as family men, as officers of the law and in business, have been again and again portrayed by novelists and dramatists, and they are familiar in every community. Like the behavior of Puritan divines, their courses of action are often more asocial than those of the inmates of penitentiaries. In terms of the suffering and frustration that they spread about them there is probably no comparison. There is very possibly at least as great a degree of mental warping. Yet they are entrusted with positions of great influence and importance and are as a rule fathers of families. Their impress both upon their own children and upon the structure of our society is indelible. They are not described in our manuals of psychiatry because they are supported by every tenet of our civilization." 103
previously noted a number of mercantile speculators were burned to death by the socialistic guilds of Nuremberg during the Middle Ages, This sort of treatment was described by the socialist W. D. P. Bliss as "a just cruelty". Apparently, socialists do not object to the burning of human beings per se but only object to such cruelty if perpetrated by those whom they considered social enemies.
Ruth Benedict, in an article entitled "Anthropology and the Abnormal", in the Journal of General Psychology, Vol. X, No. 2, 1934, pp. 59-82, restates the above thesis almost verbatim, and also says: "There is a further corollary. From the point of view of absolute categories of abnormal psychology, we must expect in any culture to find a large proportion of
Private enterprise called "paranoid trend"
She complained that due to cultural restrictions "it is not yet possible to discuss capitalism. . . " in an "objective" manner. ,0 «
At the end of her chapter on the Kwakiutl she declares: "The megalomaniac paranoid trend is a definite danger in our society." 103
"The chief motive that the institutions of the Kwakiutl rely upon in which they share in great measure with modern society is the motive of rivalry. Rivalry is a struggle that is not centered upon the real objects of the activity but upon outdoing a competitor." * * * "Rivalry is notoriously wasteful. It ranks low in the scale of human values. It is a tyranny from which, once it is encouraged in any culture, no man may free himself. The wish for superiority is gargantuan; it can never be satisfied. The contest goes on forever. The more goods the community accumulates, the greater the counters with which men play, but the game is as far from being won as it was when the stakes were small."
the most extreme abnormal types among those who from the local point of view are farthest from belonging to this category. The culture, according to its major preoccupations, will increase and intensify hysterical, epileptic, or paranoid symptoms, at the same time relying socially in a greater and greater degree upon these very individuals. Western civilization allows and culturally honors gratifications of the ego which according to any absolute category would be regarded as abnormal. The portrayal of unbridled and arrogant egoists as family men, as officers of the law, and in business has been a favorite topic of novelists, and they are familiar in every community. Such individuals are probably mentally warped to a greater degree than many inmates of our institutions who are nevertheless socially unavailable. They are extreme types of those personality configurations which our civilization fosters." i°*ibid., p. 217. 'ob ibid., p. 195.
Whereas the Dobu and the Kwakiutl were put forward as evil symbols representing private enterprise, the Zuni culture was pictured as a superior social order operating as a socialistic unit'
What Ruth Benedict and her socialistic cohorts look upon as a desirable collectivism is nothing but the unfortunate effect of a permanent state of siege.
Middletown is a symbol created by Robert S. Lynd, sociologist at Columbia University for many years, and a colleague of Ruth Benedict and Franz Boas.
His study called Middletown was a compendium denigrating private enterprise and individual ambition. It was a leftist oriented book pretending to be an impartial study.
Nietzschian thesis in philosophy has been borrowed by all the socialists including the Nazi camp. 108 The actual theme of Patterns of Culture is basically simple. It is only the fancy embroidery of primitive curiosa which confuses the reader. Abnormal savages compared to executives
communistic fellow-workers used anthropology as imposing camouflage to dignify their puerile reliance on a few extreme and abnormal little groups of no importance to vilify by an absurd comparison civilized individuals who are striving to succeed in business and industry as "arrogant egotists" who are "mentally warped".
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 373-375. See also, A. Hitler Mein Kampf, pp. 127, 359, 398 and 581 and A. Hitler My New Order and his speech delivered Sept. 3, 1933 at Nuremberg where he invokes the authority of Nietzsche, p. 208, An Anthropologist at Work.
Socialists manufacture doctorates for leftists Ruth Benedict, still a housewife at 34, was quickly promoted to high anthropological rank by Franz Boas strictly on the basis of her socialistic background. He even managed to manipulate a Ph.D. for her in three semesters by the device of giving her full credit for a study at an unaccredited radical school as a basis for a Columbia University Ph.D. degree.
highlight of Ruth Benedict's career came when she co-authored the booklet Races of Mankind with Gene Weltfish. This book was issued by the Public Affairs Committee, a socialistic front which included such radicals as Harry W. Laidler, George Soule and Maxwell Stewart. Through sympathetic connections in government, this group during World War II managed to get the U.S. War Department to issue this left-wing racial propaganda piece to our military personnel.
Margaret Mead's activities were also socialistic in background as indicated by her contribution to Modem Quarterly, a Journal of Radical Opinion (socialist) Summer, 1940, Vol. XI, No. 6, pp. 33-34. Margaret Mead was also active with the Colonial Fabian Bureau. This was part of the British Fabian Socialist Society.
Races of Mankind was finally banned as red propaganda. In spite of this, Ruth Benedict subsequently occupied a number of sensitive positions during wartime, including a position with the Office of War Information." 6
before her death (1948) Ruth Benedict received a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. This tremendous multi-million dollar foundation has been tapped for huge sums for projects clearly designed to aid extreme leftist aims.
Writers, thus indoctrinated, began to flood the nation with a spate of books, pamphlets, magazines and newspaper articles expounding the leftist thesis on race relations, that all human stocks are basically the same, and that differences are due solely to diverse cultural impacts. They ignored inherited racial characteristics almost completely. Thus the scene was being set for a major strategy, to control the thought and actions of an entire nation. Leftist manipulators in the academic world now felt secure with thousands of brainwashed college graduates ensconced in key positions throughout society. The leftist masterminds had cleverly manipulated this huge academic task force; following the tactics of the British Fabian Socialist Society, they covered all their activities with an aura of respectability.
In 1892, John D. Rockefeller was inveigled into giving $23,000,-000 to establish the University of Chicago.' 20 A considerable part of this money was funnelled into the establishment of the first chair of Sociology and Anthropology in the United States, occupied by the Marxist-socialist Albion W. Small. 12 ' us A. Freemantle, This Little Band of Prophets, p. 138.
Small wrote "of the galvanic effects of the University of Chicago itself upon the whole academic situation in the United States". He reflected his socialistic aims by boasting that "it was a demonstration against the futility of the existing order, both of social conditions and of theories about the conditions. It made some people think that something must be the matter both in society and in the science of society. . . ." "Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States", American Journal of Sociology, May 1916, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 764-67.
Academic leftists were experts in the technique of separating millionaires from their money while simultaneously vociferating that the wealthy were an evil element that had to be eliminated. In the ensuing years, the socialists accomplished the amazing feat of getting control of the giant foundations, all founded by men who had devoted their lives to the free enterprise system
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is studded with names of those who have played a leading part in exacerbating today's racial conflicts. The list of names of its leading personnel largely duplicates the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. According to the same congressional investigation "the power of the SSRC seems to be used to effect control of the field of social sciences."'
all the United States are influenced by SSRC blessing. With great foundation support at its command, it has the power to reach into various directions to exercise influence and, often, control." p^ 50. which the Council nominates itself. This self-perpetuating leadership is even more totalitarian in its form than that used to pick leadership in either the communist hierarchy or the former nazi regime. 1 " Much has been written about such obvious leftist foundations as the Garland Fund and the Marshall Foundation, in which Communist and socialist partisans filled the posts and disbursed funds for openly socialist and communist purposes.
The father of the Encyclopedia was Dr. Alexander Golden-weiser, well-known socialist and anthropologist who was the original mentor of Ruth Benedict. 128 On the board of directors was Franz Boas. The editors, board of directors, and consultants and contributors of the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences read like a Who's Who of the communist and socialist luminaries in the academic world. The
This Encyclopedia became the main reference work in its field, and buttressed the left-wing Boas school of cultural anthropology. Almost every college, university, and large library in the United States has a set. It has been hailed as the "Supreme Court" of the social sciences.
socialist-communist amalgam has managed to tie into one package a leftist interpretation of anthropology and all the other social sciences. Students, teachers, and writers dealing with these subjects are almost forced to use it since it is the only compendium available. This was a brilliant stroke on the part of leftist academicians. Through this medium they have funnelled their socialistic views for over a generation into practically every college classroom in the nation.
Thus was consummated one of the greatest leftist schemes ever devised in modern civilized society. A small interlocking clique in control of key organizations began to impose their views
under the cover of cultural anthropology they have instigated actions designed to upset traditional relationships
They destroyed compromises, disrupted traditional ties and created a hopeless vacuum which quickly engendered violence.
This Little Band of Prophets,
"Innocent cover" for a crafty deception
Various other socialist-communist influences in the social sciences, including social jurisprudence, sociology and history, were also brought to bear to buttress this gigantic anthropological device which was presented to the American people under the name of An American Dilemma. Actually, the basic conclusions of the projected book had been reached long before the nominal author was chosen. It was difficult to find an American figure who could lend the projected study sufficient prestige and respectability.
the smoothest socialist practitioners resided on the European continent. These experts with more than a century of experience in socialist maneuvers had been extremely successful in inculcating the unsuspecting European populace with various forms of socialism.
Myrdal the final choice was a prominent Swedish socialist. The reason was that Americans had been sold on the idea that Sweden exemplifies a "harmless socialism". 139
A socialist "expert" privately admits incompetence In a confidential note to Frederick Keppel, Myrdal complained about his difficulties in understanding the Negro question in the United States. He wrote to him that "if I were to investigate the American system of taxation, or the American population problem I would know from the beginning how to attack the problem and how to organize my work in collecting the available material." 141 He then complained that "one reason for these initial difficulties is that the race problem as such is new to me."' 42 Privately, he admitted that "I have, thus, to acquire a working knowledge of American history, geography, culture, politics and institutional set-up before I can even place the Negro in the right position in the national scena"' 43
Myrdal's task was already wrapped up for him. His job was primarily to bluff the matter through before the public and to use his considerable skill as a socialist public relations expert in dealing with American audiences.
Swedish socialists, however, have been unusually skillful in putting across socialist views in a sugar-coated form.
roster of assistants listed in the author's preface of this book includes 57 persons who have extensive records in communist-socialist front organizations. The compilation of An American Dilemma was a major communist-socialist joint effort. Myrdal was handed a total of 15,000 typewritten pages of manuscript which he and his staff condensed into 1,500 pages for An American Dilemma.™ 3
An American Dilemma faithfully carried out the socialist-communist intent to downgrade physical anthropology almost to zero. Left-wingers in the anthropological field had previously pushed the studies of physical differences of various races progressively into the background. Myrdal had learned that lesson well. He wrote confidentially to the head of the Carnegie Foundation: "If my impression is correct, that the inborn physical and mental (intellectual and moral) qualities of the American Negro, or, rather, the differences with regard to these qualities between Negroes and other groups in the American population, are not in themselves of great significance in the social problem, no intensive studies should be made in these fields.""" Thus, at one stroke, Myrdal disposed of all possible basic differences between the Negro and white populations. He added: "Thus, if there should be somewhat of a consensus sapientum (mutual agreement of wise men—ed.) that the differences in in-born intellectual and moral capabilities between average Negroes and whites are in themselves of insignificant proportion if any, this whole field could be disposed of in this Study by
The expedient of labelling as "conservative" and "reactionary" all of the scientific data that does not jibe with socialist aims is the universal catchword among leftists. The old adage that "before you kill a dog you must give him a bad name" is apparently the basic socialistic device in prejudicing the public mind against such scientific knowledge. 1 "
contrary to leftist claims, racial differences of the major five races on earth are not mere "paint jobs" but involve a more fundamental and deep-seated structural dissimilarity.
Carleton S. Coon gives as the five basic races that developed independently from Homo erectus as being the Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Congoid and Capoid. Both the Congoid and Capoid are considered by Professor Coon aa separately developed races, both of which may be found on the African continent.
bones; in the sizes and probable secretion rates of different endocrines; in certain details of the nervous system, as, for example, how far down in the lumbar vertebrae the neural canal extends; and in the capacity of individuals to tolerate crowding and stress." 163
"The second immediate difficulty is the ascription of the inappropriate value predicates 'superior" and 'inferior' in the discussion of racial differences. 'Superiority' and 'inferiority' are judgments involving value components and as such are not subject to factual determination.
Basically, the racial question confronting Americans is not whether the Negro is inferior but whether he is misplaced here with respect to the climatic and social environment for which he is constructed. Since a tremendous portion of the habitable areas of the earth lie in a tropical zone, it is obvious that the Negro has a greater potential for surviving and increasing in numbers there, where other racial stock is on the wane,
Abraham Lincoln's plan of colonizing the Negroes in suitable tropical areas was probably the most logical and humane solution.
Writers who oppose this deliberately designed racial strategy have generally failed to identify the socialist-communist forces behind it alL Instead, they have attacked the racial falsehoods piecemeal.
"But it sits ill with the actual fact—of which the author seems unaware—that only a few days before his death Lincoln was stiH toying with the notion of colonization." • 73 An Anthropologist at Work, letter from Margaret Mead to Ruth Benedict, 1933, pp. 335-36.
An American Dilemma, like other similar anthropological works, is intentionally confusing and obscure. Its writers apparently expected to be attacked, and knew that they were vulnerable in basic racial fundamentals. Old hands in international socialist intrigue such as Myrdal and his colleague Sterner designed the content of An American Dilemma so that its opponents would have to wallow through a maze of semantic trickery and dialectical obscurities.' 74 "Science" used to cover racial falsehoods
One objective of the leftists in dominating anthropology and the other social sciences was to utilize the very definite value that "scientific" projections have in influencing the entire population. The term "science" is a sacred symbol in the mind of the average person. An American Dilemma was constructed so as to exploit this symbolism. ]Myrdal admits as much in the first page of his appendix in An American Dilemma: "In our civilization people want to be rational and objective in their beliefs. We have faith in science and are, in principle, prepared to change our beliefs according to its results." 178 The use of "science" in order to put over ancient socialistic ideas is the main weapon used to impose the new racial tactics upon the rest of the population. An American Dilemma was not a compendium of existing beliefs on the Negro question but was deliberately planned to change these relationships. Myrdal uses the term "intelligent social engineering".'
The concept of "social engineering" was a substitute term for socialism
Following the publication of An American Dilemma, the Carnegie Corporation, along with the Social Science Research Council, jointly approached Stuart Chase and asked him to "run a kind of chain and compass line across the whole front of the sciences devoted to human relations ..." 179
Using the leftist conclusions of the Boas school of anthropology, as well as Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma, Stuart Chase outlined the strategy for using the "culture concept" in anthropology as a leftist weapon. He boasted: "Theoretically, a society could be completely made over in something like 15 years—the time it takes to inculcate a new culture into a rising crop of youngsters."'" A plan to indoctrinate a whole generation In this same chapter, which is called "The Culture Concept", Chase declares: "Culture patterns do change, and can be changed." ,es He pointed out the importance of those "who handle the 'cake of custom/ so to speak before it is baked. A cultural change could be introduced, as through a funnel, through these molders of the next generation." ,88 Thus, in simple terms, Stuart Chase gives away the plot. He indicates that the important factor is to gain control of the "funnel" through which the ideas are planted in the minds of a generation. This is precisely how educated Americans were indoctrinated by means of social anthropology and the other so-called "social sciences".
traditional in the socialist-communist camp that once indoctrination is accomplished, the next step is to seize the initiative organizationally. Leftists always fear that if too much time is allowed the more alert minds will gather their thoughts and see through the false facade of "social anthropology". The left-wing therefore kept moving ahead and attacked on a broad front
Roger N. Baldwin have been active socialist strategists even before World War I. Baldwin was one of the pioneers of the camouflage technique in putting across socialism. In 1917, he wrote privately to another socialist, advising Vn'm to "steer away from making it look like a socialist enterprise." "We want also to look patriots in everything we do." ,s7 This underhanded policy is standard procedure in the socialist movement.
An amazing interlocking series of organizations have been formed to put across forcible Negro-white integration in the United States. The NAACP concentrates mainly in rallying Negroes and furnishing the facade for legal actions. CORE is devised to organize direct action campaigns such as demonstrations, sit-downs and so-called "freedom rides". The American Civil Liberties Union on the other hand runs interference in the legal field for all of these moves. The ACLU is the main tool used to undermine the basis of the American legal system. It has assumed the permanent pose of a disinterested party claiming to represent "civil liberties" for all In this it has been exceptionally clever. However, extensive analysis shows that the NAACP, CORE and the ACLU have all been formed and are controlled by socialists. Since there is generally some sort of working rapport between communists and socialists, there is naturally a generous sprinkling of pro-communist elements in all these organizations. The combined leftist action, abetted by leftist infiltrators in both major political parties, has created a national crisis in the United States. On its periphery this movement has tied itself into the communist-socialist international racial turmoil.
At the bottom of all the shouting, the injuries, the deaths, and the general ruin that follows is the trumped-up "scientific" evidence that passes as "social anthropology".
Not only have white men of good will been bludgeoned into silence by this avalanche of organized hysteria, but many Negroes are forced to toe the line under the threat of social ostracism by their own kind.
the Negro must learn to compete with his fellow man. He must not only seek jobs, but he must own establishments which give jobs to others." * * * "The Negro believes that the lack of civil rights legislation and the lack of integration have kept him back but this is not true. If he would learn to use the laws of observation, concentration, memory, reason and action he would realize there is a world of opportunity in his own back yard" * * * "The Negro must learn how to think. You can't change the system to accommodate the Negro. You have to change the Negro to fit the system. You can't legislate equality." When asked a question: "What the NAACP was doing for the individual Negro" Mr. Fuller answered "Nothing." He added; "They are trying to change the white man, not the Negro." 188
"Being a Negro parent favoring integration, I cannot support a boycott of our schools in the name of integration. My pride as a Negro prevents me from believing my children could not receive a good education in a class surrounded by other Negro children."'
Trustees of Veritas Foundation are: ARCHIBALD B. ROOSEVELT, H'17; ARTHUR BROOKS HARLOW, H'25; JOHN E. BAUMANN, NYU'29; WILLIAM A. ROBERTSON, H'31. WATSON WASHBURN, H'15, Legal Counsel ZYGMUND DOBBS, Research Director
B. S. Haldane, Professor of Genetics and Biometry, startled the scientific world with these observations: "That both individuals and races are different from one another. . . . That there was still no evidence that all races were equal in their intellectual endowment. ..." "What can be said in general with regard to equality or inequality of the races is that each is superior in its own environment."""
Haldane shows intellectual honesty as a scientist in acknowledging the cogency of scientific evidence that runs counter to the political position which he has espoused
Beatrice Webb, the mother of the Fabian socialist movement in both England and the United States who privately wrote about a Negro in her diary as "a nauseous n____o mouthing primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
others organized a barrage of abuse against the Manhasset school district. Squads of leftist "brain washers" have been busy ever since harassing that community.
the double standard of Beatrice Webb, the mother of the Fabian socialist movement in both England and the United States who privately wrote about a Negro in her diary as "a nauseous n____ mouthing primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
primitive Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
Methodism; a mongrel between the unctuous sacramentalist and the Christy Minstrel." 194 In public, however, she helped set the Fabian socialist policy of shedding crocodile tears over the Negroes under British colonial rule.
The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (1964) (Veritas Foundation / Dobbs / Roosevelt)
- Highlight Loc. 5093-5100 | Added on Friday, October 14, 2016, 12:24 PM
"Basing their ideas on the concept of the brotherhood of man certain writers, who are mostly social anthropologists, consider it immoral to study race, and produce book after book exposing it as a 'myth'. Their argument is that because the study of race once gave ammunition to racial fascists who misused it, we should pretend that races do not exist" 198 Actually, the scientific study of race has been confronted with major obstacles imposed by leftists on two fronts. The Nazi National Socialism's distortion and falsification of certain racial data had a crippling effect on the scientific study of race. The socialists and communists, on the other hand, wishing to utilize the Negro masses as political cannon fodder, have insisted that there is no such thing as race. Leftists wish to equalize the entire human species in one common mold. However, human nature continually plays tricks on
Scientism and Values, Helmut Schoeck and James W, Wiggins, editors, Von Nostrand Co. Inc., Princeton, N. J., 1960. This book is a compilation of the views of 12 scientists and educators who expose the efforts in the "social sciences" to seduce the mind of an entire nation. ,9 e Scientism and Values, p. 109.
this socialistic thesis.
Negro killings of whites are increasing at an alarming rate. Thus ironically enough the executioners are complaining of the victims.
slaves that were transported to the New World were those who otherwise would have been killed, and often eaten.
Previous to the importation of Negro slaves into the New World, the Negro warrior tribes traditionally killed all those whom they bested in battle and in most cases, ate the victims.
This UNESCO body also declared: "differences between achievements of various peoples must be explained wholly by their cultural history. "* ,e Here, in classic form is an example world-wide unity of both theory and practice by the socialist and communist movements. The medieval emanations of Saint-Simon that man is only a helpless reflector of his environment is here repeated in modem semantic garb. Hitler's device of false-race is now matched with the leftist scheme of non-race. Each is an attempt to make soulless automatons out of those they want to rule.
Since scientific research into the matter of human racial differences by zoologists, biologists, medical men, and physical anthropologists has been branded as "racist" and "reactionary" this move is designed to block all attempts to record and analyze new scientific evidence which might contradict the left-wing non-race thesis. Thus the reactionary methods of medieval scholasticism, whereby knowledge was deliberately confined, has been re-born under modern labels. Anthropology, history, economics and sociology have been mobilized by the left-wing underworld to camouflage false concepts underlying the racial turmoil of present times. It is the task of honest men to support genuine scientists in setting the record straight and presenting the facts as they really are.
The whole socialistic premise that man is a mere reflection of his environment and that the present environment is a bad capitalistic one, lies at the base of the sociological theory that society is at fault, and not the criminal.
He complains that "one can never rely on the natives here; not even the things which they understand from long practice." He further states: "inability to exert themselves and adapt themselves to difficult circumstances is typical of the natives and makes them pitiable creatures." Schweitzer concludes that "Africa would be
beautiful without its savages." Thus, the condition of those Negroes who descend from slave-hunting ancestors is one of abysmal backwardness. The noble savage who has not been removed from the jungle haunts appears to Schweitzer to be just as much a problem as Negroes elsewhere. The leftists generally praise Dr. Schweitzer because he supports many of their front activities.* 12 They maintain almost complete silence on his views on the Negroes. However, if a conservative said the same things, they would fill the air with charges of "racist" and "apartheid".
The theme that society carries the onus of guilt for all the acts of its citizens has bedeviled the American public for many years. Sociologists repeatedly proclaim that criminals are not guilty but are the victims of social maladjustment. Hence they should not be punished. Instead, society should be changed so as to eliminate the causes of crime.
This point of view justifies the socialist claim that society, i.e., the capitalist system, needs to be changed and then presto, a new type of perfect humanity will emerge.
A. H. Hobbs, critically summed up such twisted thinking in sociology by stating mockingly: "There are delinquents in the slums, therefore the slums cause delinquency and we can cure delinquency by eliminating slums.
Social Problems and Scientism, A. H. Hobbs,
sociological teaching found its expression in the characterization of Lee Oswald—"a lone wolf neurotic". Why was he a neurotic? Naturally, because society is "complex" and
"competitive", therefore, society is to blame for President Kennedy's assassination. Such devious reasoning is at the basis of the whole spate of editorials and articles which blame the whole American people for the President's death. This same type of reasoning was responsible for the almost hysterical rush to clear the Kremlin and the rest of the Red world from any complicity. 9 The tactic of blaming society as a whole for leftist crimes is clearly a type of leftist sociological imposture.
sociology and sociologists seem to have such tremendous influence in shaping the thinking throughout America, it would do well to probe into its origins, purposes and content. Sociology was a socialist discipline from the very beginning, unlike other social sciences, such as history, which were non-socialist in their origin, but were gradually infiltrated and dominated by organized leftist groups in the academic world. Sociology and socialism founded simultaneously
the true father of modern sociology was Claude Henri Saint-Simon, a French aristocrat, and the founder of modern socialism.
Auguste Comte, who first coined the word sociology (sociologie) in France around 1838.'° However,
Pierre Leroux who first coined the word "Socialism" was a connecting link in the development of sociology via the socialist path."
"To support his theories he drew extensively on anthropological and statistical materials."
"Durkheim's central theory is that of collective representation."
forces in the field of sociology have been anxious to keep the true origin of their profession under cover.
They are anxious to disguise the fact that Saint-Simon, the socialist, is the true founder of modern sociology.
try to ascribe the founding role of sociology to Auguste Comte, since his writings are abstract and vaporous enough to act as a cloak for the true socialistic root of sociology.
Modern totalitarianisms based on socialist sociology
His sociological principles found ultimate expression in modern times in Fascist oppression, Nazi murders and Soviet atrocities. Recently the translator of Saint-Simon's Doctrine declared: "The real link of the people and the state was represented by the leader, 'the father' or 'great man', 'the living symbol' of the
Saint-Simonian idea. The leader, chosen not by ballot but by the spontaneous recognition of his greatness by the masses, represented the state and its purpose concretely, and while possessing absolute power, he still acted both in the name of masses and with their approval. Parliament, interestingly enough, was not abolished but transformed from a 'debating society' to a body which was to listen to government experts and, like the Supreme Soviet or the Nazi Reichstag, to vote its approval.
"Like the modern totalitarian state, the Saint-Simonians intended to control not only the political realm but all spheres of cultural activity." 10 The fundamental communist-socialist and fascistic doctrines whereby all directives are obeyed unquestioningly on the basis of "faith" springs from early Saint-Simonian sociology. In fact, Saint-Simon's projected control was labelled a "Church" in imitation of the Catholic control of secular matters during the Holy Roman Empire. Professor Iggers in describing the Saint-Simonian use of the term "Church" and describing their socialism, observed: "Members of the Church-Society, unlike those of a sect, did not arrive at truth through subjective experience and individual search, but were confronted by an objective belief which they had to accept on faith."' 7 Differences of opinion were considered taboo
Every element in his thinking is rooted deeply in the problems immanent in the system of thought of which Comte was so eminent an exponent'."
"Science" used to cloak socialist reactionaries Saint-Simon was a man of disordered mind who suffered from hallucinations. He claimed that his original inspiration for his sociological and socialist ideas came to him in the form of a vision of his
ancestor Charlemagne.
Saint-Simon's opinions were conditioned "by the feudal and military system still prevalent in France" at the time of the French Revolution.*
his was a reactionary theme which used the terms "science", "progress" and "social science" as a means of wooing the followers of the French Revolution into the path of a new feudalism. Modern socialism is essentially the same.
Auguste Comte also was subject to mental disorders throughout his life."
Saint-Simon's fits of despondency reflected themselves in suicidal impulses. Shortly after his disciple Auguste Comte helped him write an account of his philosophy, Saint-Simon discharged a loaded pistol at his head. He survived but shot out one of his eyes.
sociologists try to give the impression that their profession had scientific and progressive origins. Actually sociology was born in the deranged minds of Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte.
the seeds sown by these demented founders of sociology started the development of communist and nazi movements which have now destroyed hundreds of millions of human lives.
Marx was a teen age convert to leftist sociology
"The Theory of Historical Materialism as a Marxian Sociology The working class has its own proletarian sociology, known as historical materialism. In its main outlines this theory was elaborated by Marx and Engels. It is also called the 'materialist method in history', or simply 'economic materialism'. This profound and brilliant theory is the most powerful instrument of human thought and understanding."
"The science of the phenomena of corporate or social life, which he (Comte— ed.) terms sociology, and which, as presupposing and containing all the former is the queen and divinity of all the sciences."
Mary B. Kules, a socialist, wrote a pamphlet, The Religion of a Socialist, which stated; "Social science has the only remedy."
all sociological thought reflected collectivist political movements.
praised the data recorded in the books of these two influential men and loudly proclaimed that this data actually supported socialism, feigning regret that Spencer and Sumner had drawn the wrong conclusions. Socialist works are replete with quotations from Spencer and Sumner, generally taken out of context and twisted to buttress socialistic arguments.
professorship in sociology was established in 1907. The professor chosen was L. T. Hobhouse. He had the enthusiastic backing of the leaders of the Fabian socialist movement and his writings served as an academic authority for socialistic arguments in both England and America. 3 *
France, the chief authority on sociology was Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) who rightly recognized Saint-Simon as the founder of sociology and frankly admitted that sociological teachings aimed at socialistic ends.
first chair of sociology in the United States was established at the University of Chicago in 1892. Head of that department was Albion W. Small, a leader of a socialist coterie
very inception, sociology was a socialistic vehicle
Fabian Socialist Society, it became a pernicious instrument which covertly injecting socialistic ideas into the British educational system, softened up British social thinking and helped to disintegrate the British Empire.
Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership, p. 42. In writing about attempts to solicit teachers for Fabian socialist purposes, Beatrice Webb noted that "Leonard Hobhouse really works for us at Oxford
President of the Fabian society, continuously recommended Hobhouse's pronouncements to his friends and followers.
"From an intellectual point of view what characterizes the former (Saint-Simon-ian—ed.) is that the three following ideas were simultaneously produced: 1. The idea of extending to social sciences the method of the positive sciences (out of which sociology has come) and the historical method (an indispensible auxiliary of sociology); 2. The idea of a religious regeneration; and, 3. The socialist idea.
This was a conscious organized attempt to institute in this country what has since become known as "creeping socialism".
Ward's Dynamic Sociology, which they characterized as "the best sociology yet".
the foundation stone of sociology in the United States
Small wanted Ward to utilize the devious method of gradual infiltration into American society.
In dedicating to Small his later work, Outlines of Sociology, Ward wrote: "The first to draw attention to the educational value of my social philosophy. The staunch defender of my method in sociology and to whom the prior appearance of these chapters is due; this work is gratefully dedicated."
The British Fabian socialists showed extreme interest in "permeating" American colleges and universities via the sociological path
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the leaders of British Fabian socialism, toured the United States and briefed American socialists on the methods of stealthy infiltration of schools by socialist forces.
met with Zueblin in Chicago and planned in detail Zueblin's sociological manipulations in the academic world.
involving the Rand School of Social Science, the American Socialist Society, the American Fabian Society, the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, and the League for Industrial Democracy. Zueblin organized leftist sociologists into an efficient infiltrating group,
his book entitled Social Control (1901) is dedicated "To «i The Theory of Sociology,
Leftists codified techniques of social control
His work Social Control is an exhaustive analysis of the methods by which a clever few can take control of the masses.
The power of the Few to take the role of social cerebrum depends entirely upon,how far the Many capitulate to it." «
Social Control is a basic textbook teaching how a small cohesive group of leftists can insinuate themselves into control over all society.
What are called the "social sciences" largely
serve as a huge academic underworld for leftist academic manipulators.
Socialists created "social psychology"
The main interest of leftist sociologists is to construct processes which are now lumped under the popular term "brain-washing" y as a means of conditioning and indoctrinating the mind of man.
social psychology itself has been manipulated so as to be a potent weapon in the hands of the socialist-communist underworld.
most menacing sociological devices is the exploitation of the term "mental health". This scheme of smearing as "mentally sick" or "potentially insane" those who disagree with leftist aims has been in the making for well over 50 years.
permeating the American educational system, the phalanx of socialistic sociologists began to develop techniques of harnessing the minds of school age youth to serve their ends.
They specialized in the art of calling their opponents "crazy", "insane", or "mentally sick", thus achieving a double-edged effect.
Constant repetition of this "Big Lie" conditions the public to look upon the statements of anti-reds with grave suspicion. Strategically it cripples conservatives by forcing them to spend much time and effort in defending their own sanity, rather than in exposing the fallacies of socialism. And exposure is often ineffective before an audience taught to regard anti-socialists as mentally deficient This technique became standard among socialists in educational institutions and elsewhere.
Individual talent branded as "abnormal"
Next sociology branded individuality and personal integrity as "abnormal", and independent and creative spirits as "deviates" and "queers".
Fabian socialist leader John Dewey had already set the philosophical standard that the dependent are normal, and the self-reliant and self-sufficient are mentally sick."
widely disseminated textbook, which is standard fare in colleges to this very day, Dewey asserted, in 1916: "From a social standpoint, dependence denotes a power rather than a weakness; it involves interdependence. There is always a danger that increased personal independence will decrease the social capacity of an individual. In making him more self-reliant, it may make him more self-sufficient; it may lead to aloofness and indifference. It often makes an individual so insensitive in his relations to others as to develop an illusion of being really able to stand and act alone—an unnamed form of insanity which is responsible for a large part of the remediable suffering of the world.
Socialism called sane, capitalism insane
theme that socialist thinking and socialist aims are normal and sane, and that private enterprise and individual freedom represent a pathological state, has been harped upon for over seventy
years. Leftist infiltrations into the mental health field have been skillfully utilized to categorize those opposing socialism as abnormal and sick.
socialist James Harvey Robinson applied the "mentally sick" label to all private enterprise society.
same theme appeared in a series of books issued by Professor Harry A. Overstreet, starting with The Enduring Quest in 1939, and followed up by The Mature Mind, The Mind Alive and The Mind Goes Forth
if you wanted to be normal and have a "mature mind" you must follow his socialistic credo. Otherwise, your mind may not "mature" and you may become or remain "immature".
Overstreet ignores his.own participation in numerous communist fronts and his own role as a chief apologist for the Soviet line during the Stalin murder epoch.
he cleverly cashed in on anti-communist sentiment built up by those who were denounced as "witch hunters" and "reactionaries" by the entire leftist underworld.
Over-street cannot claim refuge under the term "innocent" through which other socialistic personalities have sought cover. Since he poses as the top expert on communism and communist tricks, he would have difficulty in explaining away his own leadership in numerous communist fronts
John Dewey, Overstreet and Lester Ward, while attending socialist conclaves, agreed among themselves that socialism was the aim. They had a joint agreement on a well-defined program to bring socialism about. In this endeavor they met with the various elements in the socialist movements. They were in joint socialist conclaves with agitators, soap-boxers, labor leaders, social workers, and speciab'sts in violence, as well as members of the academic professions. The aims and program were generally agreed upon, and each was asked to implement it in his own particular field.
Socialist labor leaders often carried out their assignments in the form of strike violence, physical assaults and terrorization of those opposing unionization.
These were the dramatic methods which the public has identified with radicalism. However, the leftist sociologists, economists, social anthropologists and others in academic professions operated in a more sedate and quiet manner.
Fabian socialists as Stuart Chase and Roger Baldwin had counselled their fellow radicals to disguise socialism under other names.
Psychology aids leftist thinking
leftist build-up of the "mental health" symbol has assumed gigantic proportions.
mental health idols as Erich Fromm have become fashionable
Fromm wrote a book in 1955 entitled The Sane Society.™ He contrasts a social order which is sane, with our present society, which he pictured as not sane.
Fromm's books are considered a basic authority not only in the United States, but throughout the world; agencies of the United Nations serve as their launching pad.
Fromm tells us that he deals with both "the realm of psychology and that of sociology". 37 What is his answer to sanity in society? Fromm clearly indicates that it is socialism.
unholy trinity which is the basis of Fromm's "social sanity". Marx was the architect of the socialist-communist movement. Einstein was an expediter of socialist-communist ideas among scientific circles. 6 ' Freud's major avocation was to undermine all basic religious faiths. These are the three fundamentals upon which the socialistic "sane society" is based.
Leftist "mental health" prepares for "Big Brother" George Orwell, in his fictional projection of a future socialist tyranny, propounded the noun and verb good think and good thinking. Actually society has been pushed by leftists a long way in the direction of "Big Brother". We are told repeatedly to have attitudes which will insure "mental health" and will build a "mature mind". Thus, so the
See Appendix IX of the Un-American Activities Committee, 1944, passim on Einstein's extensive socialist-communist front record.
sociology is the vehicle through which social psychology and the theory of so-called "social sanity" has been developed, these devotees should remember the relationship of the birth of sociology to mental derangement.
Founders of socialism mentally unbalanced
Claude Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte, the main founders of sociology, both suffered from insanity.
Saint-Simon's original sociological inspiration came from a message delivered to him by Charlemagne in person. Karl Marx tested recruits in the communist movement by running his hand over the bumps in their heads, to evaluate their "mental health". These are the founding fathers of the leftist "mental health" or "sane society" movements of today.
sociological inventors of "mental health" as a political weapon exhibit a curious double standard.
They often label the more mibtant anti-communist elements in America as the "lunatic right". Not only avowed communists but the "left liberal" coterie as well make a practice of insinuating that patriotic Americans are insane.
the same defamers of conservative Americans seemed utterly obb"vious of the sadistic mania of Stalin
socialized medicine is in itself worthy of a special study. Their strategy is to undermine the independence of the medical profession, and at the same time to "brainwash" the American people in the direction of socialized medicine,
Another main function of the leftist sociological coterie was to take part in the organization of associations covering the various social sciences, such as the American Economic Association.
as editor of Macmillan's Social Science Textbook Series, Ely was instrumental in flooding the nation's schools with books authored by socialistic professors; E. A. Ross, E. R. A. Seligman, Franklin H. Giddings
The Fabian socialist point of view in the United States on socialized medicine can be found in two pamphlets entitled National Health Insurance by M. M. Davies and The British Health Service by J. Manson. Both are published by the League for Industrial Democracy
"He (Howard—ed.) believed education to be the most efficient instrument of social control
Sociology spawned leftist teachers Columbia University, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Chicago, among others, began to grind out sociological graduates
with a leftist orientation who spread out into other universities and into government positions in unprecedented numbers.
Bernhard J. Stern, who doubled as anthropologist and sociologist, spent 25 years teaching sociology and anthropology at both Columbia University and the New School for Social Research.
Columbia University in particular merits special mention for turning out leftists through its sociology professors. Alexander Goldenweisser, previously mentioned as one of the chief left-wing anthropologists, lectured in anthropology and sociology both at the New School for Social Research, and at Columbia. He indoctrinated scores of young students in socialistic tactics in classes
Ogburn is well-known for his key part in drafting the strategy of An American Dilemma, 60 —a key work in current racial disturbances.
Statistics manipulated to aid socialism
Hedge-hopping among the other social sciences, left-wing sociologists have also exploited the field of statistics. The general use of statistics as a political weapon is a broad one
United States is probably the most statistically influenced nation in the world. The major control of the gathering and manipulation of statistics has been exercised by what are generally termed "institutionalists". "Institutionalism" has served as a cloak to cover socialistic attempts to institutionalize all of humanity. It is one of the many synonyms invented to supercede the unpopular terms "socialism"
people do not realize that the growth of opinion polls in the United States and Britain, plus the massive application of intelligence and aptitude tests, has been largely a leftist enterprise.
not for the sake of scientific knowledge, but as a means to brainwash the general public and to create a climate of opinions conducive to socialist aims.
manipulate statistics to serve as "proof of conclusions already agreed upon.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb, brazenly laid down the policy of using facts merely as "ornaments" in order to confirm preconceived notions.
book The History of Trade Unionism, Beatrice Webb observed: "How silly it is to suppose that facts ever tell their own story —it is all a matter of arranging them so that they may tell something—and the arrangement is a purely subjective pro-
Fabians admit facts are only an "ornament"
Webbs' History of Trade Unionism has served as a classic source of reference for all left-wingers—socialist or communist—for over 70 years. The book's conclusions are touted as being drawn from exhaustive "scientific" research. 7 ' However, in her personal diary, Beatrice Webb admitted that "rightly or wrongly, we are writing our analysis of facts before we have completed our investigation. . . " and that "when we come to the thesis we find the facts, tho' they can be used as illustrations, are not much good as the basis of our structure—they are only the ornament. The whole structure of our argument turns out to be deductive in form, with psychological hypothesis or inductions used as its. material. So the facts we have laboriously detailed seem somewhat de trop". 72 Thus, opinion making and deceiving the public via statistics is an old trick of the leftists.
Karl Marx pioneered the technique of statistical fraud in the writing of Das Kapital, the bible of the socialist-communist movement. His partner in crime, Frederick Engels counseled him "to add to the number of pages by sheer force, and fill them with quotations, etc., which will cost you nothing. It is easy enough to do, and won't take much time, and your book will be all the more 'instructive'. The main thing is that when you make your debut it should be with a really fat volume."
was an observation made for the gullible public and not for the sophisticated inner circle of socialists who knew better.
Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Chapter One (Amnesia and New Columbuses)
Marx wrote in turn to Engels: "I am stretching this volume out, since these swine in Germany reckon the value of a book according to its cubic content."
thousands of socialist and communist faithful have accepted this padded work of Marx as gospel and have repeated all its content as a sacred litany. Privately, Marx admitted that the bulk of Das Kapital was only a stuffing for his socialistic beliefs. The "filler" inserted by Marx to fatten his book was primarily in the form of statistics. Marx personally had no illusions about his work. Writing to Engels shortly before Das Kapital was published he frankly stated: "The whole Scheisse [shit] is to be divided into six books: 1. Capital; II. Landed property; III. Wage labour; IV. State; V. International trade; VI. World Market."
Shamefacedly Mrs. Cole concluded: "on which one can only comment 'if you can believe that you can believe anything.' I am not proud of this performance of mine; I will only plead that greater minds than my own have been guilty of special pleading
I.Q. tests as a leftist weapon
manufacturers of intelligence or aptitude tests did not know the ABC's of psychology or sociology; and once in a while they did not have intelligence enough to understand their own incompetence.
In spite of these obstacles, multitudes of 'testers' have succeeded in selling their products to their fellow-scholars, educators, governmental agencies, business and labor managers, and to the public at large. At the present time in the Western countries almost every individual is tested from the cradle to the grave,
Loaded questions designed by "left-liberal" graduates of sociology and sociological psychology courses probe attitudes of those tested. The "proper answers" or "negative attitudes" according to such leftists determine whether or not those tested get a favorable score. Here the left-wing has created an awesome weapon for intimidating and conditioning the entire American population.
Social Science Research Council and the Carnegie Corporation which outlined and guided An American Dilemma. This book in turn was used by the Supreme Court of the United States as a "sociological" and "anthropological" authority for decisions which have drawn the American nation into a holocaust of racial disorders.
The growth of a hierarchy which has developed this "tes-tomania" actually is the realization of E. A. Ross's dream of Social Control come true. The leftist permeators of sociology would not only control the testing of the thoughts and actions of Americans, but they also have developed powerful techniques designed to bend the thinking of the American people in a socialistic direction. Opinion takers as opinion makers
A companion of "testomania" is what Sorokin dubs "quanto-phrenia". 88 This is the development by sociological forces of the taking of polls of public opinion.
poll takers who call themselves "opinion takers" are actually largely "opinion makers".
Loaded questions presented to a so-called cross section of the American public in themselves are often a form of propaganda. The mere polling of a leftist-slanted question tends to make certain attitudes fashionable. Americans are asked to take the pollster's word for the fact that they do impartially approach an X number of people. There is no way of testing whether an honest count is given or whether a truly representative audience answers the questions. Unfortunately, the public has been taught to accept opinion "predictions" as gospel truth in spite of gross miscalculations. The debacle of wrong predictions on the Truman election of 1948 is a case in point. The debacle of slanted opinion polls trying to stampede delegates away from the nomination of Barry Goldwater, is also a case in point.
When Stuart Chase, a pioneer of Fabian socialist, comes out in favor of both the polling mania and intensive testing of the American mind, it is time to look into this whole field with a critical eye.
Chase has been touted by his admirers as a harmless liberal. However, as previously mentioned, Mr. Chase's liberalism was dramatically illustrated when he advocated lining up his opponents before a "firing squad".
"Sampling is still a science, including opinion sampling."
endorsement of the opinion takers and opinion makers, calls these efforts attempts to "seduce both knowledge and reason."
contemporary stage of the psychosocial sciences can be properly called the age of quantophrenia and numerology. This disease manifests itself in many forms and in every region of sociology, psychology, psychiatry and anthropology."
realize that the sociological field is largely dominated by organized communist and socialistic forces, the menace to the American people through statistical and testing procedures assumes frightening proportions.
settlement house which was patterned on an English Fabian socialist institution named Toynbee HalL' 00 Hull House was the inspiration of Samuel Bamett,
Social work personnel is lejt-oriented
Such publications as Social Work Today plus all the leftist oriented courses in social psychology, sociology, and a myriad of related subjects have steadily filled the minds of the host of social workers who control the welfare, relief, and social security structures in America today.
offshoots of social work have become formidable structures in themselves. One example is the field of penology, which deals with crime and prisons. 106 The other is the field of juvenile delinquency. As noted before, the leftists tend to make society shoulder the blame, and not the criminal. They claim that this twisted line of thinking is justified by the latest scientific findings in the field of sociology. Actually, it is merely a dressed up socialist-communist tactic to soften up and hinder attempts by society to keep law, order
socialism is the basic faith of the left-wing,
Leftist sociologists have acted as overall permeators and organizers for the socialist-communist movement in the academic world.
Leftist sociologists, by blazing the socialist trail into education, eventually infected every phase of academic life in America. They also had a hand in the organization of educational associations and related academic bodies, such as historical, economic, anthropological, statistical, and psychological groups. Leftists also initiated the organization of national bodies covering the fields of political science, philosophy and social work. When they did not organize, they infiltrated.
left-wing has always been skillful in the art of bending abstractions to fit specific socialist aims.
Educational sociology a cover for socialism
the most harmful developments in American social life has been the perversion of American education
under all the complicated jargon and philosophical ruminations that cover the structure of "progressive education" there lies the naked premise of socialistic environmentalism.
the leftist premise is that children are to be considered as mere reflectors of their environment and should be treated much as robots, not as human beings possessing an independent individual personality. This entire thesis was designed to cut the ground from under the American principle of the value of the individual.
socialist-communist syndrome has been hard at work for generations to change educational emphasis from that of personal independence and freedom to one that teaches that the individual is merely a socialized reflector.
"perhaps no treatise on education by an American sociologist was more influential in shaping the trend in social thinking than Lester Ward's 'Education as the Proximate Means of Progress' which was included in his Dynamic Sociology"."
Dewey's activities in the educational system were described as a "pedagogical revolution"." 2
Dewey was a past master in the art of dissimulation. Although he was head of the Fabian socialist's League for Industrial Democracy up to the time of his death (1952) he assiduously avoided mentioning the fact in Who's Who in America, and other biographical references. He was also active in indoctrinating the education of social workers
Socialists wave banner of "progressive education"
Dewey and his socialistic clique in the educational field outlined a plan to sell socialism under the label of "progressive education" to teachers, parents, politicians and most of the colleges and universities in the United States. This was a massive projection to subvert the thinking of an entire nation by means of its educational system.
the text-book field was heavily infiltrated by leftists. Thousands of teachers were pre-conditioned to accept collectivist ideas as a result of indoctrination in the graduate schools of the nation. Fabian socialist permeation of the literary world had already made socialistic thinking a fashionable pastime.
Dewey's plan was to operate under the intellectual smokescreen of a vaporous philosophy called "pragmatism".
The vehicle used was a Trojan horse called "educational sociology". The Dewey scheme to socialize the thinking of the entire country was as simple as it was colossal in scope. In 1934 Dewey outlined it clearly to his fellow socialists in a League for Industrial Democracy brochure of only eleven pages entitled Education and the Social Order. The same theme was projected to those outside the socialist movement, in a highly camouflaged form, in dozens of books and manuals
wherever socialist students appeared there were clandestine groups of socialist professors spawning leftist activities."
Dewey issued this battle plan to tie up the entire nation into a socialistic package. His successes in permeating the educational professions and the schools were so spectacular that he felt that the time was ready to marshal leftist forces
Dewey in counseling his fellow socialists in the educational field called for "... the definite substitution of a social purpose, controlling methods of teaching and discipline and materials of study, for the traditional individualistic aim."" 8 He masterminded the spreading of socialist propaganda through the schools in order to prepare for revolution. He urged: "The first great step, as far as subject-matter and method are concerned, is to make sure of an educational system that informs students about the present state of society in a way that enables them to understand the conditions and forces at work.
He called for the "... re-education of teachers and administrators."" 7 "Re-organization upon a co-operative basis," lectured Dewey, "should not be confined, moreover, to pupils. It should extend to administration so that oligarchical management from above may be abolished."" 8 Today wherever leftists have gained control of colleges or universities those teachers who reflect the principles of individual freedom suffer a degree of repression and discrimination never before experienced in American educational institutions.
is quite obvious that any non-leftist school management is considered "oligarchical".
Dewey himself straddled both the socialist and communist movements by belonging to numerous communist fronts.'
at Columbia University, pro-communist Bernhard J. Stern, working variously as a sociologist, anthropologist and historian, continuously cooperated with socialistic professors to indoctrinate the minds of thousands of undergraduate and graduate students in a leftist direction. This was done in the name of scholarship and under the pretense of scientific objectivity. In books touted as sociological texts, Stuart Chase welded together scores of sociological authorities
An American Dilemma, the new vehicle for leftist direction in racial affairs, also utilized a corps of "experts", the majority of whom had been partisans of either socialist or communist movements.
Dewey belonged lo numerous communistic groups starting in 1925 and continuing throughout the rest of his life. (He died in 1952.) He was active in various communist foreign policy pressure groups such as the Friends of the Chinese People. This group helped lay the basis for the red victory in China. (See various government indexes relating to subversive activities).
investigators honestly concerned with the deceptions and distortions in academic circles are busy swatting at the effects rather than cutting through to the causes and sources of the mischief. Leftist sociologists have managed the "social sciences" so as to create semantic and ideological smoke screens. They have taken the hard core of the socialist-communist aims and have rewritten and redesigned them to appear as coming from other sources altogether.
An entire literature has been created which deals with highly camouflaged socialistic issues in a manner purporting to be impartially scientific. Leftists have deliberately concentrated on taking over the sensitive control centers of American educational institutions. They have constructed for themselves an entire new defense shelter which they have dubbed "academic freedom". They have convinced the world at large that their efforts to eliminate personal freedom and human dignity are really heroic efforts to create freedom. George Orwell's projection of Double Think has actually been in existence in the educational field for many years past.
Honest educators and scientists have written scores of books trying to dispel the smoke screen of leftist scholasticism. But since they usually fight the game on the socialists' own terms, and indulge in splitting hairs over arguments set up by the leftists themselves, they often end in complete frustration and demoralization.
An objective and scientific study which might be called the sociology of "socialist permeations" would soon expose the inner core of socialist-communist devices and motives which underlie much of the vaporous and rhetorical verbiage of sociology
The circulation of an author's book is unimportant (not for him, of course, or for his publisher), for its effectiveness depends not on the number but on the social importance of its readers; a book which has made an impression on 3,000 teachers and 2,000 journalists alters the essence of our national being more appreciatively and enduringly than a novel which is read by two million
nine-tenths per cent of the American people have never held a work by John Dewey in their hands, but all Americans have, in some degree, been educated by him, simply because the thoughts of this great pedagogue have activized the transmission belts of our educational apparatus.
Schlamm placed his finger directly on the modern process of indoctrinating an entire nation. The only part the quotation leaves out is the conscious direction behind this process. The central core and political staffs who inspire the process of national thinking are outside the universities.
The political top command of socialist and communist groups considers the professors and the colleges as mere tools to bring about total socialization.
In the United States, the main socialistic scheming emanates from a complex of organizations revolving around the League for Industrial Democracy.
The L.I.D. is the Fabian socialist nerve center in this country. This organization, along with its twin, the Rand School of Social
Science (now called the Tamiment Institute) enjoys a veneer of respectability and has been granted tax exemption as an educational institution. The flow of directives and propaganda from this socialist complex is generally camouflaged as "sociology" or "social science".
In spite of all their deception, evasiveness and underground policies, they are mere tyros compared with the slicker socialists, although they also propound much of their indoctrination as sociology and social science. ,23
Even socialists have been willing to profess anti-communism to curry public favor, but they always oppose any action that would really damage their communist brothers.
Leftists plan elite rule
the top socialist strategists have realized that the tone of national thinking is set by the group loosely termed intellectuals. Communists and socialists keep telling the world that issues are decided numerically on the basis of the masses, —"one man, one vote." This is propaganda to create the fiction that they represent the majority. In their practical strategy all leftist groups concentrate on influencing and shepherding the intellectuals. 124 They understand that the average person reflects the opinions of those who supply him with information.
keep constantly in mind that the communist movement was an outgrowth of the Socialist Party, and has in the main merely copied the devious tricks of its parent body.
The communists emphasize a quick and violent overthrow of the existing order to bring about socialism. The socialists emphasize a slow corrosion of the present social order and the percolation of socialistic forms disguised as harmless reforms.
even the most determined opponents of socialism derive from socialist sources their knowledge on most subjects on which they have no first hand information.
Failure to expose the socialistic root behind so much of the sociological claptrap that is enunciated by the so-called intellectuals in this country is mainly responsible for the success of this kind of biased thinking. It must be realized that what are loosely termed intellectuals are only "professional second hand dealers in ideas". 129 The prime manufacturers are generally those of the socialist-communist strategic centers.
Intellectuals are only "second hand dealers" Instead of attacking the intellectuals and ascribing ulterior motives to them, it would be better to ignore these middlemen and strike at the original source of the infection which sets the tone for fashionable thinking in America. Roughly speaking, the climate of opinion in this country goes through the following process: First, the socialist or communist strategic centers create the "line"; it is then handed to the sociological mechanics who give it a semantic cover and pass it on to the intellectuals; then the finished article is sold in popular language to the great mass of American people. To combat socialism and communism effectively we must concentrate on the real culprits.
Webb, in her diary, often states that she and her husband had to chuckle over the manner in which they managed to get conservatives and non-socialists to present socialistic measures.
Sidney has spent quite three weeks on it; but, though we think it of importance, we cannot help regarding it as a practical joke over which we chuckle with considerable satisfaction. Poor Labour Commission, having carefully excluded any competent Socialists from its membership, having scouted the idea of appointing many a humble assistant commissioner will now find a detailed collectivist programme, blazoned about as the minority report of its Labour members! Dear old Leonard [Courtney], who told us with pompous superiority that they were all agreed: and that there was no prospect of any minority report—and we had it lying all the time on our table and had been putting the last touches to it that very morning. Certainly, persons with brains and independent means may have a rare good time . . . ." (Beatrice Webb quoting her personal diary in Our Partnership, p.
Good political detective work will in almost every case lead to the fundamental or left-wing source. Trustees of and most honest scholars in our colleges and universities are slow to realize the nature of the motive forces that have been guiding education in a socialistic direction. They can scarcely believe that much that passes as sociological or "progressive thinking", really represents the tactics, stratagems, and manipulations of those who have a "central faith" called socialism.'
The socialists and communists consider their "faith" as basic and ultimate in nature as was the Christian faith
during the Roman persecutions. However, socialism represents a reactionary retreat from the religion of the early Christians. The latter embraced the entire universe and all that it contains. The leftist mind, however, limits its scope to an abstraction called Man. Ironically their worship of this abstract Man has led to the torture and murder of countless millions of individual men, women and children
In medieval Europe the intellectuals of the day were utilized by their rulers to devise clever and complicated formulas to justify the freezing of feudal society in a static caste system. New ideas were banned and the scholasticism of the period gave the stamp of its approval to persecutions and enslavement. The term "scholasticism" has since become a by-word for intellectual sterility and oppression. Leftist sociology of today is a reactionary reflection of the old medieval scholasticism, but on an even narrower base. A leading sociological textbook admits this relationship: "The proponents of taissez faire and private initiative cannot imagine a society organized otherwise than in terms of private profits and the individual competitive system. But there have been and are societies built on other lines.
period witnessed much regulation; the guilds controlled workmen's time, apprenticeship, compensation and quality of goods; the church forbade usury, unjust price and other devices of exploitation, and the emerging national state threw many regulations around industry and commerce.
socialist-communist underworld has managed to build a tremendous backlog of minds receptive to the new "leftist scholasticism". The new scholasticism uses the catchword "sociological" to spread its influence through colleges, schools, textbooks, academic organizations and government bureaus. Thus, the leftist cliques have at their disposal tens of thousands of educated men and women who occupy the key control centers of society. Some perform their functions consciously but many are unaware of the true source of their opinions and thoughts.
elements are not organized in any formal way. But most colleges, universities, seminaries and graduate schools have been so brain-washed that the minds of their teachers and students are conditioned to be sympathetic to socialistic suggestions and pressures. In fighting the leftist menace it is important to pinpoint the source of the infection and not mistake the symptoms for the disease.
The leftist underworld, to a large extent, is analogous to the Mafia. One authority recently in writing about the Mafia observed: "The basic trouble in dealing with the Mafia is that as a formal organization it simply does not exist. There are no Mafia headquarters, no Mafia offices. The Mafia has no writ-
ten statutes, no lists of members, no fixed rules of leadership. The question of who becomes a Mafia leader is generally an obscure matter of family prestige, influenced by personality and force, and never the result of conscious balloting. "The Mafia can best be defined as a haphazard collection of men and groups, each working independently in local situations but generally cooperating with each other to control in its interests the economic life of a given area. There is thus not just one Mafia but instead an endless network of Mafias." < 32 If one substitutes "leftists" for "Mafia" in the above analysis one can get a pretty good general understanding of the manner in which the socialist-communist underworld operates in academic circles and why it is so difficult to eradicate.
Webb expressed the nature of this process when she wrote: "Collectivism will spread, but it will spread from no one centra Those who sit down and think will, however, mould the form, though they will not set the pace or appear openly as the directors...."
but the legion of socialistic operatives have escaped almost scot-free. This has caused bitterness even among communists. They complain of being forced to face the consequence of their deeds while the socialists not only escape general denunciation, but maintain an aura of respectability, and generally manage to live quite well off the very system they want to destroy. Without the camouflage which "sociology" has given them, the socialists would have been ineffective, and probably would no longer be in existence. In the open, their true intentions would be obvious, even to the most simple minds. It is no accident that "sociology" and "socialism" were both created at the same time and by the same source, i.e., Saint-Simonianism.
Sociology was invented to act as the Judas goat in leading society into the slaughter pens of socialism. One of the last bastions stormed by the socialist forces via sociology is the system of jurisprudence and law which under our Federal Constitution is supposed to guard the ramparts of free society.
Sociological jurisprudence is the magniloquent name bestowed by its originators on the philosophical theory of law which subordinates individual rights to the aggrandizement of the state. It may be more tersely and significantly termed 'socialized law', and we shall generally use the briefer description in this chapter, except when quoting from the progenitors of the new system, which has now become orthodox in American courts, especially in the United States Supreme Court 1
Roscoe Pound, the chief exponent of sociological jurisprudence, admitted that what was intended was actually "socialization of law".
However, he wrote "... if the term 'socialization of law 5 has alarming implications for any of you. . . " and if it sounds "... too suspiciously like dynamite
let us speak of a change from a political or ethical idealistic interpretation to an engineering interpretation. Let us think of the problem of the end of law in terms of a great task or great series of tasks of social engineering."*
from the outset the intent was to create "socialized law". The terms "sociological jurisprudence" and "social engineering" were mere attempts to disguise a left-wing maneuver. The concept of "socialized law" has crept into the very fibre of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court decisions are no longer based on legal precedent and the principles of the Constitution, but on a complicated science called sociological jurisprudence, which we are told is a "social science".
Although this decision greatly helps the criminal underworld, the chief beneficiaries are the subversionists. Communists, socialists and fascists can now carry on without fear of questioning before arraignment. Those engaged in mass violence must be first arraigned on a definite charge, and arraignment requires specific evidence. This new rule makes it almost impossible to organize such evidence before trial.
One indignant Senator complained on the floor of the Senate: "A suspect cannot be questioned before his arrest unless he agrees, and if he is arrested he cannot be questioned afterwards." 6
He also pointed out that the Supreme Court decision is a blow against personal rights: "Innocent persons in great numbers would, of necessity, have to be arraigned and the stigma of a police record placed against them unless there is reasonable time to clear them by interrogation and investigation before arraignment." 7
e also pointed out that the Supreme Court decision is a blow against personal rights: "Innocent persons in great numbers would, of necessity, have to be arraigned and the stigma of a police record placed against them unless there is reasonable time to clear them by interrogation and investigation before arraignment." 7 Obviously, this decision hurts civil liberties, besides fostering crime and strengthening subversion.
The Mallory case directly involved only the interpretation of Federal law. But six years later, Haynes v. Washington, 373 U.S. 503, indicated that the new rule was a requirement of the Constitution, and hence could not be changed by either Congress or State legislatures.
The Court in effect deprived Congressional committees of the right to cite subversives for contempt if they refuse to answer questions. 8 It held that no one could be held in contempt of Congress "if the committee failed to spell out for him the 'pertinence' of its questions and the purpose of the inquiry." ". . . But according to Chief Justice Warren who read the decision, they now have to know what they are going to do and how to do it—and explain it all explicitly to witnesses—before they can get the information they need to decide
That may sound ridiculous to a normal mind, but that's what the Court said." 6 Krushchev and his Kremlin comrades must have had many a chuckle over that one.
On the same "Red Monday", the Supreme Court decided that authorities of the various States have no right to question the beliefs and associations of those teaching in State universities and other state educational institutions. 10 Again, on "Red Monday", the Supreme Court emasculated practically all the anti-subversive laws of the Federal government by taking the position in Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298, that you cannot prosecute conspirators against America until they physically start overthrowing the government. This borders on the ridiculous, since even a child can figure out that if we allowed the subversives to carry on unmolested up to the moment of revolution, then it is already too late to save the nation.
Earlier in the same year, the Supreme Court had decided that communists cannot be tried unless the secret government dossiers are made available to the Reds during the course of their triaL" A month later, it was decided on the basis of that decision, by a lower Federal Court, that even the Communist Party cannot be forced to register as a subversive organization unless it is shown the secret FBI reports on its activities. The impact of these and other decisions not only gives subversives carte blanche for their nefarious activities but in effect gives special privileges to both the Reds and the criminal underworld. Something is very wrong with socialized law.
These decisions were purely 'sociological'. Similarly, the entire maze of decisions that had issued out of the new "liberal" Supreme Court to protect communists, other subversives and criminals may be similarly characterized. All these decisions also shared the doubtful distinction of violating long-
established precedents and principles of American constitutional law.
Socialized law reached its apex in Germany in the Nazi tyranny, and in Italy in the fascist state.
Socialized law expedited bolshevism The socialized law device played a key part in softening up the nations now behind the Iron Curtain for the communist take-over.
"Leon Trotsky, in his brilliant account of the November Revolution, makes it clear that the claim of legality was one of the most important assets of the Soviet revolutionary force."'*
Supreme Court decision of 1954 in the school segregation cases was a landmark in the change from decisions based upon law and precedent to a sociological basis.
Trotsky, one of the main architects of the Bolshevik revolution, also said "A revolutionary party is interested in legal coverings."
Trotsky frankly outlined the plot. The Bolsheviks, he said, had to create the illusion among the common people that "The conspirators—these were the institutions of the official government." Then he observed laconically: "From the pen of revolutionary conspirators this term came as a surprise. . . . "'•* He gave the strategic reason for all this by observing: "The attacking side is almost always interested in seeming on the defensive." 18 He summed up the whole imposture as follows: "It would be a serious mistake to regard all this as juridical hair-splitting of no interest to the people. On the contrary, it was in just this form that the fundamental facts of the revolution reflected themselves in the minds of the masses."' 6 The Bolsheviks, like the Fabian socialist movement, utilized socialized law to pave the way for the revolution. It was a softening-up process which Trotsky frankly admitted was a form of deception. The Bolshevik conspirators managed to make the established government appear as the conspirator against the legal rights of the people. Behind all the semantic obscurities, this trickery is the heart of "sociological jurisprudence".
Roscoe Pound, the former Dean of the Harvard Law School, and pioneer exponent of socialized law, thus described the sociological jurists: "They urge as the basis of its authority the social ends which law serves."'
It must be realized that the pre-revolutionary tactic via socialized law in the aocialist mind applies only to the period before the take-over of power. After the revolution, be it peaceful or violent, comes the naked fist of totalitarianism.
stated that as part "... of the process of social control, the legal order is thought of as a task or a series of tasks in social engineering."
The term "social engineering" is particularly menacing when we realize that the main authority upon which the 1954 school segregation decisions were based was the concept of "social engineering". In An American Dilemma, the Swedish socialist Gunnar Myrdal used the deceptive term "social engineering" as a clever synonym for the socialist control of society. He wrote in the concluding portion of the book: "From the point of view of social science, this means, among other things, that social engineering will increasingly be demanded. Many things that for a long period have been predominantly a matter of individual adjustment will become more and more determined by political decision and public regulation."
Under this banner Myrdal and his host of communist and socialist collaborators worked out a most devious plan for forcing full racial integration upon the American people. The original scheme was to put over left-wing racial integration policies by sly moves which would put the general public off its guard.
it is likely that a rational policy will never work by changing only one factor, least of all if attempted suddenly and with great force."
Ludwig von Mises thus described this type of "social engineer": "He denies to his fellow men the faculty of choosing ends and the means to attain these ends, but at the same time he claims for himself the ability to choose consciously between various methods of scientific procedure. He shifts his ground as soon as it comes to problems of engineering, whether technological or 'social'. He designs plans and policies which cannot be interpreted as merely being automatic reactions to stimuli. He wants to deprive all his fellows of the right to act in order to reserve this privilege for himself alone. He is a virtual dictator.""
Von Mises refers to an article by the well-known leftist social philosopher Horace M. Kallen as an indication of this type of "social engineering". This article said: ". . . there is no such thing as a collective mind: there are only numerous similar responses to the same stimulus by different men, as when a hundred soldiers step out at the word, 'March!'. The 'behavior of crowds' is no more than the sum of the circling of stimulus and response from one individual to another and back again. In this circling consists whatever unity a crowd may have; it is different only in complication, not in principle, from the unity of a subway crowd during the rush hour, or a noon day crowd eating in Childs'. Its behavior and that of all groups must be considered a mechanical formulable resultant of the stimulus—response circle. All social sciences using quantitive methods, statistics and the like, may be said, whether explicitly or not, to rest on this premise. This would be particularly true of education and the economic disciplines. These have developed farthest because both appear more than any others to be instruments of social control."
To unravel the threads of leftist manipulation of jurisprudence is a tortuous and exhausting process. The socialists have used fantastic camouflage in this field. As in all other areas of socialist manipulation, however, the basic aim is clear. Whereas the criminal underworld wants to seize for its own benefit a portion of the wealth of society, the left-wingers have as their aim the seizing of all society. This includes not only all wealth and political power, but also control thorough conditioning and manipulation of the mind and spirit of all mankind. This aim was outlined from the very beginning by Saint-Simon, the father of modern socialism and communism. Fascism and nazism came from the same source. Leftism requires destruction of legal system
From the first left-wingers realized that a fight against any system of society presupposes the destruction of the law of the land. Leftists know that every functioning civilization must have a stable system of jurisprudence. The law protected individuals and their liberties against the various socialist depredations, as well as against crime.
for the past 140 years the courts which make the decisions, the legislatures which frame the laws, and the police who act as watchmen of the law, have always been special objects of hatred to all leftist movements.
Saint-Simon early announced the aim of substituting for the law a system of arbitrary decisions made by appointed administrators.
early socialists also laid the basis for the punitive camps which became the hallmark of the soviet and nazi systems. Saint-Simonian socialists called "... for the transformation of prisons
"According to this classification, the magistrature, from the standpoint of penal law, is divided into three orders, as is also the penal code; and these three orders correspond to the three great social orders, which for us are not monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, but the artists, the scholars, and the industrialists." (The term "industrialists" is used in the sense of today's "factory managers"), p. 190.
early socialists laid the basis for all of the major changes in the law that are advocated by modern day left liberals, including the demand for abolition of the jury system. Leftists from the beginning announced that they intended to do away with the entire legal profession.
"The weapon of criticism cannot in any case replace the criticism of weapons. Material force must be overthrown by material force, but theory too becomes a material force as soon as it grasps weapons."
"Thus there will disappear from the future social state the multitude of archivists and notaries, and that army of fighters, the lawyers, admittedly businessmen, today ceaselessly occupied with maintaining, attacking, and defending rights which will give place to arbitration by the leaders of industry."
Shakespeare ascribes the some thought in blunter words to Jack Cade's follower in 1450: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Henry VI, Second Part, Act IV, Sc. 2.
Modern socialism in its origin was a reaction against the new system of private enterprise and individual freedom—new since the end of the Greek and Roman Republics—which was spreading across Europe in the early 19th century.
Socialism was a nostalgic reaction against the economic convulsions and feverish activity that following the freeing of the individual from the thralldom of the Middle Ages. Socialized law a reactionary concept Today socialists and communists do not like to be reminded of the reactionary origin of their movements.
"The representatives of institutions based on authority, clergymen, nobles, guild masters, romantic thinkers and poets, could not accept ideas and demands and economic practices which were based on individual freedom of judgment and of action—without regard to the church, the State, and the community, and placed egoism and self-interest before subordination, commonalty, and social solidarity. The modem era seemed to them to be built on quicksands, to be chaos, anarchy, or an utterly unmoral and godless outburst of intellectual and economic forces, which must inevitably lead to acute social antagonisms, to extremes of wealth and poverty, and to an universal upheaval. In this frame of mind, the Middle Ages, with its firm order in church, economic and social life, its faith in God, its feudal tenures, its cloisters, its autonomous associations and its guilds, appeared to these thinkers like a well-compacted building, a finely-knit organism, in which every Christian had his place, in which everybody was almost rooted and as a member of his association drew his sustenance from the general soil."
early socialists frankly admitted their descent from the feudal order.
early socialists frankly admitted their descent from the feudal order. We are now accustomed to thinking of socialism as the product of Marx and Engels. Its true authors in Germany and France have been deliberately downgraded or ignored in most histories of the socialist movement.
Mario was pre-occupied with adapting medieval-Germanic Law, or the society based upon the principle of a well-compacted community and vocational subordination, with all its privileges and evils swept away, to modern conditions. Instead of industrial freedom—a rigid order of industry; instead of free competition—the guilds; instead of individuals invested with economic freedom—the organization of the whole economic life, works and industries in economic communities."
This movement also gave birth to the modern labor union system, which obviously in its essence is anything but modern. The demands of the organized craftsmen, according to Beer, were "... dependence on the Guild system, opposition to industrial freedom. . . . "
He upheld the general juridical principle of socialism (which also applies to nazism and fascism):
The state is not to serve the well being of the separate parts or individuals; the latter are to serve the spiritual, moral and economic well being of the state. The essence of this type of thought is a consistent anti-individualism.
W. D. P. Bliss, drew an interesting parallel between the jurisprudence of medieval Nuremberg and modern socialism: "Every Nuremberger, like every medieval man, thought of himself, not as an independent unit, but as a dependent, altho component, part of a large organism, church or empire or city or gild" "The gild did not allow the untrained workman or the mean-spirited trader to cut prices to spoil or steal the market. The gilds measured and weighed and tested all materials, and determined how much each producer could have. The gilds said where materials should be bought. No open market or free trade for them." "But it was not only in economic matters that the gilds held sway. They legislated in the realm of morals and behavior." "The gild laws determined even what the artizan should wear and eat." "The gild system covered the whole domain of life and entered every province."
"As late as 1456 two men were burned alive at Nuremberg for having sold adulterated wines."
Extortion, false measures, adulteration of goods, were abominations in a trading town and punished usually by death."
socialists at one time openly admitted their kinship with the static collectivist social order of the Middle Ages. They conceive of jurisprudence as a modernized version of the cruel and archaic summary procedure of the feudal era. They call this "administrative law"
The principle of personal freedom is now fighting against the same medieval combination of tyranny, ignorance, and arrogance that our ancestors overcame. The sociahst-communist forces behind socialized law not only personify oppressive medieval administrative law but are infinitely more dangerous because modern technology makes the new feudalism far more oppressive than the old.
to deal properly with the relationship of socialism to law, we must restate the problem as it appeared to the socialists. All left-wingers, whether socialists, communists, fascists or nazis are confronted with an established superstructure of law—courts, decisions and legislation. Our civilization in the course of many centuries of bloodshed and sacrifice had evolved a tradition and process of law calculated to protect the rights of the individual against the incursions of government. People often forget that individual rights were wrested only by slow degrees from medieval tyranny. Socialists would have us believe that a return to bureaucracy stands for something new and progressive. Actually it is the oldest form of oppression known to man. The only thing new about contemporary socialists and communists is that they now have at their disposal modern tools of oppression and armament, plus scientific technology, which enable them to torture and brainwash their victims more effectively.
Lassalle and Stocker were direct progenitors of the Hitler movement,
progenitors of the Hitler movement,
American socialists or sociologists were faced with a special legal tradition derived from the English Common Law, reinforced by American constitutional principles. This tradition was first crystallized in the Magna Carta in 1215. The aim was to decentralize the powers vested in the central government, and to safeguard individuals and communities from harassment by the Head of State and his agents. Also, "... it protected every individual of the nation in the free enjoyment of his life, his liberty, and his property, unless declared to be forfeited by the judgment of his peers or the law of the land."
40 The American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution carried on the principles of Magna Carta and the English Common Law. The original impetus of the movement for independence in the American colonies came from the desire of the early Americans to enjoy the same rights as those accorded to Englishmen in the mother country. They then extended these individual rights to a degree unmatched at any time anywhere else in the world. It was this legal heritage of guaranteed individual rights which confronted the socialist pundits with a system directly in conflict with their attempt to socialize society under centralized governmental control.
Marxians in the socialist movements taught that all laws are merely reflectors of the economic means of production, distribution and exchange; those who control the industrial and financial sinews are the ultimate arbiters of what is legal or illegal. 41 Socialists and communists regard the law merely as a class weapon to be used cold bloodedly as an instrument of political warfare.
influential element in American juristic thought. In its earlier form it was an idealistic economic interpretation urged by Hegelians, who regarded the history of law as the unfolding of the economic principle of the satisfaction of the material wants of mankind. In the United States a combination of a mechanical positivism with analytical jurisprudence gave rise to an economic interpretation in which it was urged that all law is made consciously by men who make legal precepts to suit the ends of the dominant social class."
Beatrice Webb, the mother of Fabian socialism, wrote: "My first introduction to the Social Democratic Federation, and the socialism based on 'scientific materialism' which they preached, was an interview with the accomplished daughter of Karl Marx in the spring of 1883." When Miss Beatrice Potter (later Webb) asked Eleanor Marx "What the socialist programme was ....?" Miss Marx replied: "Socialist programme was a deduction from social science, which was the most complicated of all sciences." However, Karl Marx's daughter gave away the game of socialist double-dealing when she also observed, "Ridicule appeals to the people we have to deal with, with much greater force than any amount of serious logical argument."
Basic creed proclaimed by all left-wingers is that the American legal and political system was designed to benefit big business and the rich. But the historical facts directly contradict that thesis. Nowhere in the world has there been so much legal action against trusts, combines and monopolies, and in no other nation has there been a sharper reaction against injustices to the poor and the oppressed.
German leftism poisoned American law
Infiltrated college text books
This socialistic coterie then proceeded to penetrate the textbook publishing outlets.
He was thus able to filter socialistic ideas into almost every college and university in the United States. Among the socialistic personalities who wrote textbooks in this series were British Fabian socialist John A. Hobson, American Fabian socialist Charles Zueblin, Fabian socialist Jane Addams, and Edward Allsworth Ross, the socialist manipulator of jurisprudence
The socialist professors and teachers within the universities not only reflected German socialistic doctrines, but began to be used by British Fabian socialists who saw in America potential raw material for Fabian manipulations.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb toured America and counselled American socialists within the universities on strategy and tactics.
Chief among the problems discussed was that of methods to manipulate and alter the legal structure. Like most socialists, they were attracted by the smell of money and visited the University of Chicago, which had been set up through John D. Rockefeller's millions.
Socialists need decisions unrestrained by precedents or legal principles in order to smooth the way for the taking over of society. Definition of "jurisprudence" was left-slanted It is necessary here to elucidate "jurisprudence" and "sociological jurisprudence" as defined by socialistic sources. The leftist Encyclopedia of Social Sciences states: "It might be best to speak of jurisprudence as the science of the legal order or of the legal ordering of society, including the legal process and also the institutions and the body of authoritative legal materials by which it is carried on."" Leftists naturally are particularly intrigued with the "legal ordering of society" as a function of jurisprudence. "They urge as the basis of its authority the social ends which law serves." 33 Since socialists and communists root their beliefs upon very definite "social ends", this particular concept was naturally made to order for all collectivist thinking.
Thus sociological jurisprudence was a strategic concept on the part of the left-wing. The term "sociological" was a broad vapory emanation of the academic world which somehow managed to acquire an aura of respectability. The general public, including the legal fraternity, did not realize that sociology was largely a left-wing tool used to loosen the thinking of those with higher education. The term "jurisprudence" by ancient tradition meant the philosophy and science of law. Joining the two words together created a symbol which, at the time, disarmed potential critics and permitted leftist manipur lators to insinuate themselves into the highest circles of law and government dressed in seemingly respectable garb. Clothing "sociological jurisprudence" with a scientific mantle has given it a modern look. This also made it possible for the leftist schemers to construct a separate body of supposedly "scientific" conclusions claiming to be more advanced than constitutionalism and legal precedent. By propounding "social aims" as the major criteria, the leaders of sociological jurisprudence were able to discredit and destroy bulwarks of the American legal structure which had been laboriously built up through centuries of accumulated human experience. Contrary to the socialists' propaganda claim that they draw their influence from the "masses", they actually concentrate on a small elite group who occupy key positions in society. Since the new concept of jurisprudence was fashioned by a small clique of leftist sociologists, they had to solve the practical problem of inserting their ideas into the legal profession. After considerable experimentation with a small group of lawyers, jurists, and law teachers, they finally adopted a simple and effective strategy. Socialists in academic institutions had already discovered that by influencing the graduate schools of the various professions one could flood the key control centers of the nation with socialistic ideas. Though the socialists had only a few friends in the legal profession to start with, they proceeded with a similar plan to conquer the field of law.
John Dewey, a key manipulator in the educational field, joined hands with another socialist, Morris R. Cohen, to organize the Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy. Years later Morris Cohen's son boasted that from this conference "... much of the social and philosophical consciousness of modern American jurisprudence derives."
With the aid of Frankfurter and other leftists, Laski spent four years (1916-1920) as a lecturer at Harvard University. There he helped to foster socialistic intrigue within academic circles. As Laski's correspondence with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes shows, his Harvard career was largely devoted to the construction of the new edifice of sociological jurisprudence. He later became world famous when in 1945 "... as chairman of the British Labour Party," he defeated Winston Churchill and his government
Portrait of a Philosopher; Morris R. Cohen, In Life and in Letters, edited by Leonora Cohen Rosenfield, Harcourt Brace, N.Y., 1962, p. 172.
sz Portrait of a Philosopher. Both Dewey and Cohen spent most of their lives in active socialist activity. They were both members of the League for Industrial Democracy (Fabian socialist) and the Rand School of Social Science (American Socialist Society). During the communist-socialist People's Front honeymoon, they belonged to a myriad of communist front groups including the American Friends for Spanish Democracy, the American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature, and in 1934 both contributed to the symposium, The Meaning of Marx. They were both associated for many years with the American Civil Liberties Union. There is no doubt that each was a dedicated socialist up to the day of death, p. 172.
Cohen was a leading member of a socialist college apparatus whose task was to undermine the established basis of the American legal and political system.
" 'It was back in 1913 that Morris R. Cohen shocked the lawyers and law teachers of America with his epoch-making paper on 'The Process of Judicial Legislation.' What he said then supplied the text to which the most valuable work of progressive jurists since that time has been commentary."
" 'The non-legal works that now fill the footnotes of Supreme Court opinions, the increasing reliance upon scientific data in the trial and argument of cases of public interest, and the expanding curricula of our more progressive law schools, all bear witness to the breakdown of the old myth of the self-sufficiency of the law.' "«
Cohen's alter ego in the scheme to convert the American legal system to socialism was Felix Frankfurter, his former Harvard room-mate. Frankfurter was much more skillful than Cohen in the devious art of manipulation. Holmes wrote to Laski on July 30, 1920 that Frankfurter "... has an unimaginable gift of wiggling in whatever he wants to. . . .""
American Civil Liberties Union, clearly a socialist front, has successfully masqueraded as an impartial body interested only in justice for alL
Cohen was completely devoted to the socialist cause and also thoroughly schooled in the devious art of left-wing duplicity. He was recognized as an authority on sociological jurisprudence by the entire leftist underworld,—communist, socialist and Fabian.
Frankfurter's leftist "wiggling"
After leaving the War Department, Frankfurter resumed his law professorship at Harvard, where he promptly joined hands with a group of socialists along with a few communists and formed the American Civil Liberties Union. Every single founding member of this body had a record of associations with either the socialist or the communist movement. It is an amazing fact that from its inception the
Frankfurter and his cohorts busily spread ACLU's principles of socialized law throughout the American legal structure. During the same period, Frankfurter represented the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 69 which was another socialist front, organized and masterminded by white socialists. Later, Frankfurter sat on the Supreme Court and participated in decisions in favor of both the NAACP and ACLU, just as if he had never had any previous personal interest or bias in the matter. Such insensitiveness to professional standards of ethics had no precedent in American jurisprudenca Theodore Roosevelt unmasked Frankfurter
Frankfurter was extremely clever in covering up his socialistic activities. But Theodore Roosevelt, whom he asked to intercede on behalf of some jailed Reds, unmasked him curtly: "... you have taken, and are taking on behalf of the Administration an attitude which seems to me to be fundamentally that of Trotsky and the other Bolsheviki leaders in Russia; an attitude which may be fraught with mischief to this country. . . . Here again you are engaged in excusing men precisely like the Bolsheviki in Russia, who are murderers and en-couragers of murder, who are traitors to their allies, to democracy, and to civilization, as well as to the United States, and whose acts are nevertheless apologized for on grounds, my dear Mr. Frankfurter, substantially like those which you allege. " 70 Frankfurter was a main factor in the recognition of the Soviet regime by the United States Government, having been naturally sympathetic, like most socialists, toward the Bolshevik Revolution. 71 Diplomatic recognition advanced the Soviet cause and facilitated both espionage and subversion. With the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frankfurter skyrocketed politically.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, who before his nomination for the Presidency, is reported to have told Frankfurter, "You ought to be on the highest court in the land." 72 Under the New Deal, Frankfurter planted scores of his former students in various government departments. Some he sent to be law clerks to Supreme Court Justices Holmes and Brandeis, and to various other Federal judges. 73 Frankfurter sponsored Alger Hiss
Hiss "... was made secretary to the great Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes on the recommendation of Frankfurter."
Hiss, already conditioned for socialism by his professors, began to attend lectures at the Rand School for Social Science. The Rand School was a training school for revolutionaries operated by the American Socialist Society.
Pressman and Hiss operated within the Red haze of the leftist political underworld.
the list of Harvard alumni accused of spying for the Reds largely duplicated the roster of Felix Frankfurter's proteges.
Frankfurter neglected to inform his readers that G. D. H. Cole had been president of the Fabian Socialist Society and that Strachey was the chief theoretical exponent of Fabian socialism for Britain and America.
Hindsight permits us to rephrase this sententious warning in simpler language as a boast that the reconstructed (packed) Court in its collective (or collectivist) wisdom would amend the Constitution from time to time, to incorporate in it the principles of socialized law.
"Roscoe Pound has been the leader in this reorientation of the law, which he has called the sociological theory of jurisprudence. He attributes the inspiration of his theories in large measure to his contacts with George E. Howard, E. A. Ross and A. W. Small, but the general trend of the time towards synthesis has also been largely responsible for this new humanistic emphasis in law.
The admission that Pound's sociological jurisprudence came from his contacts with Howard, Ross and Small is startlingly revealing. This same group of sociologists expressed the views not only of American but of British and German socialism
early in the game, when America was still in the horse-and-buggy age, socialists in academic circles were already at work on a long-range program to pervert and exploit the legal system. The thesis advocated by Pound was "... that the lawyer as well as the law must become increasingly informed and molded by the other sciences, and especially by the social sciences." 80 Sociological jurisprudence, fathered by Ross, Small and Ward and fronted by Pound at Harvard, eventually infiltrated almost
all the law schools in the United States, and thence permeated the entire political and social fibre of the United States.
"It is a great job that has to be done—to evolve a constructive jurisprudence going hand in hand with the pretty thoroughgoing overtiming that we are in for."
The problems ahead are economic and sociological, and the added adjustments of a government under a written constitution, steeped in legalistic traditions,
to the assumption of the right solution of such problems. To an important degree therefore, the problems are problems of jurisprudence—not only the shaping of a jurisprudence to meet the social and industrial needs of the time, but the great procedural problems of administration and legislation, because of the inevitable link between law and legislation, the lawyer's natural relation to these issues, the close connection between all legislation and constitutional law, and the traditional, easily accountable dominance of the lawyer in our public affairs. In the synthesis of thinking that must shape the Great State, the lawyer is in many ways the coordinator, the mediator, between the various social sciences." 09 To Frankfurter and his socialist friends at the time the "constant source of thought for the guidance of public men and the education of public opinion, as well as a source of trained men for public life" was socialism. His insistence that the lawyer must be "the mediator between the various social sciences" shows that by 1913 the socialists were preparing to take over the legal structure Shrewd schemers exploit a naive leftist In 1940, Pound was awarded the American Bar Association medal for "conspicuous service to the cause of American jurisprudence." 90 Dean Pound was probably not aware of much of the academic infighting
The same textbook admits that sociological jurisprudence is socialistic in character and in order to prove it quotes Roscoe Pound as the authority:
he was not considered a part of the socialist inner circle by his manipulators, who treated him merely as a pliable instrument with which to put over socialized law under the label of 'sociological jurisprudence'.
Experience with the initiative and referendum and recall in some of our western states, which are finding to their surprise that the professional politician can use these weapons quite as effectively as the reformers, indicates what is likely to happen with our boards and special commissions as politicians learn to use them. I think we ought to be careful not to be like the end in the football game who loses sight of the ball in his mad endeavor to tackle somebody."
With all the elaborate superstructure of deception within deception that covers the various layers of socialized law, it is difficult to pinpoint the specific socialistic nerve center of the entire process. However, among socialists themselves, there is no need for the same elaborate camouflage they find necessary to use in public. Second generation socialists give away the game Thus while all the accumulated skills of 100 years of socialist tactics have been utilized subtly and secretly to subvert the legal
order, the socialists had to expose their inner motives in passing on their underlying strategy to a new generation. We observed previously that in history Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a second generation socialist, gave away the inner workings of socialist machinations in an article "THE FUTURE OF SOCIALISM: The Perspective Now". 98 In the field of sociological jurisprudence Felix Cohen, the son of Professor Morris R. Cohen, also published some unguarded directives meant for socialists only. He gave a clear and forceful account of the basic left-wing motives behind all the verbiage in sociological jurisprudence.
Cohen was completely devoted to the socialist cause and also thoroughly schooled in the devious art of left-wing duplicity. He was recognized as an authority on sociological jurisprudence by the entire leftist underworld,—communist, socialist and Fabian. With his father's aid he further managed to sell himself as a "liberal" to Holmes, Cardozo and Brandeis.
Partisan Review, May-June, 1947, pp. 229-242 (A leftist trade journal which has spanned the entire spectrum of the left-wing movement during its existence, ranging from extreme communism to the most respectable type of creeping socialism).
He personified what has become the legal philosophy of the majority of the United States Supreme Court today. Fortunately, there is a record of Felix Cohen's writings, ranging from sugar-coated and well-camouflaged utterances (before law societies and in law journals) to a series of articles baring his socialist underpinnings. Attack law in revolutionary move To his fellow socialists Felix Cohen openly proclaimed: "It is impossible to attempt the overthrow of capitalism as an economic system without at the same time attacking the substance of capitalist law."
The ideals of equality, liberty, and democracy which capitalist courts and
legislators have proclaimed will offer a perfect base for socialist attack upon the legal foundations of capitalism." 101 "Destroy existing law .. .in the name of law itself" Here Cohen revealed the motivation behind socialized law and of the leftists who foisted sociological jurisprudence upon the public under a scientific guise. Felix Cohen continued: "Socialists can learn from their adversaries that it is always possible to attack existing law, and, if the power is available, to destroy existing law, in the name of democracy, justice, and liberty, in the name of the great ideals of the American Constitution, and in the name of law itself."' 02 This is the double standard under which the founders of socialized law and their bold pupils on the Supreme Court have misused the constitutional guarantees as weapons to destroy the Constitution itself.
"It would be instructive to consider what transformations a Socialist Supreme Court could work in American law by utilizing the tactics of capitalist judges." * * * "There is probably no part of the law or the constitution
which the Supreme Court could not demolish, if the need arose, in the name of the constitution itself." '°
Leftism served raw to radicals but sugar coated to others In advising his fellow socialists, Felix Cohen gave them an unvarnished picture of the left-wing subversive intentions. However, he and his readers understood that they must administer only sugar-coated propaganda to the general public, including lawyers and jurists. For example, only a few months after penning his revolutionary advice to socialists and communists, Felix Cohen addressed the class of 1936 at the New York University School of Law as a harmless professor and theoretician:
The hidden socialist program was cleverly camouflaged by calling government a "process of barpain-ing". He pictured the law court as a mere market place. Leftists admire Nazi skill in exploiting legality Felix Cohen pointed out the Nazi experience as an object lesson in the seduction of the forces of law: "At no point in the Nazi march to power did the German masses as a whole feel that any procedure of constitutional government was being violated. The Weimar Constitution was destroyed according to its own recipes. The death of political democracy was celebrated by plebiscites carried through within the forms of political democracy." 106 Cohen cleverly emphasized occasional flagrant abuses in American legal history as if it were typical of capitalistic legal procedure. He then used these exceptions to justify socialist perversions of law. He drew lessons for the left-wing not only from the Nazis, but also from those in our society who try to bend the law to their own selfish ends: "What is important about these examples of capitalist use of the myth of legality is that they show conclusively the disparity between the form of the law, impartial, classless, and eternal, and the changing class content of the law, and thus indicate that a revolutionary interpretation of existing legal forms is possible. "Accepting the forms and symbols of the law and the Constitution but substituting a socialist for a capitalist class content, a revolutionary party can attack the whole substance of capitalist oppression, in terms of these very symbols, as illegal and unconstitutional, and defend as legal and constitutional every act which circumstances make it expedient for the revolutionary forces to undertake."
Bolshevik Revolution as example of socialized law He held up the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 as a good example of taking power illegally in the name of legality: "If, then, even in the Russia of November 1917, practical revolutionaries found it necessary to appeal to the forms of legality and constitutionality in order to lead a successful insurrection, how much more obvious is the possibility of appealing to the forms and ideals of American law and American constitutional principles in leading the masses to the Second American Revolution. For in the masses of the American public, even more than in the Russian populace of 1917, are imprinted faith and pride in the established symbols of democracy, hallowed by the blood of American workers in revolution and civil war, faith and pride in the established forms of popular government, in the traditional political ideals of liberty and equality. About such symbols, forms and ideals there cluster human loyalties so powerful that neither the judges of the United States Supreme Court nor the leaders of the Russian Bolshevik Party can lead a successful assault that established legal institutions without appealing to these loyalties by making out a plausible claim of legality for the attack on law." ,OB The above quotation is the strategic essence of American socialized law. Lenin was a lawyer Interestingly, Nicolai Lenin, the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution studied law under the Czarist regime. It was there that he was exposed to the Marxist dogma. He first began his revolutionary activities while absorbing what, in effect, was 'socialized law*. This prepared Lenin for his future role as communist dictator. Actually, Lenin practiced law for several years in Russia. 'Socialized law' was thus a major factor in softening up the Russian nation for the eventual Bolshevik tyranny.' 09 Left-wingers in private have always despised democratic principles. They utilize slogans like "civil liberties" as "battle-cries for American socialism",
Today, when the judicial, and executive branches of our Federal government are controlled by leftists, state's rights advocates are naturally attacked as ultra-conservative and reactionary. However, the socialists and communists have always conceived of the posibility of utilizing the sentiment for state's rights for their own purposes.
Long before the forces of socialism are able to secure such power, they must have attained power in the more advanced states of the union, as they have already attained some degree of power in a few towns and cities."" 0 The inroads of leftism in New York City, Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago show that this policy has been energetically pursued on a sectional basis.
This decision, which seemed to line up the American Constitution with atheistic communism, aroused the most intense and widespread indignation, but the Supreme Court was unmoved,
Revolutionaries are not wedded to any set form of political control. Their main objective is to gain control of society. To this end they will exploit any agency, be it local, state or national in form. After the revolutionary forces are in power, they intend of course to consolidate permanent control through a monolithic central government on a national and international level. Felix Cohen in dealing with the "state's rights" tactic brings out the significant fact that "... one of the first tasks of a socialist state will be to make sure that it has a reliable state militia." 1 " This is a clear implication that these masters of socialized law have the idea of organized violence in the back of their minds.
Socialized law a prelude for total take-over Among themselves socialists and communists consider the law as a fundamentally capitalistic symbol, which they plan to exploit and to eliminate. They hope to fool the American people with the semblance of socialized law until they can consolidate their power, meantime steadily transforming the Constitution from its original purpose of guarding individual freedom into an irresistible instrument of oppression. Cohen makes this obvious when he states: "The appeal to legality can serve a revolutionary purpose only if it is linked with a clear recognition that the legal and constitutional ideals invoked are opposed to the actual substance of capitalist law, that every moral principle which the law purports to defend is violated, again and again, in the name of the law itself. The revolutionary claim of legality can be substantiated only by exposing the hypocrisy of capitalist legality. Revolution can assume a defensive posture only by convicting the forces of capitalism of offensive measures against the law and the Constitution.""
Leftists are told that the forces striving to maintain the traditions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are to be publicly vilified as enemies of the very principles for which they stand. Here again we have the double think, outlined in Orwell's frightening novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Cohen wrote: "There is no choice between legal means to power and illegal means to power. All effective means to power will be denounced as illegal by those whose vested interests are threatened, and defended as legal by the revolutionary forces, if these forces are led by practical revolutionaries and not by incurable romantics. The question of legality will be decided not in party conferences before the revolution, but after the fact. If the revolution is successful, the revolution claim of legality turns out to be correct."" 3 Socialists say: "might is right"
socialist claim that "the question of legality" will be decided "after the fact" of the revolution. The frank admission by leftist strategists that they are not guided by the fine points of legality but are willing to use all means to bring about socialist control reveals the true motivation of socialized law. As Felix Cohen explained to his colleagues, no question or doubt will remain after the socialists take over, since all rights of appeal or redress will have ended.
"All political questions, all matters of right, are at the bottom only questions of might"." 4 The motives behind socialized law are exposed by Cohen's statement that "recognizing that every step towards power will be met by a constitutional challenge, a revolutionary party must be prepared to make its own constitutional law."" 5 In other words, novel doctrines which parade as "sociological decisions" are, in effect, the new left-wing constitutional law.
"Socialism and the Myth of Legality"
The theoretical claim of constitutionality is relevant only insofar as it is itself a potent factor in organizing this will and this power and disorganizing the opposing class forces."" 8 Socialized constitutional law is strictly a "disorganizing" tactic, designed to undermine our present social order and prepare it for the socialist take-over. After the revolution, there will be no problem of socialized or any other kind of law, since decisions then will be made strictly on the basis of socialistic fiat, as is now the case in the countries enslaved by the Soviet:
socialized law is merely one of the new weapons used to point law "in a new direction". The infiltration of the Supreme Court and the intimidation of the legal profession into accepting a socialist orientation prove the extent of left-wing success.
A socialist quotes the Scriptures Cohen's revolutionary writings meant for the initiated are a windfall to those interested in unearthing the true motives behind the slippery twists and turns of socialized law. To the public at large he showed an entirely different face. In addressing Catholic law schools, he even quoted Scripture: "Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger as for the homeborn: For I am the
Lord your God."" 9 He concluded his sugar-coated socialistic mes-age by mentioning the religion of Rome and the vision at Mt. Sinai, and citing the traditions of St. Thomas. But in writing for socialists he wrote about the need to "create a revolutionary morality" and he used as an example of this new morality "the purposeful industrialization of Russia under Soviet rule". 120 In addressing left-wingers he took an openly atheistic stance. He explained that socialism had the task of, 'Redefining the moral virtues and vices, it replaces the heroes, saints, and gods of the past with new exemplars of the good life, as in Russia, for instance, the figure of Christ, who deals with all things in an intimate and personal way, has been replaced by the figure of Lenin, the exponent of statistical morality".'*' Law leaders endorse a revolutionary
"Socialism, as the fulfillment of democracy, offers all men the power out of which moral responsibility is born. . . . Redefining the moral virtues and vices, it replaces the heroes, saints, and gods of the past with new exemplars of the good life, as in Russia. ..." "The task of laughing down the provincialities of contemporary class culture, of breaking the control of art by monopolistic groups, of liberating taste and enjoyment from the slavery of pecuniary and competitive canons, of exposing the provincial
123 ibid., p. xiii. 124 ibid., pp. xv., xvi. ethical assumptions that bar the road to useful thought in the fields of economics, jurisprudence, and sociology, of liberating human imaginations so that men may see through complex economic and political structures to the joy or suffering they create, of dramatizing the institutions of society so that they evoke the forces of love and hate which have been traditionally directed towards personalities, of widening human loyalties to the point where one may look to his own future impersonally and find in a social ideal inspiring patterns of life, these are not tasks for the Sunday School moralists of the individualist tradition. In these tasks every realm of human culture must make its revolutionary contribution."
The socialist tactic was to make the Supreme Court of that time appear as a mere agency of the capitalist class, just as Beard's book was an attempt to paint the founding fathers as mere reflectors of selfish economic interests. The socialist strategy was to subvert the Supreme Court through socialized law.
Those who finally get on the Supreme Court bench are held to be, by some sort of occult selective process,
The law is what the Court declares it to be, no more, no less."' 30 Socialism by "judicial coup d'etat"
"Under the Constitution, Congress has therefore the power and in my opinion the duty, to impeach and remove from office any judge who violates the Constitution by presuming to nullify a law duly passed by Congress and approved by the President."' 32 He added: "A Socialist or Communist Party could do no less. A true liberal should advocate no less.... " ,3a The same groups with typical hypocrisy, hold up their hands in horror when Robert Welch, of the John Birch Society, advocates impeachment as a means of purging the Supreme Court. The left-wing strategists never stop at mere theorizing. Following Karl Marx's dictum, they convert every theory into a weaponof practical force. Their conquest of the Supreme Court is a case in point.
Thus the forces of socialized law became rooted in Harvard and the long journey to gain control of the Supreme Court began. The policy of encirclement of Justice Holmes and other Supreme Court members by a swarm of left-wingers, posing as harmless liberals, was masterminded by Frankfurter over fifty years ago.
Holmes was not the only target of the left wing. Theodore Roosevelt was also subjected to the same pressures largely by the same people. We have noted before that Theodore Roosevelt eventually saw through the leftist trickery and denounced Frankfurter for taking "... an attitude which seems to me to be fundamentally that of Trotsky and the Bolsheviki leaders in Russia. . . . Here again you are engaged in excusing men . . . who are murderers and encouragers of murder..." uo Books used as an "ideological curtain" Frankfurter, Morris Cohen, Laski and their cohorts obviously moved in concert on Justice Holmes. Since Holmes was an omni-verous reader and an enthusiast for new ideas, Laski steered him to the works of the leftist founders of socialized law,—Albion Small, E. A. Ross, Lester F. Ward, Thorstein Veblen and John Dewey, each fanatically wedded to the socialist ideal.
Holmes' naivete appears in this admission to Laski: "... John Dewey—whom I have supposed myself bound to revere, and I have revered, but have not read—except in matter of no great moment or impressive-ness."
Holmes showed his susceptibility to this treatment in a letter to Laski about John Dewey's book Experience and Nature:
If John Dewey could pull the wool over the eyes of a sharp observer like Holmes it is no wonder that two generations swallowed the Dewey method of education. Socialized law thrived because Dewey was able to camouflage his socialist beliefs in "quasi-aesthetic" garb, while neglecting to inform his readers and auditors that he was a chief architect of socialism in America.
Laski, Morris Cohen and Frankfurter popularized countless leftists books through testimonials solicited from Holmes and others. Holmes indicated repeatedly that although he did not have time to read all the suggested books he took it for granted that they must have merit since they were recommended by such profound thinkers as the three mentioned above. Holmes and his fellow-dupes seemed completely unaware of socialistic premeditation in the infiltrating process in America and England. Holmes considered each socialist as an independent individual, and thus overlooked the menace of the organized plot-rings of a socialist caucus. Holmes refused to go all the way However, whenever Laski tried to push Holmes openly into a socialist position he received a prompt rebuke. Time and again,
When Laski authored a Fabian socialist tract entitled Socialism and Freedom '•" and solicited an opinion, Holmes replied: ".. . . I have read your book and it does not command my sympathy. ..." "But just as I said the other day that I take no stock in abstract rights, I equally fail to respect the passion for equality. I think it an ignoble aspiration which only culminates in the statement of one of your Frenchmen that inequality of talents was an injustice. I do not presume to think that even if I am right your book may not be a benefit to the world—but, in its immediate effect to encourage what I think mistaken views and desires, I feel sorry. If, as you say, the alternative is the ruin of civilization I think that more likely to come—but I do not accept any prophecy with confidence. The unforeseen is generally what happens." 14 '' 1 Holmes realized that Frankfurter and Laski were busy manipulators who cultivated important people socially as a means of acquiring influence. He once wrote to Laski:
Holmes to Laski, Aug. 1, 1925. Laski replied "Agreement I don't expect, for I have convictions built on faith while you (forgive me!) have doubts built on fears.
This letter contradicts the general impression that Laski was not a Bolshevik sympathizer. He not only sympathized with the Soviets but implied that violence ("a hell of a row") would necessarily precede the socialist takeover.
Leftists whether in the NAACP, CORE and ACLU or other socialist created bodies are opposed to reasonable solutions under our present American system. Their main goal is to cause a breakdown of society through disturbances and inflamed hatreds so they can more easily take control for socialism. This is why leftists generally laud the destructive Reconstruction policies that almost ruined the South after the Civil War.
"The present decision concededly changes the interpretation accepted in practice by the whole country for nearly a century,
and approved in principle by the leading jurists of the last sixty years."
Frankfurter, who was charged with pushing the Negro issue into the background, now emerges as the hero of the day among both the leftists and the duped Negro masses.
It was not till after 1939, when Frankfurter was appointed by F. D. Roosevelt to the Supreme Court, that socialized law began to dictate that Court's decisions. Frankfurter, as the supreme expounder of leftist views, managed expertly, in time, to indoctrinate a sufficient number of Supreme Court Justices to grind out decisions based upon sociology rather than American law.
The same source states that Eleanor Roosevelt ". . . knew the Webbs, met them both in London and in the States. . . ." ,B3 The Roosevelts' support helped Frankfurter to whip other members of the Supreme Court into lina
American institutions as important as British ones, and talked more of the Supreme Court than of Aristotle." ,M The history of Fabian socialist permeation of the Supreme Court is the key to the succession of strange decisions that have emanated from that body in the past 25 years to the confusion and amazement of the American people. Originally socialized law had slight impact upon the American legal profession, whose fundamental philosophy was based on certain basic individual rights. Socialized law treated the individual as of little importance and allocated rights mainly to certain favored groups within the population.
The Supreme Court has now reversed the emphasis of fundamental American law. It now dispenses special rights to leftist agencies.
Leftists favored both in groups and as individuals On the reverse side of the coin, strategists of socialized law utilize the symbol of individual rights, sometimes through criminal cases, to furnish collective protection for the entire subversive movement in this country. Thus both the principle of "individual rights" and the principle of "mass rights" are simultaneously exploited by the left wing.
John Dewey, Morris Cohen, Felix Frankfurter and Harold J. Laski.' SB By the end of World War I a whole spate of socialist and communist legal fronts had been created. These not only busied themselves with defending subversives under arrest but also concentrated on organizing the legal profession. By that time several classes of young lawyers were already indoctrinated through Frankfurter, Pound and Morris Cohen. ACLU as a socialist creation Frankfurter organized the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1920, in company with Morris Hillquit (head of the American Socialist Party), Laski, Roger N. Baldwin, Jane Addams, Harry F. Ward, A. J. Muste, Scott Nearing and Norman Thomas. This organization was a socialist front pure and simple.
they would be officially recognized by Lenin's Communist International, and were trying to coalesce all leftist forces into one political movement.' 56
While Frankfurter was sitting in the key councils of the American Civil Liberties Union it drew up a platform to protect those advocating violent overthrow of our form of government, which stated: "The advocacy of murder, unaccompanied by any act, is within the legitimate scope of free speech." It also expressed belief "... in the right of persons to advocate 'the overthrow of government by force and violence, . . '." ,6 ° Thirty-seven years later, the United States Supreme Court endorsed these theories in Gates v. United States, 354 U. S. 298, in a decision regarding communist advocacy of murder and violence. Roger N. Baldwin, director of ACLU had in private correspondence stressed the importance of camouflaging socialist activities: "We want to, also, look like patriots in everything we do." He also described the strategy of socialized law when he stated that it was necessary "to show that we are the fellows that really stand for the spirit of our institutions."
the Socialist party by majority vote has declared its adherence to the Third Moscow Internationa]."
The International Labor Defense (ILD) was the American section of the International Red Aid, a Kremlin legal strategy apparatus located in Moscow.' 6S
The International Juridical Association was a chief source of propaganda speaking the language of sociological jurisprudence. It included outstanding proponents of socialized law like Whitney North Seymour and George Soule. 166 The International Juridical Association furnished skillfully designed legal packages for use by leftist attorneys. There was a continuous liaison between ACLU (socialist) and the International Juridical Association (communist controlled), the International Labor Defense (Kremlin directed) and the National Lawyers Guild (pro-communist).
Soviet spying via socialized law
The manipulative skill exhibited by the left-wing underworld in putting over its ideas in legislation and court decisions is almost incredible. Today, socialist jurisprudence has penetrated supposedly educated thinking so deeply that the process of undermining the established legal and political structure proceeds almost automatically. Thousands in key positions in our society actually believe that these ideas are their own. They are unaware that this direction of their thinking began at educational institutions and is constantly accelerated by slanted reading matter.
"The most telling effects are produced, not by stating his own" (the writer's) "conclusions as strongly as possible, but by skillfully inducing his readers to reach those conclusions by what they regard as their own mental processes. That is, if the readers think that the convictions which they have reached are their own, and were not forced upon them, their interest is likely to be much deeper and more lasting." ,73 Sociological jurisprudence is the logical terminal point in an analysis of the social pseudo-sciences. It serves as the focal tie-in of all the socialists' devices for bringing themselves into power. They re-write history to justify socialized law. Their interpretations of economics also lends an aura of inevitability to revolutionary legal manipulation. Social anthropology furnished the basic theme that all men and all races are potentially alike, and that only a change in the political and legal structure is needed to give birth to the socialist man. Sociology for more than 75 years was stage-set for sociological jurisprudence, which was created not by the legal profession but by leftists in American universities who packaged European socialistic tendencies for the American market. Communists and socialists alike realize that they can best achieve their final triumph, whether peaceful or violent, with the aid of judicial decisions and legislation.
he called the sly and sugar-coated spreading of socialistic ideas ". . . the Fabianiza-tion of American Socialism."
their subtlety and deception represent an even greater menace. Quietly infiltrating the teaching profession, the colleges, the publishing industry and the information media, the socialists have long been nudging the American people towards the collecti-
vist goal. Filling the air with cries of "racists" and "bigots", the socialist-communist amalgam has managed to lure attention away from their deadly racial instigations. We have the incongruous situation wherein the main victims of racial assaults are themselves labelled as "prejudiced". Leftist legal schemers have cleverly divorced the two principles of 'rights' and 'responsibilities'. Rights seem to be ladled out without any expectation of the individual and community responsibility which has traditionally been demanded of all citizens. Without responsibility the exercise of rights can only bring about anarchy. This is the bitter fruit of legal decisions based upon "socialized law".
The trickery and dishonesty employed by the prime movers of the 1954 school desegregation decision is almost beyond belief. Dr. Alfred H. Kelly, one of the key strategists to put over that decision, boastfully told an audience:
quietly ignoring facts, and above all interpreting facts in a way to do what [Thurgood] Marshall said we had to do— 'get by those boys down there'." "■ Actually, the above can be applied as a definition of socialist manipulation through all the social sciences and especially the one they call "sociological jurisprudence". One would expect that normally such devious and dishonest manipulation of the nation's law would result in severe punishment of those responsible.
Conversely, not only were the schemers not punished but Thurgood Marshall was made a judge of the Federal bench. Ironically, although members of the Supreme Court did the bidding of the NAACP and CORE, they were referred to, not according to the dignity of their office, but instead, as "those boys down there".
In fighting subversion, Americans have been almost exclusively preoccupied with the menace of communism, regarding the socialist moves as harmless and of no great significance. This misjudgment might prove fatal. We must heed Eastman's warning in the opening sentence of an epochal book: "Almost everyone who cares earnestly about freedom is aroused against the Communists. But it is not only the communists, it is in a more subtle way the socialists who are blocking the efforts of the free world to recover its poise and its once-firm resistance to tyranny."
So subtle and insidious has been the socialist approach, that their apparatus is largely financed by the very people that they are out to destroy. Their activities are made possible by contributions from business and financial leaders and they receive political support as well as tremendous sums of money from labor unions whose members they will enslave if full socialism ever comes to pass. Leaders both in business and in labor act like the Gadarene swine, rushing to destruction as if possessed by devils.
the greatest difficulties in diagnosing cancer is the fact that its symptoms are often deceiving and assume many forms. Socialism likewise is reflected by many symptoms. Perversion of law through our courts; treason in government; corruption and graft to attain power and wealth; mob rule in our streets; corrupting the clergy and the pulpit as political agents for leftist atheism; and the steady erosion of the morals of our youth is symptomatic of the insidious influence of leftist manipulators The American people have recognized and attacked the communist and fascist menace. However, little cognizance has been taken of the fact that they are both socialist manifestations. Americans have not yet realized that the basic factor of the disease is based on the infection spread by a leftist political underworld.
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